The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1361: Sinking-this is the way to punish you (4,000 words)

Naren didn't open the door, but waited for the person to turn his head.

The figure of this person looks familiar...

However, when that person turned around, Naren was taken aback.

He quickly opened the door, "Young Master Chu..."

Chu Baiqing looked at the detention and smiled, "Are you scared?"

Naren had just taken a shower, and his clothes were put on his body indiscriminately. His trousers were all that kind of loose, and a small part of it was stepped under his feet.

"A bit..." Naren wasn't scared, but he didn't expect Chu Baiqing to come.

"Don't you ask me to go in?" Chu Baiqing glanced at Naren's home with curious eyes.

Just one step forward...

"Young Master Chu, please come in!"

Naren hurriedly took Chu Baiqing a pair of slippers, they were new, and he usually bought two of the same things.

When Chu Baiqing entered Naren's house, it felt very clean. At first glance, it was a single man's house.

Many of the decorations are made of shells, which were brought by Naren from the island.

"Young Master Chu, can you drink mineral water?"

Naren hasn't been here for a long time, so he didn't boil water. There are still a lot of mineral water I bought before.

"No, come and sit down, I just want to say a few words to you!"

Chu Baiqing saw that Ren was uncomfortable.

Although Naren was simple in mind, he thought that Chu Shao came to him, it should be related to Ji Chenzhou.

What Chu Shao said today should be something he found.

Naren's face was blushing, he was sitting on the edge of the sofa, head down, a little at a loss.

"When you came out, I asked Shaoyou to follow you here, and also asked Ayan to help me check your school affairs!"

Chu Baiqing has always done things meticulously. He found the clues, and naturally he should take it seriously.

Na Ren looked at Chu Baiqing in amazement, clutching his pants nervously.

So what happened in school today also means that Shao Chu knows it.

"Young Master Chu, I..." Naren didn't know what to say, and he didn't know what he could say.

"Naren, don't be nervous. Actually, I don't have any position to appear here, but it is the responsibility of sinking the boat, so I will think a little bit about things related to him."

Chu Baiqing touched Naren's head. Such a simple person who would not hide his thoughts, together with Ji Chenzhou, would definitely have no bones left to be eaten.

Naren likes listening to Chu Baiqing speaking, Qin Nan said that Ji Chenzhou's voice is the best.

However, Naren felt that Chu Baiqing's voice was the best.

"Young Master Chu, I have nothing to do with Ji Chenzhou... just..."

Naren couldn't tell, he was just the person who accompanies Ji Shenzhou to sleep, nothing more than that between them.

"Naren, let me tell you about Shen Zhou!"

Chu Baiqing could see Naren's entanglement and shame, and he could also guess a general idea of ​​what he had learned just now.

Ji Chenzhou forced Naren...

Naren wanted to say that he didn't want to hear anything about Ji Chenzhou.

However, he wanted to hear Chu Baiqing speak.

"The first time I saw Shen Zhou was with my elder brother, he gave me the feeling of evil, even more evil than Ayan..."

Chu Baiqing could see that Naren didn't want to hear about Ji Chenzhou.

"At that time I thought he was interested in our family Gu Jue, but I didn't know that his goal was me in the end. At that time, I really hated him and disgusted him!"

When Chu Baiqing remembered that time now, it seemed like a lifetime.

Naren actually wanted to nod, Ji Chenzhou really hated it.

No, hate is not enough to describe him, it is deeply disgusting...

"When he pesters you, it makes you feel broken!"

Chu Baiqing looked at Na Ren's expression and knew in his heart that he was a person who could not hide his thoughts at all.

Chu Boqing was even a little worried. Is it appropriate for him to be with Ji Chenzhou?

Naren wanted to nod again, the degree of collapse wanted to die...

Ji Chenzhou's ability to humiliate people should have been practiced for thousands of years.

"However, if you get along with him for a long time, you will find that he is actually not that annoying."

Chu Baiqing couldn't help touching Naren's head again. He might be able to understand why Ji Chenzhou was interested in Naren.

Naren looked very shy, but he was like a little rabbit, always making you want to touch him and tease him.

As far as Ji Chenzhou is concerned, he definitely wants to bully him...

Naren wanted to shake his head, he thought that even if he and Ji Chenzhou get along for a lifetime, he would still hate him.

