Ying Zheng clenched his palm tightly, and Meng Ao led an army of 8 men and marched to the Eastern Zhou in a mighty way!

"It will take about ten days to reach Gongyi in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. This is a battle that must be won!"

"No one can reach Old Qin Fengmang!"

"But in the eyes of the widow, there are still many people in my Daqin army who don't wear leather armor. This is too shabby!"

"Qin is a big country, where did all the money and grain go?"

Ying Zheng's eyes were sharp as he swept over the ministers in the royal city!

Everyone bowed their heads in shame.

Only Lu Buwei sighed and stepped forward to explain.

"Your Majesty doesn't know anything. Old Qin has been fighting for years, and it is not easy to support this 30 army. But if you have ten years to cultivate and rejuvenate, my Qin is destined to be able to reproduce the edge."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he could not help frowning slightly.

It is true that Daqin has fought various battles since the founding of the country, and the huge territory was conquered through wars.

And when Da Qin's strength was at its peak, it was through Lu Buwei's ten years of cultivation!

After all, this is the most powerful businessman in the Seven Kingdoms. As long as he is given time, he can accumulate enough wealth for the Qin Kingdom.

But Li Si, who was standing by the side, felt that his chance had come!

He originally planned to help Ying Zheng find out the identity of the assassin and show his value.

But I didn't expect that Ying Zheng's domineering side leaked, and Wang's mind was unquestionably displayed!

Ying Zheng is not afraid of the other six countries at all!

But just as Ying Zheng frowned, he stood up again.

"The king can worry about money and food, and Li Si can relieve his worries."

Ying Zheng glanced at Li Si and nodded slightly.

Although Li Si today is only a petty official.

But he is the future prime minister of Da Qin after all.

"If you have any countermeasures, just say it."

"My Daqin can become stronger because of the reform of Shang Jun! If you want to become stronger, you can only reform!"

Ying Zheng frowned slightly.

Li Si's eyes were serious and he said seriously: "Li Si is confident that through the reform, within five years, he will be able to form an invincible Qin army that sweeps the world."

"Five years?" Ying Zheng frowned deeper.

Lu Xiang took a step forward.

"Be careful! If you change the law again, you will definitely squeeze the people's strength, and in the end, the people will not be able to live."

Chapter 1 Follow the Words-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Be careful! If you change the law again, you will definitely squeeze the people's strength, and in the end, the people will not be able to live."

Li Sidao: "My law is the king's sword, and the people will not dare to offend the king's law!"

"Childish! Step back for now, the matter of reform must never be mentioned again!"

But at this moment, Ying Zheng raised his palm.

"The country is impossible, and there is no country if there is no law!"

"The laws of our Qin state are too harsh on the widowed people."

Ying Zheng's eyes were serious.

The people of Qin today have no human rights at all!

Even in the Han Dynasty, local officials were called shepherds.

It means shepherding the people!

This is simply raising the people like cattle and sheep!

Although Qin State did not have many slaves, these people were not much different from slaves.

But he did not expect that his words would cause the minister to think deeply.

Lu Xiang's eyes brightened!

"The people! The people! Love the people like a son! The word king is so good!"

Lu Buwei advocated the cultivation of national strength.

He did not expect that Ying Zheng would have such insight when he was only ten years old.

Even Li Si was shocked by Ying Zheng's words.

"Your Majesty has this idea, it's really a blessing for my people in Great Qin!"

For a time, many ministers fell to the ground again.

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