The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1011: A Gu Qingxin——You don’t allow me to stop like that (two more)

Chu Baiqing's eyes were dull, and his tone was dull, because the whole person was very weak.

Why would Gu Jue go out because Chu Baiqing told him to let him out.

He has already done it, and Chu Baiqing will not be ready to give him a good face.

Who made him do such a **** thing, especially now that the traces on Chu Baiqing's body are as dazzling as they are branded on his body.

Sitting by the bed, Gu Jue habitually touched Chu Baiqing's head.

The fever has gone down. In fact, he had touched it when he got up just now, but he was still worried.

Chu Boqing hit Gu Jue's hand with his hand. Because he didn't have much strength, hitting it like that was like touching it.

"Don't touch me..." Chu Baiqing's lips fell asleep, and the scabs were a little peeling. It is also related to fever.

Where Gu Jue would take care of others, he didn't know whether to drink some water for Chu Baiqing first, or to moisten him with a cotton swab.

After watching Chu Baiqing lick her dry lips, Gu Jue realized that Doctor Xu also said to give him more water.

Put down the bowl quickly and brought Chu Baiqing water.

However, Chu Baiqing didn't need him to feed it, she had to hold it and drink it herself.

"I'll feed you, you can just lie down, it will hurt if you don't move!" Gu Jue put the straw to Chu Baiqing's mouth.

The tone was carefully gentle, listening carefully, and nervous.

There was a sneer at the corner of Chu Baiqing's mouth, which meant that you knew that I would hurt...

you know too……

I begged you so, did you stop when it hurt?

Chu Baiqing turned away, did not look after Gu Jue, and did not drink water.

"Bo Qing, I was wrong, I was really wrong, and it won't be like this next time..."

Gu Jue was originally sitting on the side of the bed, because Chu Baiqing turned his head to the other side, he knelt on the side of the bed again, and put the water glass to Chu Baiqing's mouth.

"Do you want to have another time? Gu want to have another time..."

Chu Baiqing looked out the window, the faint moonlight seemed to reveal endless sadness.

"You don't allow me to be like that...Is this okay? You special...Don't be like this, you should drink water, you should eat and eat, or how can it be better..."

Gu Jue has never felt that speaking is so strenuous.

I used to feel pretty good to coax Chu Baiqing, shamelessly, stubbornly, and if he said something nice, he would calm down.

However, this time, he himself knew that nothing was useful, unless Chu Baiqing calmed down.

It's useless to say anything by yourself.

He is also ready for long-term combat.

However, Chu Baiqing had to eat or drink, so he couldn't help but use it.


Chu Baiqing closed his eyes and stopped talking. One said nothing, and he didn't understand everything.

The other one is also very painful, so painful that he has no energy to speak.

"You have eaten and drank enough, and you have the strength to beat me and scold me, I will suffer, it's me asshole..."

"But, don't torture me like this, okay? Bai Qing..."

Gu Jue said a lot, but Chu Baiqing just closed his eyes and didn't respond in a word.

In the end Gu Jue compromised, "I will put the water and the porridge here, and I will stay at the door... if you have something to tell me, you must eat the porridge and drink the water..."

Gu Jue exhaled, restraining his urge to force Chu Baiqing water.

After looking at him, he got out of bed, when his hand was on the doorknob.

Unexpectedly, Chu Baiqing spoke up.

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