The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1029: A Gu Qingxin——I just wait, I won’t make trouble (fourteen more)

He obediently let go, and changed to holding Chu Baiqing tightly.

"If you don't want to say it, then don't say it. I'll just wait. I won't make trouble, so you can't let me wait forever..."

Gu Jue felt that as long as he held Chu Baiqing, he felt warm and solid in his heart.

It seems that he really drank fake wine, someone who was quite excited just now, and a person with bad water.

This will already be a little confused...

The whole person relaxed, but only the arm holding Chu Baiqing was tight.

Chu Baiqing felt Gu Jue's even breathing, and his mouth was filled with contented smile.

"I love you, I must love me more than you..."

Those who love early, who endure a lot, will love more deeply...

A heavy rain made both of them wake up late.

The weather was gloomy, and when Gu Jue woke up, Chu Baiqing had just opened his eyes.

And indeed, as Gu Jue said, he woke up with his arm resting on his head.

"I said you still don't believe it!" Pointing to his arm that was reddened by Chu Baiqing, the corner of Gu Jue's mouth rose up, laughing evilly.

"I'll go to Yun Yi's in a while, are you going to Sofia? I'll see you off."

Without paying attention to Gu Jue, Chu Baiqing rolled over and got out of bed, because someone slept without clothes last night, and Xiao Gu Jue raised the flag in the morning.

It was too late to get up at first, and Chu Baiqing didn't want to fight him in bed again.

Gu Jue's car was left there last night, and Chu Baiqing didn't plan to let him drive again.

"I'll go to Yun Yi's with you! I'm fine today."

A joke, can he give Chu Baiqing and that Jason a chance to get along alone?

That Jason looked interesting to Chu Baiqing at first glance, and his eyes were full of love.

He must guard Chu Baiqing without leaving any step.

"No, you can't go, you will be uncomfortable when you go to Jason!"

Jason had already strongly expressed his dissatisfaction with Gu Jue, with a lover on one side and a friend on the other. Chu Baiqing didn't want to be caught in the middle.

Moreover, Gu Jue's temper has always been ups and downs, and he didn't want any contradiction between them.

Moreover, he felt that he had to explain to Jason about the things he was with Gu Jue.

After all, their previous plan was that after Yun Yi's affairs were handled, they would return to the United States together.

Jason meant to look for an authoritative doctor in other countries, make a diagnosis, and then develop a treatment plan. As long as there is hope, he will not give up.

However, Yun Yi's situation is not good now...

Although he was with Gu Jue, he did not plan to tell him his condition.

Let him accompany himself to endure this process, suffering, and waiting for death... he can't do it.

So many things need to be re-planned...

"What does his uncomfortableness have to do with me? If he isn't guilty, he won't be uncomfortable. You don't know that he likes you, do you? Look at the way he looks at you..."

When Gu Jue thought that someone was thinking of Chu Baiqing, he felt unhappy, so he wanted to lock the person at home.

Let no one worry about it, especially that Jason...

Seeing that Chu Baiqing ignored him, she walked to the bathroom.

"I don't want to be with you all the time, I promise, I won't be familiar with him, as long as he doesn't mess with me!"

Finally, I added a sentence to find a reason in case I lose my temper.

"You can go, but you have to keep a distance from me. Don't get tired. Big brother and third brother will also go to see Yun Yi today!"

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