“Will you protect me?”

– Protection, you say? That’s unexpected. I thought you’d ask me to take you to Elbash Forest.

A bitter smile formed on Serdel’s lips. If she were going to make such a request, she wouldn’t even have come back to the capital first.

She had only received permission from Cartal to join the expedition in the first place.

No matter how much of Radun’s power she gained, only Falden saw the process and knew about it.

Even then, he expressed concern in the middle for fear if she would participate in the subjugation.

He decided coldly that Serdel wouldn’t help in the subjugation.

Apart from not having any experience in combat, there was a high possibility that Addis, Redan, and even all the Count’s knights couldn’t concentrate on the battle.

In the face of a life-threatening battle, Serdel could become everyone’s weakness.

Even if she shows her power and is only slightly in danger, everyone will try to save her.

No matter what her intentions are, she will end up being a bother to everyone.

She didn’t pretend not to know that, so she didn’t even consider going to subjugation.

Even more so now. She can’t go.

‘If I’m gone, the mansion will turn upside down.’

Cartal was already pale due to Addis and Redan’s concerns, but he may have fainted if he received a significant shock like his last child being missing.

“I can’t move around without knowing the situation. They must have been in danger, but I don’t know what kind of place they might be fighting against the monsters in.” 

Serdel thought about the situation in many different ways so that she wouldn’t limit the range of her thoughts.

The Lord of the Wizard Tower’s mouth turned up, and his eyes seemed to see further than common sense.

“Besides, I don’t know even if it’s close. It’s too far from there. I don’t even know the exact coordinates.”

– Yes. Obviously, the longer the distance, the more secure the trip is guaranteed only when I’ve been to a place I’ve been to.

Teleport belonged to high-ranking magic, which was difficult by nature.

As far as the capital palace and her home was concerned, they could go back and forth as easily as going from the front yard to the foyer, but the farther away they went, the more likely it was that they would get stuck at the edge of the dimension if they tried to move only by prediction.

– However, there is another way, we could fly in the sky as long as the Young Lady gives directions.

“It takes a long time, so I think that method will be difficult.”

– It’s reckless. Especially since I’ve never been outside the capital. Oh, now that I’m doing this, I suddenly look pretty dull. I said with confidence that I would listen to everything.

The Lord of the Wizard Tower shrugged his shoulders with a sad expression on his face.

– I don’t look cool. This is why life is sad.

Why is the state of his life suddenly mentioned here? He shook his head and took off his shoes and his coat.

– As expected, barefoot is more comfortable for me. When my feet are sweaty, my head feels like it’s frozen. 

He also unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt, which was tight around his neck.

– I was very careful about meeting the Young Lady and came out dressed up, but I think this is the most comfortable for me. Now, how can I protect you?

“I’m going to concentrate. Maybe for quite some time. So please help me not to be disturbed by others.”

– Yes, I will.

Serdel took the mana stones from her magic bag that she had brought from the mines.

“And one more. I wish you could constantly put mana into this mana here.”

– All right.

It was not an easy request.

Even so, the Lord of the Wizard Tower replied lightly as if that was not a big deal.

Thanks to him, she felt reassured.

The worry and fear that she might fail are almost gone.

She raised and pulled the energy in her body as she closed her eyes.

The silver threads floated into the air. At the same time, she absorbed the mana flowing out of the mana stone.

The Lord of the Wizard Tower then transferred his mana to the mana stone.

First, Serdel, who had tied the forest energy to her body before, created seven rings, which was the most she could make, and wrapped them around her heart.

Even when she trained in dreams with Radun for a short time, she only made seven rings at once.

Since it was the first time she had tried it in real life, her heart felt heavy in a strange and familiar way. 


She felt a bit overwhelmed.

It was definitely different from when she imagined it. She was about to groan, but she forced herself to swallow it.

Instead, her lips move slightly.

As the poured words grew more powerful, she could feel them seeping back into her heart.

