The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1067: A Gu Qingxin——This is the feeling of falling in love (2)

Chu Baiqing smiled and said nothing, but she felt sweet in her heart.

Then go and see, do all the things that couples do, no matter whether they are naive or not, leave some memories.

He also wanted to take photos, photos that would not be discovered by Gu Jue...

In addition to the child, he also wants to leave him one more thing, yes, let him miss the things for a lifetime...

Chu Baiqing thought that she was selfish after all, leaving Gu Jue alone.

With a temperament like Gu Jue, he will not accept others for the rest of his life, he will be alone to death.

The dead will not have any pain, as long as the living, in endless thoughts, experience the pain of bone erosion, day by day, year after year, until they die...

Therefore, Chu Baiqing wanted to be nice to Gu Jue, doing his best to be nice to him, which was regarded as making up for the guilt that dragged him into this relationship.

However, Gu Jue didn't know what Chu Baiqing was doing silently.

The two of them went to the cinema after eating. They were watching movies for the first time, and they didn't know how to make it.

Thinking is one thing, doing it is another thing.

Chu Baiqing watched how others lined up, and asked Gu Jue to stand behind the line and let him pat.

Gu Jue was unwilling, but he still stood there.

When many people looked at him, his face became heavier and heavier, very impatient.

I feel that I am standing in the zoo again, which makes people appreciate.

Chu Baiqing stood aside and took a few photos of Gu Jue while he was not paying attention.

Thinking of taking a group photo of two people again.

Therefore, regardless of the screams of the little girls next to him, he took advantage of Gu Jue's carelessness, put his arms around his neck, and took a selfie.

Chu Baiqing smiled very softly, but Gu Jue was very upset with a shady face, plus impatient...

Although Gu Jue's expression did not smile, the two in the photo were exceptionally good matches.

Gu Jue looked at Chu Baiqing puzzledly, how come such a naive appearance suddenly appeared.

They didn't take selfies together before, and at their age, they all felt that such a thing was extremely naive.

"Seeing them filming..."

Chu Baiqing released his arm around Gu Jue and pointed to a couple who were taking selfies over there, but they were a man and a woman...

Gu Jue looked over, and both of them were laughing and posing, looking silly.

However, Gu Jue still hugged Chu Baiqing's neck, showing a slight smile, "Remake."

The low-pitched voice was so domineering, but Chu Baiqing's heartbeat accelerated.

Regardless of the eyes of other people, Chu Baiqing raised the phone again and pointed it at them.

Looking at the two people on the screen, Gu Jue smiled wickedly, smiling very softly, even a little shy...

Chu Baiqing feels good...

However, just when he was about to take a photo, Gu Jue turned his head and kissed his face. He closed his eyes and kissed it, so affectionate.

The moment he pressed it down, Chu Baiqing's expression was dumbfounded. He did not expect that Gu Jue would suddenly kiss him...

The pipeline of the theater is not so bright, so the photos taken have a sense of haziness.

Seeing her stunned and sluggish eyes in the photo, as well as Gu Jue's three-dimensional side face like a knife, and the soft kissing gesture made Chu Baiqing's heart tremble...

This is the feeling of falling in love. An inadvertent action or a small surprise is enough to make people stunned for a while, as if they were poured honey.

Love is like this, regardless of male and female, as long as they are in love, the same passion is hot...

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