"Bastard! How dare you offend me?"

The seventh elder's face was gloomy, and killing intent emerged in his eyes. Suddenly, his figure flashed, and a short sword appeared in his hand, and he stabbed the Qin army soldier.

"Good come!"

The Qin army officer laughed loudly, threw the Qin crossbow away, drew the long sword from his waist, and the two immediately fought together.



The two trembled, but the seventh elder became more and more frightened.

No wonder this Qin army soldier is so bold and dares to provoke himself!

Unexpectedly, this person has the strength of a quasi-high-level knight!

A high-ranking knight, his dignified Abraham family has only five members!

With such skills, this person must not be an unknown person, perhaps a certain general of the Qin army, the 327th Army!

The seventh elder had the intention of retreating. It was getting late at this time. If he was fighting with the other party, he would be difficult to escape.

"Hey! Lao Niu, you're picking up a big fish again!"

However, at this moment, a Yulin guard noticed the situation here, and immediately joined the fray with a loud laugh.

"Fuck you, get out of here, this old man is mine!"

Qin Jun, surnamed Niu, was immediately furious. If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't be distracted by the fight against the seventh elder, he would have wanted to kick the head-snatching bastard out!


"Cough! Cough... poof..."

After a fight, the seventh elder coughed up blood, and his figure kept retreating.

"how is this possible……"

The seventh elder had an expression of doubt about life. Through the moonlight, he could vaguely see that the two were definitely dressed as ordinary soldiers, but how could they both have the strength of a quasi-high-level knight?

"Are all Qin people so powerful?"

"What did they eat to grow up?"

The seven elders were stunned. Could it be that the secret medicine that can enhance the potential of people in the east has flooded to such a degree?

"call out!"

Suddenly, an arrow flew out.

While the seventh elder was stunned, he shot the seventh elder in the throat.

"No! Impossible..."

The seventh elder was spitting out blood, and his expression was full of disbelief, and he couldn't rest his eyes. .

Chapter 481 The blood family!But ants!

"General! It's all been cleaned up!"

Soon, soldiers of the Qin army came to report.

Meng Tian said coldly: "How about the other roads?"

"General Qi, this time our army is divided into six groups, each with [-] people, and we have destroyed more than [-] rebels in total!"

"It's hard to count the exact number, but there are still more than [-] prisoners..."

A Yulin Guard Captain said respectfully.

"Captive? These chaotic ministers and thieves, kill them all!"

Meng Tian raised his brows and said with a cold snort, "Since they dare to resist the rule of the empire, they are destined to pay a painful price!"

"Even if they want to be slaves, the Empire doesn't need to..."


The Captain Yulin promised loudly.

Soon, by moonlight, all the captives were driven to one place.

"Killing! This is killing... Qin people are going to kill us!"

"My God! These demons are going to kill us!"

"Fight with them! Quick... Quickly fight with them..."


The name of the Qin people's tyranny had spread all over the world, and the Roman captives soon realized their fate.

For a time, the scene was chaotic, and the crying became a film.

Many people are secretly encouraging others to resist!

It's a pity that all the Roman soldiers were frightened by the Qin army. Even if they knew they would die, no one dared to resist!

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