The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1313: Looking forward to the years-Feng Yan, I will spend time with you... (3,000 words)

Feng Yan didn't even glance at Jiang Fei, who was almost taken off.

Kicked her away with one foot, and looked at Yin Shinian softly.

"Feng Shao, I really love you... Yin Shinian has no heart, she only loves herself... She was pregnant when she was 18 years old and gave birth to... a wild species, she is just Bad stuff...Anyone can sleep with her..."

Jiang Fei kneaded on her own softness, her silvery appearance made people not feel the blood spurting, but only felt sick.

When Jiang Fei was about to hug her thigh again, Feng Yan kicked her again.

Such a mean woman should be treated like this.

Yin Shinian hugged his arms and looked at Jiang Fei like that, his eyes were cold.

Seeing her being kicked to the ground, her embarrassed appearance was a bit pitiful.

However, there must be something hateful about the poor person in that sentence.

She took the blame for this. She hadn't harmed anyone in Yin Shinian, and she would not be harmed anymore. She was still waiting to die.

Everyone has to pay the price for what he did. Sooner or later, the retribution will come to you.

"The child born in Yin Shinian back then belongs to me. A woman like you is naked. I won't even look at you. Don't tarnish the word of love!"

Every word of Feng Yan was cold, and he did not allow anyone to attack Yin Shinian.

She had been wronged enough for being pregnant with Nana.

Although Jiang Fei was controlled by the drug's effect, Feng Yan's words still stunned her.

The child that Yin Shinian was pregnant was Feng Shao?

"Yin Shinian, you slut, why are you so lucky...a bitch, and someone else makes your head for you... Yin Shinian, I hate you..."

Jiang Fei just couldn't move. If she was able to move, she would definitely come forward and tear it up, calm and calm, with a calm expression on her face.

Feng Yan likes kicking people the most. When she kicked Jiang Fei again, she was kicked and flew far away, hitting the door directly.

Although Feng Yan had a bad temper, he still wouldn't deal with women.

Jiang Fei broke his rules, and killing such a woman would not be enough to relieve her anger.

All things are done by her.

"Hanbing!" Feng Yan felt that the air in this room would be dirty for such a woman.

"Yes, Young Master." Han Bing came in and responded respectfully.

"Have those people been found?" Feng Yan said this while looking at Yin Shinian.

"Found it, everything is arranged!"

Han Bing Yuguang glanced at Jiang Fei, there was blood on her mouth and chest.

The young master's kick was really cruel enough.

However, seeing Jiang Fei touching underneath himself with a silver look, Han Bing quickly moved his eyes away, for fear that he would grow needle eyes.

The medicine that Mo Chen had prepared was really effective. Looking at her like this, maybe those men could not satisfy her.

The few people Feng Yan said were those who went to the bridal shop to make trouble last time.

Bai Hexun taught them once, and Feng Yan also taught them.

There is one thing missing on everyone, either fingers or ears...

Anyway, they are all disabled, Mo Chen said, those people were also found by Jiang Fei.

She directed everything that day, so Han Bing was learning that Jiang Fei was coming.

When Yin Shinian was about to deal with her, he woke up Feng Yan and reported the incident to him.

Then, Feng Yan asked him to find those people, prepare them, and give them to Jiang Fei.

A woman like her should be treated like this. Didn't she want to hurt Yin Shinian so much?

Then let her taste the taste of being rounded by a group of men.

She's such a mean woman, she will definitely like it very much.

Yin Shinian just wanted Jiang Fei to taste the medicine. She hadn't thought about finding someone strong Jiang Fei.

In fact, Jiang Fei doesn't need someone to be strong at all. Now as long as there is a man by her side, she will definitely climb over, ***

Han Bing didn't do it himself, but instead called his subordinates to come in, and directly dragged Jiang Fei out.

Jiang Fei had already figured it out once by herself at this time, and was shaking all over.

The tingling pleasure made her unable to speak, she could only be dragged out so nearly naked.

Although Yin Shinian's complexion was very calm, her hand was tightly holding on to her arm.

She was very pale, feeling sick and uncomfortable, she turned around and opened the window.

The cool wind came in at night, and she was breathing heavily.

The evening breeze was very cold, and Yin Shinian huddled up and hugged himself tightly.

What is human nature? Yin Shinian didn't know at this moment, and she didn't feel that happy feeling in her heart.

The pleasure of retaliating against Jiang Fei was not at all, but very panic.

Looking at Yin Shinian's trembling body, Feng Yan walked over.

Gently hugged her in his arms, with a complicated look on the evil charm's face.