And he didn't want to spend a lifetime with him, not a day.

Naren even wanted to say that Ji Chenzhou loves Chu Shao, and he is naturally different to him from himself, so Chu Shao thinks that he is less annoying.

"Naren, do you think Shen Zhou still likes me?"

Chu Baiqing looked at Naren's trousers stepping on her feet, and based on his understanding of Ji Chenzhou, she definitely wanted to cut it for him.

Naren finally had a chance to nod. This question also means that Ji Chenzhou likes Chu Baiqing, no, it should be because he loves him very much.

"Then do you think he likes you?"

Naren immediately shook his head, surely he didn't like him, how could Ji Chenzhou like him.

Besides, liking someone is good to him, not bullying and humiliating.

Ji Chenzhou is really good to Chu Baiqing, that is love, that is love...

With a faint smile in her warm eyes, Chu Baiqing liked Naren more and more.

Such a good temper is really rare, and there is no jealousy or unwillingness in his eyes.

"But I think Shen Zhou likes you!"

Chu Baiqing's tone was very positive. If Ji Chenzhou didn't like Naren, he would not pester him so much.

Tonight, Xiaoqi Xiaojiu kept holding Ji Chenzhou and asked him to coax them to sleep, but he said that he wanted to leave because of something.

He looked in his eyes as if he was unwilling.

In the end, he made an excuse for something in the hospital to let him take care of the child, and he was reluctant to stay.

Naren said that he went back to school but he didn't. He didn't go to the rental house. Instead, he went back to his apartment, obviously hiding from Ji Shenzhou.

Naren bit her lip and looked at Chu Baiqing, her eyes were very complicated, as if she had heard a big joke, and she seemed to be frightened.

"Young Master Chu, love is what you like with Sir Alex, and nothing else!"

Naren didn't talk about persecution, bullying, hurt...

These are the things Ji Chenzhou did to him, how could this be like.

Naren's tone was very firm, it seemed that he was mistaken for Ji Chenzhou like him, which was an insult to him.

Chu Baiqing looked at Naren, and from his emotions, he caught a little bit more, something he was not sure about was that Naren cared about Ji Chenzhou...

"Naren, if you don't want the sinking boat to disturb you, I will tell him, he still listens to what I say!"

To say who Ji Shenzhou listens to most in this world, it must be Chu Baiqing's.

As long as Chu Baiqing said it, he would listen regardless of right or wrong.

Naren opened his mouth and wanted to say "OK"

Because he is really fed up with Ji Shenzhou, but this is to ask others to help him deal with things.

If he used others to help, why should he endure today? Let Xiu Ye kill him long ago.

He wants to solve his own problem...

"Young Master Chu, I can do it myself..."

Naren was very happy that Chu Baiqing could come and say these things to him, and thank him for wanting to help herself.

"Well, you have a good rest these few days, and I will let him watch the child after sinking the boat, and will not pester you!"

Chu Baiqing seemed familiar with the walking posture of Naren just now. During the time when Gu Jue tortured him, he was uncontrollable and pitying, and that place was very uncomfortable.

Seeing Naren's walking awkwardly, thinking about the **** Ji Chenzhou, he did not less toss him.

At that time, what I wanted most was to stay alone and have a good rest.

Since Naren wanted to deal with him and Ji Chenzhou's affairs by himself, then he gave him a few days of freedom.

"Thank you Chu Shao..." Naren was a little embarrassed, and his **** moved twice on the sofa.

Blushing is no good, what Chu Shao said is to take a good rest, can you be seen?

He is really uncomfortable...

"If you have anything to tell me, I hope someone can listen to me at that time. At that time, Sir Alex Ferguson was more **** than Shenzhou!"

Thinking about the past between him and Gu Jue, Chu Baiqing still felt pain in her body and heart.

What they experienced between them was not one or two days, but so many days and nights, both physically and mentally, they had suffered tremendously.

This is the case for people who love each other. Only when you have experienced it will you cherish it even more.

"Will Sir Alex be like that?" In Naren's heart, Sir Alex is Chu Young Master's great loyal dog, very obedient.

"He used to handcuff me to the bed. I was tortured for a few days. I don't remember. He did it endlessly. I thought it was a humiliation and wanted to die!"

If he were replaced by the former Chu Baiqing, he would definitely not speak to others.

