The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1352: Sinking-if you are smart enough, don't find it for yourself

Naren was not playing word games with Ji Chenzhou, but he was completely unreliable.

It's very likely that you won't admit it even if you sleep.

"I don't want to recruit him, but you don't need to sleep with me once, I have enough sleep!"

This is what Ji Chenzhou finds interesting, because he can play a rogue against Naren without conscience.

It's the best of both worlds, people are asleep, and there is no need to worry about emotional entanglements.

"Impossible!" Naren felt humiliated, and Ji Shenzhou had enough sleep.

If he doesn't sleep enough in his life, can he sleep with him for the rest of his life?

"Then, Qin..." Ji Chenzhou is now barefoot and not afraid of Naren wearing shoes.

Just as Ji Chenzhou yelled Qin Nan's Qin character, Naren stretched out his hand to cover his mouth.

"Ji Shenzhou, just one year!"

Now Ji Chenzhou won't let him go, and he doesn't have to go to school hard.

Qin Nan will go directly to the University of Physical Education as a teaching assistant internship in another year. At that time, there will be no chance to meet Ji Shenzhou.

One year, soon, Sir Alex Ferguson said, Ji Chenzhou often disappeared for six months a year, he should be able to bear it.

Besides, he will have a photography training in a few days, which is the actual combat type, and he will go out to shoot for two months.

What excuses will be found later, one year, and soon after, Naren can only comfort himself like this.

Ji Chenzhou actually wanted to say that it would not take a year at all. He knew that he was fresh for Naren, and he was more fascinated by his body.

Maybe if he sleeps too much and has done enough, he will be struggling and don't want to.

"Okay, I promise you!" Ji Chenzhou touched Naren's head, very hot.

At the beginning, Renbie didn't want Ji Chenzhou to touch him.

"Have you taken the medicine?" Ji Chenzhou didn't know that after the incident between men, he would have a fever.

Naren didn't speak, got up to go back to the room, he wanted to continue sleeping.

He doesn't want any guarantee from Ji Chenzhou now, since there is a deal between them, then he can only believe that he will not provoke Qin Nan.

"I asked if you took your medicine?"

Ji Chenzhou grabbed Naren's arm with a lot of strength.

The tone of immersion was very heavy. He was born with a golden spoon in his hand, and he was raised in the hands of his childhood.

Even now, he keeps a low profile and does not publicize his identity as the son of the president.

However, because of his own identity and status, people must respectfully call him Ji Shao.

Whenever someone shook his face to show him, if he could really shake his face, and he still smiled and wouldn't be angry, then only Chu Baiqing would be the only one.

His father can count as half...

People who are sick are always sweet and upset, and Ren's heart is extremely depressed, but he endures it.

"Eat!" Naren wanted to sleep because he was dizzy and heavy.

"In the future, I will ask you what to answer, what do I ask you to do and do, Naren, if you are smart enough, don't find yourself unhappy!"

Ji Chenzhou's creed is that if I give you a face, you have to ask for it. If you shamelessly, he will definitely turn your face against you.

Naren's teeth were clenched tightly, and the fists hanging down to his sides were clenched tightly, and the joints were all white.

Naren shook off Ji Chenzhou's hand and walked to the bedroom. When he passed the bathroom door, he saw Qin Nan humming, shaking his head and brushing his shoes.

Qin Nan always brushes his sneakers very clean.

Naren glanced at Ji Chenzhou, and he sat back on the sofa, as if he had no intention of leaving.

If he doesn't leave, Qin Nan is definitely going to talk to him.

Naren is really sleepy and uncomfortable now, he can't help but want to sleep.

"Qin Nan, you can go home after brushing your shoes! I'll go to bed!"

Naren grasped the doorknob, his body was out of strength.

"I'll finish it right away. Go and lie down first. How can I rest assured that you are at home? If it gets serious, I have to send you to the hospital!"

"What if I burn my body? Our neighbor had a fever when he was young, and his brain burned out. Now he is a fool!"

Qin Nan's voice immediately changed its tone. In his eyes, Naren belonged to the kind of temperament who could not take care of himself at all.

You look at him very skinny, in fact, very weak.

Naren rubbed his temples with a terrible headache.

"Ji Chenzhou will take care of me, go back, obedient."

The two of them couldn't always be alone. Ji Chenzhou didn't leave, so he could only let Qin Nan go.

"Then... OK! I'll come to accompany you tonight!"

Generally, when Naren and Qin Nan say you are obedient, he will listen, because Naren can't be wrong.

For example, Naren said that it will rain today, so you are right to bring an umbrella. It will definitely rain.

After Naren entered the house, Ji Chenzhou also followed in.

Naren didn't want to move when he fell on the bed, and didn't bother to lift his eyelids.

Just as Ji Chenzhou was about to sit by the bed, Naren's head was warm in silence, but he was stopped by his weak voice.

"Don't... touch me!"

The bedroom door was not closed, and the opposite was the bathroom in the living room. If Qin Nan came out and saw Ji Chenzhou being close to him, he would definitely be uncomfortable.

But, where is Ji Chenzhou the person you said don't touch it.

He touched it directly, it was not as hot as before.

However, it can be seen that Naren is weak.

Even though he was very sleepy, Naren didn't sleep. He kept waiting for Qin Nan to leave before daring to sleep.

"Now go to sleep! I'm with you, I really don't know what you are guarding against, he is not a big girl, I sleep with him, can make him pregnant, or what? As for you so nervous."

With Ji Chenzhou's words, let Naren's hand hold the sheet tightly.

In Ji Chenzhou's eyes, it was just a night's sleep, but he was also asleep.

What kind of messy mood he is now, only he knows best, he does not want Qin Nan to experience such a thing.

"Shameless!" Naren turned around, wrapped the quilt and didn't want to talk to Ji Chenzhou again.

Just when Naren was about to fall asleep, Ji Chenzhou's cell phone rang.

The ringtone is the babble of Xiaoqi and Xiaojiu, very cute and cute...

Naren laughed at the corners of his mouth, and really missed Xiaoqi Xiaojiu a little bit.

"What's the matter?" Ji Chenzhou's voice was lazy, listening casually, but it was full of deterrent.

Ji Chenzhou was lying half-lying on the head of the bed. He didn't know what was said on the phone. He suddenly sat up from the bed, rolled over and got out of the bed.

"I fuck..." Ji Chenzhou's voice trembled a bit.

Naren couldn't help but look back to see what his expression was.

However, what he saw was the back of Ji Chenzhou eagerly walking out.

As I said just now, the man who is here with him will leave without saying hello.

The door closed with a bang, and Naren was shocked to be completely sleepy.

The hot body curled up on the bed, Naren's eyes were dark...

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