Translated by Tam

Edited by Genie

[The distorted family relationship heals in a better direction and the families’ understanding of each other increases.]

[Inner view of the mansion will be given as a reward for the relationship.]


She doesn’t know how to react. 

The information in the status window was so important that Serdel just stared blankly into the air for a while.

As she slowly blinked once, the inside of the mansion she got as a reward opened.

The mansion is so spacious, and she usually only goes to the same places, so there were quite a few places she didn’t know.

Therefore, as soon as she received some house management rights from Cartal, the first thing she did was examine the house’s interior.

It seems that there was another area that she didn’t know about.

‘The fact that this was given as a reward— In other words, there must be something I need to find out in that unauthorized place, right?’

She didn’t have to think about what it would be.

More than anything, she wanted to know why a status window with such content was being displayed in such a situation.

‘I was trying to find out about the Countess anyway.’

It felt like the system was helping.

More specifically, it seemed to be leading her.

At the same time, it feels like deja vu.

‘…if only I could gather information in some way…’

It’s not bad, but why does she feel so uncomfortable?

“Lady, if I may ask, do you feel sick or something—”

After staring into the air for a long time, Monem, the head maid and the butler wiping away tears at Cartal’s sudden collapse, turned to look at her.

The three of them were worried that she might fall ill too.

“I’ll take care of my father, so go get some rest.”

“No, Lady.” 

Monem’s head shook in refusal.

“We are fine. You must be going through a lot, Lady, so hurry up and get some rest.”

The head maid also waved her hands.

“After my father, there are three people in Count Robbesta who are the most important. My father also collapsed, but are you going to fall together while trying too hard? Then who will protect the mansion? I can’t do it alone, so I want you to take care of yourself.”

When Serdel gave a firm order, the three people hesitated for a moment before shrugging their shoulders.

“Drink a bottle of this. Hurry.”

She put a potion into each of their hands. The three finally drank the potion when Serdel looked at them with her sharp eyes.

“Ah, but why isn’t there a single medicine bottle in my father’s office and bedroom?”

“…The Master doesn’t take much even when he is sick. Medicine too—he doesn’t take it well. When he hurts, he doesn’t forget that he’s alive….”

The butler’s face was heavy as he answered. It even looked painful at first glance.

“I knew he was doing too much because he hadn’t been eating much recently, but I couldn’t stop him…Nevertheless, I couldn’t take good care of him, so the Master collapsed”

“It’s not the butler’s fault. So don’t blame yourself. I’ll take over all the work for the time being instead of my father. Please let me see it.” 

“Yes, I understand.”

“Go and rest.”

Seeing that the three were leaving, Serdel gave a separate order to the maid standing next to her.

“Go and bring the papers from my father’s office.”

“Yes, I understand.”

When the maid left, she did nothing but sit in the bedroom in silence. 

Cartal lost consciousness that day.

Until the next day.


Early in the morning, Cartal’s eyes, which had been closed for two days, were opened.

He paused for a moment, then rolled his eyes and looked around.

After making sure it was his bedroom, he finally remembered that he had fallen, biting his lips and lifting his upper body.

Srrk, srrk.

He turned his head when he heard the sound of the paper turning and saw Serdel sitting at the desk looking at the documents.

Serious eyes and a serious expression.

Despite her small body, he could feel her charisma in her upright posture.

The figure was impressive for some reason.

Cartal watched his daughter in wonder. Then, his eyes met Serdel’s. 

“Are you awake?”

Serdel was neither surprised nor nervous. She didn’t even ask if he was okay.

In order not to make Cartal feel uncomfortable, she treated him as naturally as possible. 

“Yeah. My body feels very light after a long time.”

“That’s the power of a potion.”

At the meaningless joke from his daughter, he burst into laughter.

“Haha, hahaha—”

Although he lacked a bit of energy, the sound of laughter was quite light.

“You have to eat, right? I’m hungry, father.”

“At this late hour?”

He looked at the darkness outside the window and tried to wave his hand.

