She was born in Baiyue, and her freedom was enslaved. Now, with [-] black armored iron cavalry, Ying has destroyed the [-] army of South Korea, which has won her heart.

After all, her biggest dream is to destroy Korea.

Xinzheng, when people heard the news of the defeat of the [-] army, everyone panicked.

Ji Wuye's expression was even more gloomy.

"Five thousand people! After all, there are only five thousand people!"

"Even if King Qin's child is so powerful, how can he defeat a hundred thousand troops in such a short period of time? It's impossible!"

Ji Wuye recalled countless exceptions, but he couldn't think of where this exception appeared.

After all, he had never seen this black armored iron cavalry.

Therefore, he is not willing to believe the words of the blood-clothed Hou at all.

However, for Xinzheng's safety, he had to be on guard.

"It seems that tonight, I'm destined to be unable to marry Princess Red Lotus, but I can welcome this unit under Ying Zheng."

"Even if it is really powerful, it should be clear that this city named Xinzheng is not so easy to take away."

"This is the capital of South Korea after all."

Chapter 1: The Uneasy Xinzheng-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"This is the capital of South Korea after all."

"Do you want to completely destroy the whole of Korea with [-] people?"

"It's just wishful thinking!"

Ji Wuye did not see the ferocity of the Ying Zheng chariot and the black armored cavalry.

Otherwise, he couldn't be so calm.

As for Xinzheng City, there was a panic.

Many nobles, at this time, have already packed up and fled Xinzheng one after another.

They did not feel that Xinzheng could hold the Qin army's edge.

After all, a Qin army of [-] can defeat a Han army of [-].

If hundreds of thousands of troops from the Qin state came, would South Korea still have the slightest resistance?

No one likes it.

"Now, all those who can go in Xinzheng have gone, and those who can't go are also ready to surrender to King Qin."

In the Zilan Xuan, Zhang Liang slowly said to Weizhuang Zinu.

The purple girl covered her mouth in surprise.

"Is it really King Qin? He is only ten years old. He really led five thousand troops and a hundred thousand troops?"

Before Zhang Liang could answer, Wei Zhuang nodded.

"I saw with my own eyes that there were almost no casualties in the Qin army."

When Zi Nu heard Wei Zhuang's words, she was even more surprised.

"Doesn't that mean that King Qin wants to occupy Korea without the slightest difficulty?"

"Isn't it said before that the two countries will not fight from now on? Why did they suddenly fight again?"

Even the purple girl was puzzled.

There was a sneer on Wei Zhuang's mouth.

"-Perhaps someone's actions have angered King Qin."

"You mean Ji Wuye? He provoked King Qin in the city many times these days, saying that King Qin was cowardly, and finally ran away."

"But he didn't take into account the fact that Daqin's shadow guard is in this Xinzheng."

"And among the shadow guards, the most frightening is Tian Ze."

"He really came to this city with endless resentment, and finally let King Qin put on such a good show."

The purple girl laughed.

Although Ying Zheng was powerful, Xinzheng's city wall was still that high after all.

"No matter how strong King Qin is, how can he conquer this city with only five thousand people?"

Text Chapter [-] Ballista Shows Its Power

The Korean people in Xinzheng are afraid of the entire Daqin Empire.

As for some people with brains, they are thinking, how could [-] people break the capital of South Korea, Xinzheng!

Today's Xinzheng, although there are only 5 defenders, the people who can be temporarily requisitioned are enough to collect [-] people.

The most important thing is that this is the defense of the city!

When the cavalry was attacking the city, it was useless at all.

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