The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1040: A Gu Qingxin——You are walking too slowly, I can’t wait (25 more)

After thinking about it, Chu Baiqing suddenly closed his eyes and leaned against the seat.

"Jue, I'm sleepy, squint for a while!" Chu Baiqing's voice was hoarse, with a sleepy feeling.

Gu Jue glanced at Chu Baiqing and fell asleep.

He easily took his clothes from the back seat and put them on Chu Baiqing's body.

When the car stopped, Chu Baiqing also woke up. To be precise, he eased off that energy.

That kind of nausea, as if the whole body was thrown into the air and then fell heavily.

And Chu Baiqing found that her eyes had also become blurred...

Chu Baiqing cheered up and got out of the car. As soon as the door was closed, his feet left the ground.

And his whole person was lifted up into the air...

Falling into a familiar embrace, Chu Baiqing subconsciously hugged Gu Jue's neck.

"You are too slow, I can't wait!"

After Gu Jue watched Chu Baiqing slept, the car drove quickly. He thought Chu Baiqing didn't know, but in fact, he didn't sleep at all.

Because Chu Baiqing was uncomfortable, the whole person was lazy, and he was not hypocritical, so he relaxed, and the whole person was nestled in Gu Jue's arms, allowing him to carry himself back home.

Go upstairs and go directly to the bedroom...

When Gu Jue was about to throw him on the bed, Chu Baiqing said, "Bath."

Even at this time, Chu Baiqing's cleanliness still couldn't break the habit.

Gu Jue exhaled and hugged Gu Jue directly into the bathroom.

Gu Jue put Chu Baiqing under the shower.

When the ardent kiss hit Chu Baiqing, he directly turned on the switch of the rain.

The warm one sprayed directly on the two of them.

The clothes of the two people were soaked in an instant, Chu Baiqing's body was already weak, and she was completely forced to bear Gu Jue's eagerness.

Gu Jue worked hard and pushed Chu Baiqing against the wall, and then began to take off Chu Baiqing's clothes because the clothes were wet with water.

The buttons on the shirt were not easy to unbutton, so Gu Jue irritated and tore off Chu Baiqing's clothes...

"Take it off for me!" Gu Jue just took off for Chu Baiqing, and he was wearing a lot of clothes, which wasted time.

Chu Baiqing had no strength to undress Gu Jue, but her hand still slipped from Gu Jue's waist. I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional, and her hand fell on the buckle of Gu Jue's belt...

When there was a "click", the belt buckle opened.

Such a sound, mixed with rough breath in a full bathroom, seemed so full of charm...

Domineering lingering kisses, eager comfort, everything happened so naturally.

This time Chu Baiqing volunteered, and Gu Jue was as light as he promised...

And this time Gu Jue was also prepared for a long time-lubricant...

It's fake to say that it doesn't hurt, but compared with the last time, this time it really doesn't hurt.

In fact, Chu Baiqing was able to let Gu Jue do it willingly, and she struggled for a long time.

It's normal for two people to do such things together.

What's more, Gu Jue was also uncomfortable enduring it.

Doing morning and evening is done, so there is actually nothing.

It's just that Chu Baiqing underestimated Gu Jue's durability...

From bathroom to bedroom...

When it was the third time, Chu Baiqing really felt that it was enough, but Gu Jue still felt it was not enough.

He is still in a state of excitement, completely unable to stop...

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