“Everyone is on standby. They said they didn’t know what father would need when you woke up. Even if I tell them to rest.”

Serdel shrugged her shoulders. 

Conversations went back and forth more easily and naturally than ever.

The feelings of debt each had towards each other disappeared for a moment, and thanks to them, they were now like ordinary fathers and daughters.

As Serdel pulled the string, Monem, who was waiting outside, came in. 

When Monem saw Cartal awake, tears welled up in her eyes.

“Y, you have to eat something, Master. Because you will get an upset stomach.”

“Prepare it for me.”

Cartal smiled, and Monem nodded and left.

Again, the two were left alone.

“What were you looking at?”

“Reports from the territory. When they were informed that the subjugation would be over soon, the officials suddenly became very ambitious.” 

“Did they have any useful comments?”

“Not really. Everyone’s just excited and holding the floating clouds.” (It’s an idiom that means something like talking about something impossible.) 


“For the time being, I will take over all of my father’s work. So take a break.”

“Don’t treat me like an old man in the back room.”

Serdel’s eyes fixed on him as she was about to turn to the papers.

“I never treated you like that. And if you don’t want to be treated like that, you should have taken care of yourself. You didn’t wake up for two days.”


Serdel took a pill out of her magic pocket.

“It’ll be great if you eat it.”

Cartal’s forehead was wrinkled.

His lips trembled.

“If you don’t want to eat, take a good rest for a while. Otherwise, I’ll have to force you to eat this.”

He raised his eyes and scanned the ceiling as if he were looking at a distant mountain.

Only then did Serdel concentrate on the papers again.

It was nice to hear the sound of the fountain pen touching the paper. 

Cartal glanced at Serdel with a squint.

Peace seemed to have come.

In addition, for some reason, he thought that the seat and Serdel fit very well. 

“…Will you continue to sit down here?”


“I mean, will you keep sitting there? I’ll give you a successor position if you want.”

Before Serdel could say anything, Cartal’s words continued.

“Addis has the best qualities as a knight, but not as a successor. I’m sure you know that better than anyone.”


“In the beginning, I chose Redan to be the successor because I believed he would soon come to his senses, so there would be no regrets. Redan also has no desire for his place—” 

“No, Oraboni will be the successor again.”


“He will find his place. So when he comes back, this seat will be Oraboni’s. It’s not my place, father.”

Cartal’s eyes hardened. His expression became colder, the opposite of what he had expected.

“He was hot-tempered when he was young, but he was definitely smart. But not now. He has intelligence, but he doesn’t have the stamina to keep it up for long.” 

“That’s not true. Oraboni is different.”

“No. The temperament of a person who has been greatly twisted doesn’t come back easily. From the outside, it looks okay. But if something difficult happens at some point, he’ll start throwing it away again.” 

As always!

Cartal was firm. 

“On the other hand, you have overcome all those difficult times. Aren’t you walking on the right path with your own strength? Serdel, you will become the heir. So, follow this father’s footsteps.”

Serdel’s eyes looked down.

“I thought I could protect you just by hiding you. I’ve only thought I could keep you safe if I put out your temper.” 

Cartal, who got out of bed, slowly approached.

“I’m afraid I’ll lose you too; I’m afraid I’ll lose you as well. I’ve thoroughly ignored and turned away from you. However, the temperament wasn’t something I could put out as I said, and it came back to life again—”

He stopped in front of the desk, stretched out his arms, and grabbed Serdel’s shoulder.

“This father will surely protect you. No matter what danger comes, even if my body is torn to pieces! I will risk my life to protect you, so why don’t you look up at me once in a while.”

Suddenly, Cartal had returned to being the head of a family, not her father. 

Serdel’s eyes shook.

“Serdel Robbesta. Be the successor to Count Robbesta.” 

A dignified voice fell over her head.

At the same time,

[You have successfully completed the subjugation of Elbash Forest.]

[You will be rewarded]

[Serdel Robbesta – Recognized as the successor of the Count.]

The status window floated out of nowhere. With a terrifying force—.

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