The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1324: Expecting years-do you know the crime of bigamy? (Two thousand words)

However, this is a fact. She and Baek Hyuk-hoon are now married. Although it is a fake marriage, the chaotic relationship is placed here and cannot be changed.

Yin Shinian, this man does not love you, take care of your heart...

Don't fall into it again, wait for you to get custody of Nana and divorce Baek Hyuk Hoon.

You can start a new life with Nana, the kind of ease and freedom that you yearn for.

After suffering the first half of your life, you must be happy for the second half of your life. This is what you promised yourself and you must do it.

"Little aunt? Are you sure?"

There was a sneer in Feng Yan's mouth, what a little aunt, this woman really meant to say it.

How could she be his little aunt, it would be impossible in this life.

And just as they were talking about the little aunt, in the corridor.

"Nana, don't cry!" Baek Hyuk Hoon hugged Nana and comforted Nana who had been crying.

He came upstairs with Feng Yan, but was stopped by Nana and Mu Mu.

"Uncle, Mu Mu said that my father is here, is it true?"

Nana's crying nose was red, and it looked so distressed.

Although Bai Hexun had such a kick between Yin Shinian and Feng Yan, he still didn't feel good about the children.

Anyway, this is also Yin Shinian's child.

"Well, your father is here, didn't you see him just now?"

Bai Hexun was watching Feng Yan come up. It stands to reason that they are within a minute of each other, and Nana will not be invisible.

"No, if you see it, don't ask Uncle...Is he here to take me away?"

Nana sucked her nose, her strong nasal sound, as if she had a bad cold.

Mu Mu kept nodding to the side and gave her a thumbs up for Nana's extraordinary acting skills.

I was also thinking that this is experience. If Nana plays such a hand with him in the future, he will have to tell whether it is true or not.

Nana's spirits and spirits are what he likes, but now he feels that his IQ has been seriously unable to keep up with her rhythm.

And their family Nana is really smart. She told herself just now that she was here to be an undercover agent.

She has successfully used the cuteness of the little white rabbit to break into the enemy's interior and clear all obstacles for her father.

Mu Mu also asked Nana, didn't you hate your father and abandon your mother?

Why would you help him?

Nana actually said to solve external problems first, and then internal conflicts.

Doing things is to distinguish the priority.

She couldn't see her dad's dying look, so she got angry just looking at it.

Nana said that she believes that her mother loves her father, and that she will not marry the man who is under her.

Facts proved that her speculation was correct. Her mother was married to this uncle.

In fact, to be precise, she wanted to call his uncle master...

But, what to do, she doesn't like him, she will definitely not call.

Because he is not a good elder, he robbed his mother with her father.

So we can't blame her for being old and disrespectful, because he didn't set a good example.

"Well, Nana doesn't want to leave?" Bai Hexun looked at the door of Yin Shinian's bedroom, his eyes were dull, they should be in the room.

what are they doing? The thought of what they might do makes Baek Hyuk Hoon's face become cold.

"Uncle, I want to be with my mother..." Nana didn't say whether to leave with Feng Yan.

It means to be with my mother, that is, wherever my mother is, I will be there.

She also believes that his dad can take her mother away. If he can't take her away, she really won't want this stupid dad...

"If Nana doesn't want to leave, uncle will want bibimbap. Don't cry."

Bai Hexun wanted to go to Yin Shinian's room, but the butler came up and told him that important guests had arrived.

And after Bai Hexun reluctantly went downstairs, in the bedroom, Feng Yan was still talking to Yin Shinian about his aunt.

"I am married to your younger uncle, of course I am your younger aunt... If you want to, you can call..."

It was the first time Yin Shinian realized what disagreement was. She didn't think so, but when she said it, it became like this.

"Are you sure you want me to call? Huh?"

Feng Yan was over Yin Shinian's body, pinched her chin, and asked wickedly.

The feminine eyes were a bit cruel, which was a sign of his anger.

But his tone was indifferent, as if he didn't care at all.

Let you completely wonder what he meant.

"you you……"

Yin Shinian's tongue is generally knotted, and he can't tell how to say, "Your name!"

Because she didn't want Feng Yan to call her that way, she didn't want to...

"What are you? You always can't say anything that pleases me!"

It used to be, what if it is now, but what to do, after knowing it later, he knew that no matter what Yin Shinian was, he would like to fend off Yan.

Whether her indifference, her ruthlessness, her stubbornness, her insincereness...

He likes all of these, he really likes it, but he was blinded at the time, and he didn't feel that kind of like at all.

What is said in that sentence, it seems that the two years of separation this time are not a bad thing.

At least let him recognize his heart for Yin Shinian.

Sometimes, many things have their two sides.

"Feng Yan, what are you going to do? I have seen the marriage certificate. Do you need me to show it to you?"

Because this is a foreign country, all matters are handled by Baek Hyuk Hoon.

He said that when Nana's custody is granted, they will divorce.

He will bless her to live the life she wants, although he is reluctant to bear her, but he will never force him.

"Do you know the crime of bigamy?" Feng Yan sneered. In his heart, Yin Shinian had always been calm and smart, but he didn't know people clearly.

She had known Bai Hexun for so many years, but she couldn't tell which word he lied to her.

And the time she spent with him was not too short.

Why didn't she believe what he said, he said he would marry her, why didn't she believe...

"You...what do you mean? You mean Baek Hyuk Hoon... was married?"

Yin Shinian's voice trembled a bit, which was something she could think of.

Bigamy, she has never been married, so there is only one possibility, Baek Hyuk Hoon...

Yup! Why didn't he think about it, would he not get married for so many years?

"There is another possibility! You are so smart that you can't think of it, don't you, baby?"

Feng Yan especially likes to call Yin Shinian Baby, because every time she calls, she blushes like a ripe tomato.

Every time he wants to take a bite...

Yin Shinian was stunned when he heard Feng Yan's words.

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