However, Naren is different. He wants to uncover his heart knot, he is afraid that this child will become more and more depressed.

The nature of Ji Chenzhou's **** was worse than Gu Jue, or how he was his father and son.

Naren was shocked when he heard Chu Baiqing's words. He couldn't imagine that Sir Alex loved Young Chu so much, how could he treat him this way?

"In their view, doing that kind of thing is also a way of loving you. If you don't obey, it will become a way to punish you!"

Even now, Gu Jue would still punish him in bed.

Naren couldn't understand what Chu Baiqing said. The love he imagined was not like this.

Even in bed, it should be your wish, not persecution.

His impression of Sir Alex now is greatly reduced, how could he treat Young Master Chu so much.

When Ji Chenzhou forced him, he was uncomfortable most of the time, and only when it was not so painful would he be very comfortable.

And every time he gets a fever afterwards...

"Young Master Chu, I want to ask you something...something!" Naren was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't ask others about this kind of thing.

"Ask!" Chu Baiqing looked at Naren's feet in his trouser legs, and wanted to cut the trousers for him.

"Will you have a fever after the matter with Sir Sir Alex?" Naren exhaled and asked.

Chu Baiqing was stunned for a while, and then suddenly realized.

"I'll talk to Shen Zhou about this..."

Chu Baiqing thought, Ji Chenzhou probably didn't know how to help Naren clean up, and he didn't know the best way to wear a cover and lubricate...

Ji Chenzhou, you look at his evil nature, in fact, he doesn't understand anything in this regard.

"Don't, I just always...have a fever, miss class!"

Naren could feel how hot his face was. He didn't want to go to the hospital because it was too uncomfortable.

There used to be Qin Nan to take care of herself, but now no one takes care of him.

"Also... I don't want Ji Shenzhou to know!"

Naren never showed weakness in front of Ji Chenzhou, even if it hurts and feels how uncomfortable he is, he would not ask him to pity himself.

"Naren, don't let him know about this, you will still have a fever, but he didn't take good measures!"

Chu Baiqing looked at Naren, feeling a little distressed, he could understand his current state of mind.

He knew the feeling of weakness.

"Young Master Chu, Ji Chenzhou... Forget it, I don't know how to say, he is not a human being!"

In Naren's heart, Ji Chenzhou is a lion or a wolf, so he cannot be called a human being.

Chu Baiqing didn't say anything. For the sake of Naren's body, he would still have a good talk with Ji Chenzhou.

After all, in his eyes, they are all older children.

He was in his thirties, and he was in his twenties.

Naren kept sending Chu Baiqing downstairs.

Chu Baiqing exhorted him a few more words, that Ren's heart is very warm, and today is his happiest day in this period.

For two consecutive days, Ji Shenzhou did not appear.

Naren goes to school normally, but he can no longer lead a peaceful campus life like before.

Song Ke was expelled from school, and Qin Nan told him the news when he came to find Naren.

When Naren and Qin Nan walk on campus, they always receive strange eyes.

Ji Shenzhou is pulling him out publicly.

"Don't listen to those voices, they won't say it for a few days."

Qin Nan saw that Ren was uncomfortable, and put his arms around his neck as before.

"Qin Nan, you will be said by everyone like this."

The more natural Qin Nan behaved, the more uncomfortable his heart was.

He knew that Qin Nan didn't want him to be embarrassed.

"I wish I was said to be a couple with you!"

Qin Nan didn't care about this, he just didn't want Naren to be uncomfortable.

He wanted to understand that people like Ji Chenzhou and Naren would not last long.

He just stayed by Naren's side, and one day, Naren would be his.

"Naren, I can see that you like Ji Chenzhou. He is not a good thing either. You were pointed out at school. Where are the others?"

Qin Nan was still thinking about how he liked Shenzhou last season, but he didn't like Naren at that time. He missed a good opportunity and regretted it.

Naren was happy that Ji Chenzhou did not show up. Shao Chu did what he said. Ji Chenzhou was really looking at the child and had no time to pester him.

But, but, but...

A large group of girls screamed not far away, as if some big star came.

Qin Nan looked at it with his head, and all the girls in the midst of it were girls, and many others ran over.

Then he saw it, the person he said not to appear just now appeared, and he still...

"I fuck..."

Qin Nan cursed fiercely, what is this?

When Naren looked over, he was also suppressed...

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