She created several spells by combining them with the runes that flowed out of the ring.

The rest of the spell came out of her body and surrounded her body.

Serdel’s spirit, which had swallowed up the energy of the Lord of the Wizard Tower through the mana stone, quickly followed the open road and headed for the Elbash Forest.

– …..

In the meantime,  the Lord of the Wizard Tower mixed the powder and liquid he took out of his pocket, put it on his hand, and drew a magic circle in the air to activate it.

Soon, Serdel’s presence became hazy.

The room was the same, but no one in the mansion would recognize this place for a while.

After completing a series of tasks, he focused Serdel again.

He fixed his gaze on her rune, which tied her around her. 


He couldn’t believe it.

He never thought he’d see this ability, which has been dead for a long time…!!

The day she first entered the Wizard tower.

Through the magic circle at the entrance, he could tell that someone with unusual energy was coming in.

So he was thrilled when he faced Serdel.

It was only natural that she stimulated his curiosity as a wizard.

The Lord of the Wizard Tower carefully approached her. 

– That’s amazing.

At first glance, sorcery and magic seem similar, but it was different.

It’s the same as building up mana in a mana ball, drawing all the forces around it to the base, and blowing them all up at once.

Unlike magic, where power and trajectory is clearly visible, sorcery is invisible.

While magic was a force that was used openly, sorcery was like a secret force.

How the hell can she handle this power?

It would be an impossible skill to acquire without a teacher.

Maybe from the Countess?

‘It couldn’t be. Because I’ve never felt any special power in her.’

They said the Countess was quite eccentric, and she was a good-natured person. She often said things that didn’t make sense, whether she was good at predicting the future or not.

Then who is it?

Who awakened her to this power and taught her?

This dangerous power.

The greedy Imperial family wouldn’t miss her if they noticed.

A cold shadow fell at the corner of the Lord the Wizard Tower’s eyes. For a while, even though no one was looking at him, he hid his expression and looked at Serdel’s face.

She looked peaceful with her eyes closed.

– You will hear my voice. Reach out whenever you think it’s in danger. I’m going to save you.

He’s not sure if it’s possible, but he wanted to make her feel better.

A faint smile appeared around Serdel’s mouth as if to thank him.

That’s the answer.

Pulling out a chair, he sat down and focused on Serdel’s condition with his arms crossed on the desk.

There was no one to disturb her.


It felt like running through a dark tunnel at the speed of light.

The place where she arrived at the end was familiar yet unfamiliar.

‘This is definitely…’

It was where Radun’s arrangement was.

She heard that it had fallen down, but has it ever been restored? 

She was looking for the mine’s energy since it was filled with Mana Stones and was likely where people would be, but it seemed like she was led here because her core was attracted to Radun’s power.

Serdel tried to leave for now.

How far did she go that way?

The light swarm that came over sent her outside.


The scene she encountered was even more horrifying than what she saw in her predictions.

Against the bloody air, there was no longer a fresh and beautiful forest.

Serdel took a deep breath as she looked at the situation, which was so bad that she couldn’t even see the whole extent of it.

Even though she was only experiencing it with her soul, it felt like the bloody smell that wrapped around everything was trapped in her lungs.

She looked for the trace of Addis and Redan with a frown on her face.

The ground was covered in blood, and there were so many obstacles that it was not easy to take a step.

At first, she walked consciously, but just as the Lord of the Wizard Tower had just crossed the door earlier, she also ran recklessly without hesitation. 

Soon after, the bodies of soldiers and mercenaries were seen.

She tried to bite her lip and turn away, but she stopped without realizing it when she saw a young soldier.

The mark on the armor looks like a soldier from the Marquis of Spendar.

Even though he died with his eyes wide open in fear, he can’t rest.

She wanted to close his eyes.

Serdel unknowingly took her hand closer.

Her hand should have passed through him, but perhaps because of her deep desire, the body’s eyes were closed in line with her hand movements.

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