After the end of the Qin Dynasty, the Wang family finally took refuge in the Han state.

Although the Wang family is destined to be full of helplessness, it is impossible to favor the Wang family forever.

However, the current Wang Jian, like Meng Ao, is also a veteran of the four dynasties, and he must be loyal to the Great Qin state.

But Ying Zheng's words scared Li Si.

"Li Si will never dare to disobey the king."

Ying Zheng nodded involuntarily.

"You will never dare to disobey the widow."

A wisp of sweat appeared on Li Si's forehead.

However, for Li Si, he felt that he did not have the talents of the first emperor, who could fit into a widow.

He cares more about the power he holds.

Otherwise, in the future, he will not kill Han Fei, and he will not change his posthumous photos. In the end, he will be wiped out by Zhao Gao because of the power struggle!

Of course, despite these shortcomings, Ying Zheng still likes Li Si very much.

After all, no one is perfect.

"The selection of [-] Yu Lin Wei has been completed, and Meng Tian will lead the training. All his equipment will be fully armed in a month."

"At that time, all the Yulin Guards and the black armored cavalry will go out with the widow!"

Ying Zheng has made a decision.

Meng Tian's eyes flashed when he heard this.

It is an honor for all Yulinwei to be able to go out with Ying Zheng!

Although they have not joined the Zhao Kingdom battlefield before, this time, it is their ultimate dream to be able to conquer the world together with the King of Qin!

Just all the ministers, but no one would agree with this choice.

"Your Majesty can't be. If you make a mistake, then my Daqin will lose your Majesty."

But Ying Zheng said: "All the internal affairs of the Qin state can be presided over by Prime Minister Lu, and Li Sihanfei will assist him."

"Widows, believe in your abilities."

"As for Zheng Guoqu, and the screening of rice and potato seeds, I believe you will do well."

"As long as I, Daqin, master the most famous doctor in the world, I can implement the best plan for governing the country and make the country richer and stronger."

"And if you want to do all this, the first thing to do is to unify the seven countries!"

"Widow, I don't want to have any regrets during this unification."

"Furthermore, accompanied by Yu Linwei and the Black Armored Iron Cavalry, the few people are enough to lead this invincible army to the horizon!"

Main text Chapter [-]: Crazy Li Mu, no family plan!

Autumn is coming.

For everyone in the Warring States period, autumn is a harvest season.

At this time, no matter who they are, they must go to the ground to harvest food, because this is related to the survival of the people.

It's just that for Ying Zheng, this season also means that the final battle with Zhao is about to officially start.

"Li Mu will never allow Qin Jun to quietly clean up Zhao's lost food."

"Because this is completely related to Zhao's life and death!"

"So, he will definitely launch a counterattack at the right time!"

Ying Zheng's eyes were solemn.

"In this case, the food on Zhao's land will be harvested in advance."

In the Taihang Mountains, many Qin people have entered the territory of Daqin, which has just been acquired, and are frantically harvesting food.

Except to leave some food for the Zhao people to live on, the rest were expropriated.

For those people there is nothing to do.

A steady stream of food entered the granary of the front-line army, and the old general Meng Ao and Wang Jian even stood together.

"Your Majesty asked us to occupy Zhao State, but facing Li Mu, there is nothing we can do."

Wang Jian calmly said to Meng Ao.

"You can't beat Li Mu."

"I'm afraid I'll lose both in another fight, but Huan Yi has always wanted to challenge Li Mu, you should go there."

Meng Ao shook his head: "I'm old, and after all, I'm not as young as you. It's enough that Meng Tian in my Meng family has mastered the black armored iron cavalry. If all three generations of our grandparents are in charge of the army, I'm afraid people will be jealous."

Wang Jian said: "Your credit is all from the battlefield. If anyone is jealous, even if they can't get along with all the soldiers, I, Wang Jian, will never bypass him."

Mengao finally shook his head.

"I think, as a general, maybe dying on the battlefield is my final destination."

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