However, Ji Wuye didn't think about it at all.

"With only [-] people, Qin Jun dares to break in!"

"Bai Yifei! I order you to command a hundred thousand troops and go to meet them!"

ps, I will update three chapters today. The update should be a little later tomorrow, but I will try to do more.

Chapter [-] Chariot, Charge!

Ji Wuye did not take into account how elite these [-] people were.

Even if he is the general of South Korea, it is hard to imagine how luxurious the equipment of these [-] people can be.

Because in the Warring States Period and previous history, this has never been done!

In fact, the number of troops that can fight in South Korea today is the [-] army led by Bai Yifei!

The remaining tens of thousands of soldiers are scattered, unable to form an effective fighting force at all.

Although Ji Wuye has mastered the political power in South Korea, at best, he is not as good as Meng Ao and Wang Jian.

Today, Ying Zheng led [-] cavalry, without any stop, directly into the territory of Korea.

Meng Tian's blood boiled at this moment.

"Your Majesty, do you really want to attack Korea?"

"As long as we conquer South Korea, we will be able to reach the city of Handan, the state of Zhao, from the border of South Korea without any hindrance."

"At our speed, it won't take a day to go from Xinzheng to Handan."

Meng Tian was even more excited when he heard this.

At the same time, the [-] cavalry also showed their combat formation and moved forward.

No one can stop these black armored cavalry!

Ying Zheng did not choose to be in the middle army, but took the lead in the front line.

He believed that no one in Korea could break his chariot!

Even if he can break through, there are still Genie and Yan Lingji.

Even if he wants to evacuate quickly, he has a red rabbit horse.

He was not worried at all about the loss of the chariot. Even if it were lost, no horse in the Seven Kingdoms could pull the two black iron dragon-patterned chariots like the chariots produced by the system.

Because the weight of this chariot is really too heavy.

When they entered Korea, they headed directly to Xinzheng.

After walking nearly two-thirds of the way, I saw the blood-clothed waiter from the handsome army, Bai Yifei.

The [-]-strong army was mighty enough to easily surround Ying Zheng's [-] troops.

It's just that their equipment is too shabby.

Ying Zheng was still sitting on the carriage, looking at Bai Yifei's position with a relaxed smile on his lips.

Some veterans have already rode their horses to the front of the Han army and shouted: "Bai Yifei! King Qin again, if you surrender, the King of Qin will promise that you are still the blood-clothed prince of Da Qin!"

It's just that Bai Yifei shook his head when he heard this.

He could have done whatever he wanted in Korea, so why should he bear the constraints of Qin!

Chapter 1 Chariot, Charge! -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

He could have done whatever he wanted in Korea, so why should he bear the constraints of Qin!

"It's only five thousand soldiers and horses, so dare to set foot in South Korea."

Although he thought so, but the power of the Qin State, although Bai Yifei was strong, still did not dare to rashly attack Da Qin.

"Xinzheng is in front, and please ask King Qin to lead his troops back quickly, otherwise, unnecessary conflicts will inevitably occur."

But Ying Zheng showed a sneer.

"That's really polite!"

"Last time, didn't Ji Wuye still regret not killing the widow?"

"Even, he said many times in Xinzheng that if the widow came to Xinzheng, he would definitely kill the widow."

"Now the widow is here, look at him, how to kill the widow!"

The flag on the top of the Yingzheng chariot has been erected.

Chituma felt Ying Zheng's emotions, and then roared, and the other five sweaty horses accelerated.

The mechanism on the chariot was also turned on, and the reamer around it ran along with it, and then the speed became faster and faster, crushing the Han army crazily.

Meng Tian saw that Ying Zheng's chariot took the lead in attacking, and his iron Ge pointed straight ahead!

"Yulin Wei, charge!"

"King Qin Wansheng!"

Five thousand black armored iron cavalrymen hugged the body of the horse and charged forward with a hurricane and a tsunami.

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