No one had ever seen such a tangled and difficult Feng Yan.

He always said what he wanted to say, and did what he wanted, and he never cared about it.

However, at this moment, feeling the trembling of the little woman in his arms, he could not speak.

What the doctor said to him just now echoed in his head.

After Han Bing woke him up, many things flashed in his mind, many fragments, although his head was muddled, but his thoughts were very clear.

Suddenly, he thought that this child might also be his own.

Because three or four days before the hotel that night, it was the last time he and Yin Shinian did it.

Therefore, he went to ask the doctor, and the doctor said that Huosling had also asked. This is very likely.

In other words, the child in Yin Shinian’s stomach is either his or Baek Hyuk Hoon’s...

However, afterwards he told the doctor that Yin Shinian had been given the medicine afterwards, the kind of medicine with a strong effect...

The doctor said that such medicine is extremely harmful to human health.

It is not ruled out that there will be infant deformities and congenital diseases.

And such things often happen. It's not a special case. Many deformed children are caused by drugs.

Especially this kind of cuiqing medicine has a greater impact on children.

The doctor was very faithful in giving advice that this child could not stay...

After some children are formed, the deformity is visible, and some people will suffer pain and then shed.

Many people have to induce labor when they are a month old. Women's bodies are greatly harmed and many of them can no longer give birth.

Some of them discovered that their children were deformed and sick after they were born. At that time, not only was a family destroyed, but it was also a torture for the children. It is better to live without coming into this world.

The doctor analyzed many such examples, and Feng Yan was numb all over.

Yin Shinian felt Feng Yan's familiar breath and closed his eyes slightly.

She thought that meeting Feng Yan would definitely kill her, even if he didn't kill her, he would be furious and slap her a few times.

Just now, he kicked Jiang Fei's feet, she saw it, very cruel, regardless of whether she was a woman or not.

However, he did not expect that he would hold himself in his arms.

This embrace used to be what she always wanted to escape, but at this time, it made her feel warm.

Even she was a little greedy, thinking in her heart, let the time stay at this moment.

Yin Shinian closed her eyes, she even thought in her heart, she prayed to God, pity her...

Let the child in her belly be Feng Yan!

She knew that it was no longer possible for herself and Feng Yan. He would not ask for dirty things, let alone pregnant with another man's child...

Although Yin Shinian was in a state of chaos just now, her heart was surprisingly calm at this time.

She thinks that no matter who the child is, she will be born.

Children are innocent, they are all angels, the fault of adults, why should the sin be placed on the children.

She can't kill the child, if she can, she won't give birth to Nana...

At that time, she was only eighteen years old, so many people spit and abuse, so much verbal humiliation.

Some adults even scolded her for shame and broken shoes, and some children smashed her with rubbish.

She has survived this experience, and Nana is so cute now.

She has never regretted giving birth to Nana, she is now a mother and has experienced so much.

Naturally, I am more able to bear it, to give birth to this child, this unexpected life.

She believed that she would get better slowly, wouldn't it be better for her and Nana to cross over.

It will be fine, her hands don't feel like they are covering her belly, although the child has not yet formed.

However, she seemed to be able to feel the vitality in that.

Yin Shinian laughed, and he was very happy, but this kind of happiness was bitter.

"Would you like to lie down?"

Feng Yan opened his mouth, his throat a little hoarse, he was really dazzled by anger before.

Now calm down, that night was designed by Jiang Fei, not Yin Shinian's initiative to sleep and dislike.

She is also a victim...

This kind of cognition made Feng Yan rarely show his gentle side.

Yin Shinian's eyes were red because of Feng Yan's gentle words. Women are like this, and they are easily moved.

She thought that what she was going to bear was Feng Yan's anger, but she didn't want his gentleness.

Another thing that Yin Shinian didn't know was that the feudalization at this time was even more fragile.

Because Bai Hexun, his younger uncle, he is not an ungrateful person, they owe his younger uncle...

"Feng Yan, I'll have a good time with you... Will you let me keep this child?"

This was the first time Yin Shinian spoke to Feng Yan in such a pleading tone.

This is also the first step for her to open her heart, just the gentle words just now.

Let Yin Shinian’s cold heart melt instantly, she thought, live with this man...

With Nana, and this unborn child, no matter whose child he is, she is in his prime.

In the second half of Yin Shinian's life, she would love him well, even if it was compensation or debt.

She will love him well, and she also wants to live for herself once, follow her heart, and tell Feng Yan that she loves him...

Yin Shinian's body was trembling, she was waiting for Feng Yan's answer.

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