The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1355: Sinking-he asked him, "Are you angry?"

Na Ren's face was blushing, but because of Qin Nan's sudden words, he turned pale.

He bit his lip fiercely, although he didn't speak, but his eyes were a little panicked and imploring.

Let Ji Chenzhou see that Renshi begged him not to tell their relationship.

There is no bottom line in his heart, Ji Chenzhou has no bottom line, he can do everything.

If Qin Nan knew that he and Ji Chenzhou had already had a leg, he would definitely be sad, and even misunderstand himself, Naren didn't want to lose this friend.

Naren held Ji Chenzhou's arm tightly.

"Qin Nan, you didn't do it yourself when you went to the bathroom, did you find happiness?"

Ji Chenzhou turned his head and smiled at Qin Nanxie, and said in a rather picky tone.

Ji Chenzhou sat up naturally, Qin Nan blushed when he asked.

After all, he was hard because of Ji Chenzhou's hooking action just now.

He did go to the bathroom to solve it himself.

"Hey..." Qin Nan smiled awkwardly, forgetting what he asked just now.

I don't remember what was wrong with Ji Chenzhou pressing Naren under him.

"You came out too fast!" Then Ji Chenzhou floated out lightly.

Qin Nan's feet are soft when he listens. Does this mean he can't?

"Um, a quick fight, a quick fight..."

Male dignity is questioned, how can this be?

Qin Nan immediately remembered that he came back so hurriedly for the purpose of taking pictures of Naren's stuff.

As soon as he saw Ji Chenzhou, he forgot about the business.

"Um, Naren, hurry up, take off your pants, and do business!"

Qin Nan went to get his mobile phone again, and flipped through his passionate and refreshing videos.

Ji Chenzhou has dark eyes, take off his pants?

Naren couldn't do Ji Chenzhou so calmly, he sat up from the sofa.

"Qin Nan, no... come to the one you said, I will solve it myself!"

What Naren said is that he can handle the things mentioned on the forum, and he doesn't need to take a photo and post it as Qin Nan said.

He wouldn't do such a thing, he would never die.

Although he said that he would no longer be a hacker, deleting this post is not a violation of his original oath.

"I'm going, awesome! No need to watch the movie, then you quickly harden it, I'm ready!"

Qin Nan was actually quite curious. With such a good figure, isn't that place also big?

Naren had already clearly felt Ji Chenzhou's face, which became more ugly, and both of them were sitting on the sofa.

He can clearly feel his anger...

It was a misunderstanding that he wanted to come. Qin Nan said that if he asked him to take off his pants, what was it hard or not...

"Recently, there have been rumors about me...Qin Nan wanted to take a photo...not anything else."

If Qin Nan wasn't here, Naren didn't want Ji Chenzhou to misunderstand and cause something to happen.

He wouldn't open his mouth to explain, absolutely not.

Ji Chenzhou was a little surprised by Naren's active explanation, but he was very happy.

Actually stretched out his hand and touched Naren's head pettingly.

Naren wanted to escape, but Ji Chenzhou hugged him over.

He didn't move much, but let Naren lie on his body.

Ji Chenzhou knows the rumors that Na Ren is not a man in the past two days, so he can't stand it up, what three seconds man...

The little demon called him the first time, teasing him, how to make a good young man not a man, too cruel...

Seeing Ji Chenzhou's series of natural movements, Qin Nan, who has always been so daring, felt a little uncomfortable.

He always felt that the relationship between Ji Chenzhou and Naren was weird.

At this time, Qin Nan, who has always reacted slowly, also realized a problem.

How did Ji Chenzhou get in? He's...bath towels, he completely treats this as his own home?

Didn't Naren say that their relationship is not good...

Qin Nan suddenly remembered that when Naren had a fever, he threw himself down and disappeared.

The thought of this made him immediately unhappy.

"I said that...Ji Chenzhou, did you say last time that you took care of Naren? Did you know that you left like that? Naren has passed out. If it weren't for me to come back, I can't figure out how big the matter is. !"

Qin Nan admits that he likes Ji Chenzhou, but in this matter, he feels that Ji Chenzhou has done something very wrong.

Ji Chenzhou's hand on Naren's body stiffened slightly. He walked in a hurry that day and he did forget that Naren was still feverish.

(At the time of Gu Qing's heart, Chu Baiqing relapsed and fainted. It was Lord Ferguson and Ji Chenzhou who were both present. However, when the sinking was here, Chu Baiqing relapsed, and Ji Chenzhou was in Naren. This is a plot need, there is no conflict before and after, as an independent Look at the story.)

Naren's hand curled up, and he had been asleep for a few days, and it was Qin Nan who was taking care of him.

After he woke up, Qin Nan scolded Ji Shenzhou for several days.

Naren actually wanted to tell Qin Nan that because he was not the person Ji Chenzhou cared about, he would not care whether he was sick or not, so there was no need to scold him angrily.

They have nothing to do with each other, and they have no obligation to take care of them.

Naren said the same to himself, because you are not important...

Ji Chenzhou's fingers gently rubbed Naren's neck, "Are you angry?"

Naren's face was not good-looking, Ji Chenzhou noticed it, softly three words.

Let Naren's heart sting slightly, angry? With Ji Shenzhou? will not……

"No!" Naren smiled at Ji Chenzhou, how unnatural the smile would be.

It can only be regarded as a smile barely squeezed out.

"Well, since Naren forgive you, I won't say anything, and that... don't rely on... our Naren is so close!"

Qin Nan didn't like Ji Chenzhou being so close to Naren.

It was not because of Ji Chenzhou, but because of Naren. Qin Nan felt that he was a little guardian. He felt that Naren belonged to him and should not be brought so close by Ji Chenzhou.

Naren saw that Qin Nan's face was a little bad, and thought he was feeling uncomfortable because Ji Chenzhou was too close to him.

As soon as Naren stood up, Ji Chenzhou grabbed his wrist.

"Ji Chenzhou..." Naren wanted to take out his hand, but was tossed in his arms by Ji Chenzhou's strength and was imprisoned.

Qin Nan's brain seemed to be energized in an instant. For the first time in Naren's bedroom, they hadn't come out in the bathroom for so long...

What's so tight and comfortable...

"You two..." Qin Nan's voice was knowing, but he didn't believe it.

Naren wanted to open his mouth and explain to Qin Nan, but Ji Chenzhou pinched his jaw.

"Ji Chenzhou, don't..." Naren is too familiar with the desire in Ji Chenzhou's eyes, he wants to kiss himself...

However, before Naren finished speaking, Ji Chenzhou kissed his lips fiercely.

The overbearing and powerful kiss did not allow Naren to refuse the slightest bit. Prying open his teeth, the entanglement of his lips and tongue was igniting a raging evil fire.

For more than a month, Ji Chenzhou missed this mouth so much...

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