Ying Zheng planned all this silently in his heart.

At the same time, he also silently opened the system, and the data appeared.

[Host: Ying Zheng. 】

【Age: 10 years old. 】

[Identity: King of Qin. 】

[Strength evaluation: peerless master. 】

[Territory area: 128 million square kilometers. 】

[Population: 921 million people. 】

[National comprehensive strength score: 124 million. 】

Chapter 1 Recruiting Wei Zhuang, many people are powerful! -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

[National comprehensive strength score: 124 million. 】

Ying Zheng looked at the data and couldn't help feeling a little sad.

"Such a large land, yet so few people."

"Fortunately, although South Korea has little land, it has a population of more than 100 million, which can add a lot of strength to Daqin."

"But for the long-term stability of the empire, a sufficient population is essential, but it can encourage fertility!"

"Even if you can't get [-] million people, you have to get [-] million more!"

Ying Zheng thought to himself, and at the same time, this order was sent back to Qin.

It was not Li Si who passed the order this time, but Meng Yi!

On this expedition, Meng Tian and Meng Yi came. Originally, Ying Zheng wanted Meng Yi to exercise in South Korea, but this time it was obviously not possible.

"Meng Yi, go back this time and tell Lord Xiangguo, I need enough population in Daqin, so that all families can have more babies!"

"It is normal to have two babies. If you have three babies, the state will reward them. If you have four babies, you will be rewarded even more!"

"And children will be given a certain amount of ration support when they grow up."

"In short, the more people are born, the more prosperous the widowed Qin Dynasty will be!"

"If they can't raise children, then the country, raise them for them!"

This time, Ying Zheng made up his mind.

There were so few people in the entire Warring States period, which made Ying Zheng quite unhappy.

The more people there are, the faster his super projects can be built.

For the long-term development of the empire, sufficient population is essential.

After all, people are more powerful.

Furthermore, Ying Zheng's demand for land will never be satisfied!

Because he wants to ensure that he has enough land for the enfeoffment of each of his people.

However, these will obviously take some time to be implemented. After all, it will take a certain amount of time for the monarch's policy to be passed on to various places in this era.

It's just that, in addition to this order, what was brought back from Korea was the population!

"Tianze, this time, you are fully responsible for protecting Meng Yi, and you have incorporated the remaining army in South Korea, leaving only [-] people to guard. For the remaining people, another [-] people will be requisitioned and go to Qin to help the widow to repair the Zhengguo Canal!"

Meng Yi's eyes lit up when he heard this.

At first, South Korea wanted Qin to build the Zhengguo Canal to delay the development of Qin.

It's just that they didn't expect that in the end, not only did South Korea come up with an idea, but also the people who repaired the canal.

The population requisitioned from South Korea and Zhao Guo has already collected more than half of the people used to build the Zheng Guo Canal!

As for the country of Qin, apart from paying for some food, there was no loss at all.

Of course, it is impossible for these Koreans to leave Xianyang like this.

When they go, they will build a road leading directly to Xianyang!

And these, Meng Yi, Tian Ze and others, will be properly arranged.

The next thing Ying Zheng had to do was to change Yulinwei's overall outfit.

Putting on the warhorse armor produced by these systems, Yulinwei's strength will become even stronger!

This matter, naturally, has to be done by Meng Tian.

As for Ying Zheng, he looked curiously at Princess Red Lotus, who was kneeling below.

Today's Red Lotus will have a great name in the future.

Because she used to be Wei Zhuang's subordinate.

Her name will officially become 'Chi Lian'.

Text Chapter [-] Proton Zhang Liang

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