She swallowed her saliva naturally. 

It was Serdel who turned her eyes away first. Belters, on the other hand, didn’t look away from her. 

She moved her body carefully because his gaze felt like too much of a burden, but his eyes continued to follow her.

She was hoping he’d stop looking at her. 


Falden stood in front of Belters.

Thanks to this, Serdel was able to escape from the duke’s persistent gaze, and quickly hid behind Redan.

Ah, a short sigh escaped Belters’ mouth.

“Do you have anything to do with the Young Lady?”

Falden’s uncharacteristically brusque question showed how he felt.

From the moment he arrived, Belters only looked at Serdel.

Aside from the fact that Falden was upset that she didn’t look at him first, it was very annoying to see Belters’ obvious interest in Serdel. 

“Yes, I have some business.”

With a blunt answer, Belters smiled as he turned his head to look at Falden.

Falden’s glare gradually subsided. 

He showed patience and didn’t even ask what was going on. Serdel is also not far away, and he didn’t want to do anything that seemed excessive.

Instead, he tried to say something, but Damon arrived and Falden missed the opportunity.

As soon as Damon got off the horse, he approached Cartal at the speed of lightning.

Cartal, who was still opening his arms towards Addis, saw Damon and straightened his posture with a cough. 

“It’s been a long time since I’ve greeted you. Count. It must have been difficult for you to endure everything alone in the Capital, but you worked hard.”

Damon bowed his head.

“No. You’ve been through a lot. There must have been a lot of dangerous things, but thank you for the effort.”

“It’s nothing.” 

Damon reached out and grabbed Cartal’s hand.

Unlike others who arrived first but were distracted by Serdel, he arrived late, but he was faster than anyone else.

After exchanging a few more words with Cartal, he approached Serdel.

Even though he was covered with dust, he still shone.

“It’s nice to see the Young Lady here so I can feel that I’m back alive.”

The smile that bloomed beautifully was so beautiful that no one could take their eyes off of him. 

Addis and Redan were on guard with their eyes wide open, but Serdel stepped forward and responded.

“I’m glad you came back safely, Sir.”

She could feel it at this moment.

According to the status window that appeared in front of her as soon as she found the last mine the other day, the succession of the title will happen quickly, beyond that he will be recognized more highly as the heir.

‘Perhaps he was more lucky than he was back then.’

If Damon keeps going the way he is, it seems likely that he will take over the family as soon as he gets back to the Marquis.

“I thought you would tell me that.”

He raised Serdel’s hand and kissed the back of it.

Every action was as natural as water. Falden, who was watching it from afar, opened his mouth blankly.

“I heard that the kind of person who is hard to beat in the world is a smart guy, and that’s true.”

Ha! Falden approached Cartal with a bitter laugh. Cartal also moved to say hello to Falden.

“It’s been a long time since I saw you, Your Highness the Second Prince. Thank you so much for all you have done for our family. Without Your Highness’ help, the subjugation could not have been completed so quickly.”

“Thank you for saying that.”

“Duke Blendard, thank you for your great help, too. Thanks to you, I was able to relax my anxieties.”

Cartal also greeted Belters.

“You don’t have to say that. I was just moving on the orders of the imperial family, and it was nice to be able to take a look at the unknown forest that I had been curious about for a while.”

Unlike Falden, who was very stiff, Belters seemed to have a kind tone, and he had the charisma of a powerful man. 

He had a higher title than Count Cartal, but he was a lot younger, so he didn’t have any holes in his manners.

“Dame Addis.” 

“Ah, yes. Captain.” 

Addis immediately turned to Belters’ call.

“It’s been a while since you met your parents, but aren’t you only concerned about your younger sister?”

Even though he was smiling, his aura seemed to be making the atmosphere feel tense, so Addis closed her eyes and slowly walked toward Cartal.

Cartal also didn’t know what to do when Addis walked up to him.

An awkward atmosphere flowed between the two.

“…I’m back.” 

“Yeah… I’m glad you’re okay.”

