The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1275: A Gu Qingxin——Shut up, my family Chu Baiqing is thin-skinned (2,000 words)

Chu Baiqing's face flushed slightly, and she smiled and did not speak, but squeezed Gu Jue's side waist with great strength.

"Fuck, shut up, don't you know that Chu Baiqing has a thin face!"

In fact, Gu Jue is also a little embarrassed. Although they are all their own brothers, they are always a little embarrassed.

It's also rare that Sir Alex Ferguson will feel a little embarrassed, it is not easy.

"Is it thin-skinned? I didn't see it, I really opened my eyes!"

Feng Yan said so, but he knew in his heart that Chu Baiqing's good intentions meant that he wanted to make Gu Jue happy.

Even if it is to forget those bad things for a short time, it is considered that he is not in vain, shame, and foolish with Gu Jue.

"A Yan..." Chu Baiqing finally opened her mouth, and she was embarrassed in her voice.

After all, a gentle and shy temperament, that's it when I was young.

Even if you want to pretend to be a rogue, you don't have that potential.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore!" Feng Yan couldn't stand Chu Baiqing's softly calling his name.

Because he and his own request, he will agree.

Chu Baiqing was still a little weak, and after speaking a few words, she fell asleep on Gu Jue's lap.

After arriving in Yucheng, I went directly to the hotel, which was arranged by someone on the way to Feng Yan.

Their closed branch hall is also in Yucheng.

When he came to Yucheng again, Feng Yan thought of coming here three years ago, chasing Huo Qingge.

She came here on a business trip and ran over by herself, and at that time, Tangtang was also sent to the door...

It happened three years ago, but when I think about it, it feels like it was yesterday.

On the second day, several people drove for more than two hours before arriving at the village Ji Chenzhou said.

There are a total of 19 households in Liuguang Village. After inquiring about it, I learned that the local doctor Lao Song had moved to the mountains three years ago.

A few people can only climb the mountain if the car can't get on.

Both Gu Jue and Feng Yan had no problem with their physical strength, but Chu Baiqing and Feng Xi, who usually lack exercise, were not able to do so.

For less than half of the journey, Feng Xi couldn't climb...

"Damn, living on the mountain, isn't it sick? Isn't it tired to climb up and down every day."

Sitting on the ground, Feng Xi stopped crawling completely.

"Xi, how about you go down! The more you go up, the harder it is to climb!"

Chu Baiqing's already tired face flushed, and she was panting.

Gu Jue said that Ji Chenzhou had been here several times, but that person had blocked the needle and stopped giving him acupuncture.

This time I climbed up again and again, it was really difficult for Ji Chenzhou, his temperament was actually very lazy.

"Don't go down, brother, you carry me!"

Feng Xi shouted at Feng Yan who was drinking water.

Feng Yan spit out water directly, his feminine eyes looked at Feng Xi with a calm face.

"You too!" Chu Baiqing couldn't walk anymore, so she told Gu Jue.

"No, when I first went up the mountain, I had to carry you. What do you say, I am not that weak, I can."

Speaking of this Gu Jue was still angry. When he went up the mountain, he wanted to carry Chu Baiqing on his back, but he just refused to let it go.

I was irritable all the way.

"Can't you recite?" Chu Baiqing asked again.

"Don't recite." Gu Jue is actually **** his lips, how could he not recite.

"A Yan, you carry me!" Chu Baiqing turned around, not knowing whether it was Feng Yan's direction, and said.

Feng Xi looked at Chu Baiqing with a serious face. Although he didn't say anything, he was thinking in his heart, "He is carrying you, who will carry me?"

In fact, Feng Yan didn't promise to carry Feng Xi back at all, it was purely his own imagination.

Feng Yan didn't answer, you two are awkward, don't get involved with me.

Feng Yan hadn't found Chu Baiqing's interesting temperament before.

Seeing Gu Jue's anger and dare not resist.

Chu Baiqing just talked to him in a calm tone, and he could jump his feet with anger.

It's really one thing drop one thing...

"Fuck, dare you let him carry it, so he dares to carry you!"

Gu Jue was annoyed. He still didn't understand Chu Baiqing's family, and he was kind to everyone.

If you really make him angry, you will have to coax him. If you don’t coax, you’ll still be upset.

It's a vicious circle...

Feng Yan didn't want to talk to each other, and didn't want to mix things up with their couple.

Who knows that Gu Jue is going to get involved with him...

What does he dare not? Is there anything he dared not do?

"Bai Qing, come, I'll carry you!" A few steps walked to Chu Baiqing, looked at Gu Jue provocatively, and then said to Chu Baiqing.

In fact, he didn't squat down at all, because he knew that even if he squatted down, why would Gu Jue let him carry Chu Baiqing on his back?

"Do you use your back? My wife is naturally my back. Let's start!"

Gu Jue squeezed Feng Yan away, bent down directly, and took Chu Baiqing's hand, letting him rest on his shoulders.

I took him back...

Chu Baiqing is of a lean figure, so it is quite easy for Gu Jue to carry him.

Feng Yan smiled and stopped talking, just tease.

If you can really confront Gu Jue, you must carry Chu Baiqing back.

The mountain road was very narrow, and Feng Xi was sitting on the ground by the side of the road. If he wanted to go up, he would pass by him.

Feng Yan deliberately didn't look at his pitiful expression.

Who knew that his trouser legs were caught just as he walked over.

"Brother, you carry me! I really can't walk anymore..."

Ever since I called Brother Feng at Chu Baiqing's house that time, Feng Xi would call Brother Feng Yan from time to time.

Now it's getting more and more smooth...

"I really can't walk..." Before Feng Yan could speak, Feng Xi whispered while shaking his pants.

Feng Xi also had a thin figure, and his character was shorter than Chu Baiqing.

Therefore, when Feng Yan didn't know why he convulsed and carried him on his back, he realized that he was really light...

I don’t know where I have eaten all these years.

Feng Xi actually didn't expect Feng Yan to carry him so happy.

The two have been hated these years, and they have always been in an awkward state.

Therefore, Feng Xi was quite uncomfortable being carried so.

"Am I heavy?" Anyway, Feng Yan is the only relative of his blood relationship in this world.

Without thinking about the hatred of the past, Feng Xi was quite willing to get close to him.

"Similar to Mu Mu!" In the past two years, Mu Mu's stature has not grown, and she has become more handsome and domineering.

Gao Lengfan is simply stronger than his father.

"Damn, you said I'm still a child?" Feng Xi was unhappy when he heard this. He was a little thinner, and he was not taller than him, but he didn't want to compare with Mu Mu.

"Shut up!" Feng Yan didn't want to talk to Feng Xi anymore. At first, he felt quite light when he was carrying it on his back. After going uphill, he felt tired.

However, looking ahead, Gu Jue was walking briskly with Chu Baiqing on his back. As expected, the power of love was infinite.

Just like Popeye who ate spinach.

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