The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1333: Looking forward to the year-you also take advantage of it, what else do you want? (Tw

Feng Yan really wanted to choke Ji Chenzhou to death, why is there him everywhere?

The shame has arrived home, and the oil and salt won't come in. You tell him clearly that it is annoying to you, and people also laughed and said, "As long as you care about me, it's okay, whether you like it or hate it."

Feng Yan directly pushed Yin Shinian, "Go in and change clothes!"

How could he not let his woman be seen by Ji Chenzhou.

Although he likes men, but that doesn't work either...

Yin Shinian didn't say anything. After all, Ji Chenzhou was here, so he wanted to give Feng Yan face.

She just felt that Feng Yan's possessiveness was too unreasonable to make trouble.

This is the beach. All women wear it like this. Is it possible for her to wear a ski suit to step on the beach?

After Yin Shinian entered, Feng Yan immediately took out his mobile phone, regardless of what time it was in China.

He directly called Gu Jue and asked him to take care of his son.

The hands-free directly opened by Feng Yan...

Taking a look at the time, it should be more than 11 o'clock in the evening over there.

It may be that Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing are doing fierce things.

Ji Chenzhou smiled and lay on the sofa, guessing that he called his father.

In other words, he really missed Xiaoqi and Xiaojiu...

The call was connected, but it was not Gu Jue's violent voice, but a simple and shy voice.

Feng Yan glanced at his mobile phone. It was indeed Gu Jue's number. Who is this?

"Feng Shao, I'm Naren!" Feng Yan heard the voice on the phone this time.

Only then did he hear that it was indeed Naren's voice.

Why is he still with Gu Jue at this point?

In fact, it wasn't just Feng Yan who thought so, but Ji Chenzhou, who was lying on the sofa, looked stagnant, since he and Naren had one time.

After that, he was in the mood to tease him, after all, it was quite fun.

However, after Naren explicitly rejected him, he never looked for him again.

After all, I don’t feel too strong about him...

It shouldn't feel anything...

"Where is Gu Jue?" Feng Yan couldn't ask directly either. At this point, why are you at Gu Jue's house and still holding his mobile phone.

"Take a...bath! It's not convenient to pick it up. I helped him pick it up. Young Master Chu has an operation tonight, so I'm here..."

Naren is still the same, and talking to people who are not familiar with him makes him a little nervous.

In fact, Chu Baiqing had surgery at night, and Gu Jue had a meal that couldn't be pushed away, so he called Naren to see Xiaoqi Xiaojiu.

However, when he was nervous, he didn't explain it.

There is ambiguity in these words, and it is easy for people to misunderstand. Of course, the person who misunderstands is definitely not Fengyan, because he understands Gu Jue, he is not a fool.

If he had that thought, he wouldn't have been waiting for Chu Baiqing to return. During this time, no one would look at it.

"Let Gu Jue call me back soon!"

Feng Yan glanced at Ji Chenzhou lying on the sofa, and really didn't consider himself an outsider.

"Yeah, okay!" Naren hung up the phone nervously.

Feng Yan kicked Ji Chenzhou's calf, "get up."

"You said Naren hasn't given up on my father yet?"

Ji Chenzhou spoke suddenly, his tone turned out to be extremely serious.

It seemed to be asking Feng Yan and it was like asking himself.

"Then are you giving up on Bai Qing?"

In fact, Feng Yan was quite curious about this issue.

These things that Ji Chenzhou did for Chu Baiqing, no matter how he said he didn't love it, it was impossible.

"Feng Shao, you are very gossip!"

A faint pain flashed in Ji Chenzhou's eyes, it was unacceptable pain.

Sitting up, he left like that.

Feng Yan felt that he had never been here.

If you don’t have to make trouble, will you leave?


Just as Naren put down Gu Jue's cell phone, his cell phone rang.

He hung up after a glance, which was a habitual subconscious action.

Because of this person's phone, he will definitely not answer.

Ji Chenzhou looked at his hung-up phone, with a wicked smile on his mouth, and then called the phone.

Unsurprisingly, Naren over there hung up again.

Ji Chenzhou hit the third one, but he didn't hang up again.

Because Naren knows Ji Chenzhou's temper, if he hits the third time and you hang up, then he is asking for trouble.

Because he had a profound lesson, Ji Chenzhou said that if he doesn't answer his phone three times, he will be very fruitful.

Naren didn't care, but Ji Chenzhou didn't answer the third call.

Who knows that that night, Ji Chenzhou, who was drunk, forced him to the top.

In Naren's eyes, Ji Chenzhou is a lunatic. He can do everything. There is no bottom line for being a man and doing things. Don't mess with him.

In the end, the phone was picked up.

Ji Chenzhou's mouth showed a small smile, which was considered satisfactory.

"Get out of my father's house!"

After the call was connected, Ji Chenzhou coldly threw such a sentence.

"Ji Chenzhou, you are sick!" Without even thinking about it, you can know that Ren's face over there must be dull red at this time.

That's angry...

"Well, I am sick. Would you like to see how sick I am?"

When Ji Chenzhou talked to Naren, he was always so lazy, as if he didn't care about it.

"Ji Chenzhou, you also took advantage of it, what else do you want? Why do you care about my business?"

Perhaps when talking to Ji Chenzhou, Naren would not stutter nervously, because there would only be anger.

"Why are you talking about? Of course it hasn't taken advantage of you!"

Ji Chenzhou thought of Naren's pleasant and forbearing appearance under him, and he felt a tight belly.

"Shameless!" Naren hung up the phone directly, and he didn't want to think about what happened that night.

However, Ji Chenzhou humiliated him again and again.

He is either born or bent, he has liked Gu Jue, it is all good impressions, just like his temperament, but when Ji Chenzhou is here, he is born to be the person below.

He is born to like men...

That shameless voice full of anger and shame, heard in Ji Chenzhou's ears, but it seemed like the best cuiqingyao, which made his blood boil.

At this moment, I wanted to press Na Ren under his body severely, forcing him to call out a more attractive voice.

Ji Chenzhou has always been an activist, and he wants Naren in his heart, so he has already arranged to return to China.

He has never been a muddle-headed person, but he is just about Naren.

But he changed his mind time and time again and became entangled.

Since you can't let go, why not follow your heart and want him to...

Ji Chenzhou has never been a wrongdoer, and never has been.

It was because of the fuse of the word "shameless" that Ji Chenzhou never thought that he wanted to play, but he didn't want to catch up with him in the end. He actually fell in love with Naren.

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