After a moment’s hesitation, Cartal opened his arms stiffly and hugged Addis.

Cartal’s eyes softened.

“You did a great job. It must have been difficult to take care of Redan, I always feel sorry for you.”

Just because she was born first, she was carrying too much of a burden.

So, even while relying on her deeply, Cartal always feels uneasy. 

“Because your father couldn’t—”

He couldn’t speak any more and just patted her back.

Since they’ve been keeping a certain line, it’s been a long time since they casually hugged each other.

Her eyes were a little red, as if the emotions contained in Cartal’s hand gesture were conveyed to Addis. 

She wanted to say something to her father, but she couldn’t, so there was nothing she could do other than keep her mouth shut. 

It was a little sad for Addis.

The distance between her and her younger brother and sister seems to have gotten closer, but her father is still a long way away.

“Ehmm, hmm! Now, let’s go inside.”

After letting go of Addis, Cartal turned around. 

“Let’s go in, Unnie.”

Serdel took Addis’s hand, who was only standing at a distance.

She always felt so big, but at this moment, she looks like a child.

She couldn’t let it go.

“Hey, hold my hand, too. This should be fair.”

She even holds Redan’s hand.

“It’s like I’m back to my childhood.”

Addis and Redan raised Serdel’s hands with a grin, trying to force the bitterness out of their mouths. 

“—I’m not a kid. So why don’t you stop raising my body with your arms?” 

Serdel’s face turned red.

She quickly let go of the two of them, and she clung to Cartal’s back.

The hardened atmosphere was relieved like a warm spring day.

When they entered the drawing room, refreshments were set on the table.

Soon, after everyone sat down, the atmosphere changed significantly.

“Well, let’s start the final report.”

With Falden’s words, the process of finishing monster subjugation and reporting of the forest’s status began. 

Even though they have already sent a lot of people to work on development, development has not yet begun.

Since it was an unknown forest, everyone focused until the end in case something unexpected could be found.

By the time the meeting was over, it was night.

Falden and Damon, who had to report the situation to the Emperor and the Marquis, moved in a hurry.

Belters also got up from his seat.

Before leaving the door, he approached Serdel and lowered his upper body. 

“I’ll call you separately soon. I’ll see you then.”

Seeing him riding away on a horse with a relaxed smile, Serdel frowned. 


After finishing a late dinner.

Addis, Serdel, and Redan gathered in the office with Cartal.

Cartal, who had closed his eyes for a while and was lost in thought, soon moved to speak with a deep sigh.

“Father, I have something to tell you.”

Addis and Redan looked into each other’s eyes and soon got up.

“Listen to me first.”

The two eventually sat down again at his heavy command.

Since they didn’t know what he was trying to say, Serdel’s heart was heavier for it. 

“First of all, you have worked hard to hold on as the center of the family. Addis. I already knew from a long time ago that you are struggling with the position of a successor. Nevertheless—.” 

Cartal kept his mouth shut for a moment, fearing that Redan would blame himself if he continued here.

“I’m sorry for being selfish up until now, Father.”

Redan, who couldn’t be unaware of it, bowed before Cartal’s words were finished.

“I’m thinking about getting my act together from now on.”

“…No, Redan.”

Redan’s eyes were wide open at the firm words.

“I’m sorry, Addis Robbesta. As of today, I’m removing you from the position of successor.” 

Cartal clenched his fist.

“And I will appoint Serdel Robbesta as the new successor.”

Addis and Redan’s eyes turned to Serdel.

She wanted to avoid their gaze, but she didn’t. Instead, Serdel proudly straightened her shoulders.

Somehow, she felt like she should.


Redan raised his hand to block before Addis, who was bewildered, said something to Cartal.

He looked down at Serdel for a moment and then patted her head with his large hand.

Not only that, but he smiled proudly at Serdel.

After a while, he lowered his hand and straightened his posture, looking straight at Cartal. 

“I will respect and follow my father’s choice as head of our family. Instead, please send me to the Count territory as acting heir.”

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