"Don't hurry up and notify? We'll leave immediately..."

Tianchan Buddha's eyes stared, and he ordered impatiently.

"Yes, Buddha!"

Chapter 471 Kill the Roman nobles! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Yes, Buddha!"

When the monk heard the words, he had nothing to say, put his hands together, and left.

On the battlefield in the distance, seeing the defeat of the Roman army, Ying Zheng immediately took the Guan Ning Iron Cavalry across the battlefield, killing countless people.

"Yu Linwei, block the four city gates, and don't let one person go!"

Ying Zheng stood on top of the dragon-patterned black iron chariot and spoke indifferently.

He didn't capture Rome to get an empty city. This time, he wanted to wipe out all the high-rises of the Roman Empire!


When Yu Linwei heard the words, he immediately agreed.

Soon, countless black armored knights ran away, and the four gates of Rome were immediately blocked.

This made a group of Roman elders and many nobles who were busy transferring property immediately regretted to the point of collapse. If they were not greedy for money, they would have left the city long ago!

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine for them in this world!

Three thousand feathered forest guards blocked the city gate, and the Shenji Battalion searched for defeated Roman soldiers in the city of Rome like a wolf like a tiger.

Soon, on the Roman Forum, a full [-] soldiers, as well as tens of thousands of high-level nobles of the Roman Empire and others were gathered!

"Your Majesty, this time our army has defeated [-] Roman troops, captured [-] prisoners, and killed [-] enemies! There are also [-] Roman veterans and nobles and their families..."

"How about self-injury?"

Ying Zheng sat on the black dragon chair and spoke suddenly.

"The Yulin Guards suffered seven casualties, the Shenji Battalion suffered eleven serious injuries and three casualties, and the Guan Ning Cavalry had no casualties!"

Meng Tian said with a sad expression.

Ying Zheng had expected it in his heart, and was not surprised by such a result!

Although the Daqin soldiers are powerful, but this time they went deep into the enemy's cave, which is comparable to taking chestnuts from fire, and it is inevitable that there will be any damage in battle!

However, to be able to fight and the world will be settled, it can be regarded as a gain!

"'"Your Majesty, how should those Roman elders and nobles be dealt with?"

"Kill them all! Destroy the nine clans..."

Ying Zheng spoke indifferently.


Meng Tian was not surprised at all, these people dared to deceive the First Emperor and kill the nine clans is the doomed result!

"Why? You Qin people don't talk about human rights! Why kill us?"

"I'm a nobleman, I ask for redemption..."

"I am the elder of the Roman Empire, and I want to see your emperor, His Majesty..."


So, amid the unwilling and resentful cries of the Roman nobles, Qin soldiers drove them into the pit they dug themselves, and then quickly buried them!

"Zhentian City is still under construction, this is far from enough!"

"The [-] troops captured this time were all demoted to slaves and escorted to Zhentian City, and they were used to build the city!"

"I want to build Zhentian City into a divine city in the Western Continent!"

Ying Zheng, dressed in a black dragon robe (Zhao Zhao's), sat on the dragon chair, looked indifferently at Meng Tian, ​​who was kneeling on one knee below, and gave an order.

"Also, the city of Rome is the largest city in the western continent, and it is also the richest city. This time we conquer Rome, and we don't want all Romans to become slaves!"

"However, I want to take away all the wealth of this city!"

"Tell them that everyone in the city is now the prisoner of my Daqin. If you want to survive, the commoners hand over ten gold coins, the knights one hundred, and the nobles increase tenfold for each level of the title..."


Meng Tian answered the promise loudly, bowed his hands respectfully, and walked away.

Soon the Romans in the city felt the desolation of defeat.

"These goddamn devils, you didn't take my gold coins, you took my soul!"

"If you insist on taking my money, please take my life with you..."

"My gold coin...".

Chapter 472: Wutan City Massacre

The wealthy Roman nobles were all killed, and the remaining commoners and wealthy classes were also exploited by the Qin army because of the poll tax.

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