The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1331: Expected time year-the first

Feng Yan hugged Yin Shinian tightly on his back, the dignified young master of the door, his eyes were red.

A lifetime commitment, this is the best love word Yin Shinian has heard from Feng Yan, none of them.

They have always been in love, and they have never been separated.

Sometimes we have to thank the hardships that the years have given us. Those seemingly bad tortures, in fact, are all for creating a better us.

At this moment, Yin Shinian deeply understood this truth.

Bai Hexun looked at the two people who were hugging each other, his eyes were red, but he was not because he wanted to cry.

Instead, he was replaced by anger. How could this little girl who he cared for for so many years just abandon him and fall in love with other men.

She was an indifferent stone, and he thought that as long as he slowly covered her heat, she would fall in love with him again.

However, at this moment and this scene, how ironic appeared before him.

After opening the insurance, he slowly raised his hand. As long as he pulled the trigger with his finger, the two of them were undead and seriously injured.

Can two people like that fall in love again?

This idea was madly breeding in Baek Hyuk Hoon's mind.

He can't accept Yin Shinian leaving him, can't...

He has been like a corpse in the past all these years. It is rare that he has taken his heart to such a woman. Why does God treat him so much, why?

The constant questioning and deep stimulation caused Bai Hexun to directly pull the trigger.

"My grandpa...No, my grandpa..." But the moment Baek Hyuk Hoon pulled the trigger, Nana's cries came.

The gunfire rang but it missed...

Bai Hexun hit the pole with this shot. In fact, when he pulled the trigger, Feng Yan had already threw Yin Shinian down to protect him.

Nana's little uncle made Baek Hyuk Hoon wake up like a dream, and he really shot.

Since killing Feng Yan's father, he has not shot again, because he knows what the price he paid for that shot.

However, he shot again today. After he knew Feng Yan had entered Yin Shinian's room, he put the gun on him.

And he actually shot his nephew and his favorite woman.

What are you doing, Baek Hyuk Hoon?

You are already sorry for Xiao Yan, you want to kill him, you are really crazy...

That is the only blood of your sister in this world, and you are actually going crazy and want to kill him...

Bai Hexun fell to the floor, as if he had been drawn from his soul...

Hearing gunshots, Han Bing and Ji Chenzhou also ran in.

In fact, after a few exchanges between them, they sat down to discuss the world of men and men.

Han Bing ran over first, took the gun from Bai Hexun's hand, and closed the insurance.

Then, go to see if the young master is injured.

Ji Chenzhou hugged Nana in his arms and felt the trembling of her body.

"Nana is not afraid, not afraid..." Ji Chenzhou touched Nana's head and looked at Mu Mu, who was calm and committed.

On the other hand, Mu Mu's eyes were red, and he was angry when he watched Nana's shock.

Angry, little gentleman, Li Mumu, who has been walking high and cold, is angry and distressed.

Feng Yan helped Yin Shinian to stand up, looked at her, and was not injured.

Yin Shinian said it was okay, and ran over Nana.

Feng Yan looked at the place where the bullet had been hit on the pillar, if there was no cry from Nana.

Although he and Yin Shinian are not going to die, they are still injured.

His little uncle is really going to kill them...

The feeling of anger and powerlessness in his heart was like two ropes pulling him.

After taking a look at Nana's side, he was sure that the child was okay.

Feng Yan picked up the gun thrown on the ground by the ice.

Han Bing looked at and said nothing, he wanted to believe that the young master would not kill anyone.

Before they left, the commander-in-chief said that they can do it, but they cannot kill people.

Han Bing thought, maybe the chief commander was also worried, if something happened, the young master would regret it later.

Nana looked at Feng Yan holding a gun and shouted again, "Dad, don't hurt my uncle..."

Nana's voice made Baek Hyuk Hoon slowly close his eyes. He liked Nana.

In front of children, there is always nowhere to hide all the sins in people's hearts.

Baek Hyuk Hoon felt that he was like this in front of Nana. Looking at her sly eyes, he felt he was guilty.

The little uncle he heard just now was not particularly true, but he heard the little uncle just now.

Just now Nana deliberately stopped him, he knew that this child's mind was not simple.

His sister was smart since she was a child, as if she was smarter than Nana.

However, the most confused thing she did in her life was to fall in love with the man whose surname was Feng.

And love was so stupid, and finally took his own life in.

White people are clinging to love and are ignorant.

He used to laugh at his sister, but now he has also become such a person?

Because I thought I was the so-called love, I cheated one lie after another.

Even be blinded by the mind, and actually want to shoot them.

What is the difference between your behavior like Bai Hexun and the fire that your sister back then?

The little girl has explained to you a long time ago that you are not conscious and still dreaming about it.

After this shot, you should wake up...

Feng Yan could see all the changes in Bai Hexun's expression.

Fortunately, no one was injured, nothing else. Everything that year started with this shot, so let everything end with this shot!

"Uncle, our Fengjia owes you. It was from this shot that my dad is damned, but the shot you just now is considered to have been cleared!"

Putting the gun on the table, Feng Yan's tone was indifferent, and he looked at Bai Hexun's eyes with lightness.

At this time, I can still call him my little uncle, which is considered forgiving. All, let this shot be over!

Bai Hexun never said a word from beginning to end.

He didn't smile until he was the only one left in the living room, smiling with relief.

Because Yin Shinian said, "I don't blame you for everything, but thank you for your respect over the past two years!"

Bai Hexun does respect Yin Shinian very much. If he wants to use her strong, he will not be less.

When he left Baek Hexun's villa and walked directly into the opposite villa, Yin Shinian still felt that everything was incredible.

Feng Yan actually lives on the opposite side?

"It's not that I have lived for a long time, I just arrived today!" Feng Yan thought that he would have to look at Yin Shinian for a few days, but he never thought it would be so easy, so he brought his wife back.

Looking at Mu Mu and Nana again, Feng Yan felt that his daughters would be happy forever.

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