The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1370: Sinking-what are you asking me for? (Four thousand words)

Naren's breath hit Ji Chenzhou's chest, itchy, he rubbed the hand of Naren's waist and eyes, applying a little force.

It hurts Naren...

"Well, don't go, he is your brother-in-law, you can talk to him, lest he wait!"

Naren's voice was very weak, but he was dumb and unnatural, which made people uncomfortable and distressed.

Ji Chenzhou originally thought Naren would say it, because Naren has a principle, that is, he will do what he promises to others.

He made an invitation like this, and now if he refuses to let him go, he will be so obedient and can't say it.

Naren's obedient and obedient made Ji Chenzhou more irritable.

Even faintly uneasy, he didn't understand what his uneasy was because of.

Ji Chenzhou didn't speak any more, and after a while, he heard the sound of benevolent breathing.

Every time the two sleep together, the one who sleeps first must be Ji Chenzhou, but the one who can't sleep is Naren.

Tonight is the opposite, Ji Chenzhou is almost sleepless all night.

At around four o'clock in the morning, Ji Chenzhou just woke up Naren.

Ji Chenzhou knew that he would go crazy if his fire didn't come out.

He wanted Naren to provoke him, and then he could get angry at him, and even do something worse.

When Naren woke up, Xiao Naren was already standing upright by Ji Chenzhou.

He bit his lip and blushed...

However, he did not move, letting Ji Chenzhou do it, he glanced at the time, 4:17 in the morning...

Naren clutched the sheets impatiently, but Ji Chenzhou slowed down, just to prevent him from coming out comfortably.

"Please..." Ji Chenzhou bit Naren's earlobe, his voice suppressing the uncontrollable anger.

Nong Naren, he is also tense and uncomfortable.

Anyone who sleeps well will be upset if he is awakened like this, and if he doesn't feel comfortable when he wakes up.

Ji Chenzhou thought, it's best to be unhappy, and then mess with me, I will bully you...

"Ji Chenzhou, please..."

What annoyed Ji Chenzhou again was that Naren directly asked him.

Instead of persecuting him many times as before, he would beg him reluctantly.

"What are you asking of me?" Ji Chenzhou irritably increased the strength of his hands, and then slowed down after a few strokes.

Ji Chenzhou felt that he was sick, so why did he have to find a reason to make Naren angry.

Didn’t you just want him to obey?

Now he is so obedient, what he wants to do, what else does he want?

Naren bit his lip and closed his eyes, he is not fully awake yet.

There was a few seconds of silence, just when Ji Chenzhou narrowed his eyes, thinking Naren would not speak.

He actually spoke...

"Let me... get it out!" Naren's voice was so low that he could hear his reluctance.

Ji Chenzhou's breath was full of anger, and he moved fiercely, letting Naren release into his own hands.

Then, before that Rin Yupo subsided, he turned him over.

Let him kneel on the bed, because it was done before, so it is easier for Ji Chenzhou to get in.

Naren almost couldn't bear the continuous collision without leaving a gap.

When Ji Chenzhou had enough tossing, Naren didn't even have the strength to open his eyes.

Naren didn't want to move, but Ji Chenzhou couldn't let him go.

Ji Chenzhou took out the cigarette in the drawer and lit it. He hadn't smoked for a long time.

Because Chu Baiqing doesn't like the smell of cigarettes, he doesn't smoke, but now he wants to smoke.

He patted Naren's ass, "Little seven and nine should get up, you go and see them!"

Naren didn't even have the strength to speak, he knew that Ji Chenzhou was intentional.

Smelling the smell of cigarettes, Naren took a sip. He didn't smoke or had never smoked before, but he didn't have a craving for smoking.

However, the smell of this cigarette seemed to be addictive, and he wanted to smoke a cigarette.

Probably the joyous numbness has not passed yet, so the whole person still seems to be in the clouds.

The whole person was floating, and the corner of that Ren's lips was bitten by Ji Chenzhou again, and there were some blushing and heart-beat hickeys on his neck, so dazzling and ambiguous.

"Can you give me one?" Naren raised his eyelids lazily, and reached out to Ji Chenzhou.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Ji Chenzhou squinted, looking through the bluish white smoke, looking at Naren who was so weak that he wanted to abuse him.

"You are not allowed to smoke!"

Ji Chenzhou said so, but he spit out a smoke on Ren Junxiu's face badly.

Naren curled his fingers on the bed sheet. How could he forget that he was just a stand-in.

Young Master Chu doesn't smoke...

There are really very few men who don’t smoke now. Ji Chenzhou’s order is to stop him from smoking...

If he is a heavy smoker, wouldn't he be suffocated to death?

Naren replied lightly, "Yes."

Then he dragged his tired and aching body, just gritted his teeth and got off the bed.

When he reached the carpet, he almost fell softly.

It's not how weak his body is, but what Ji Chenzhou wants is too cruel. He is completely venting, rushing to death...

Ji Chenzhou watched Naren insist on going to the bathroom. He lit another cigarette irritably and took several puffs.

The clothes Naren wears now are all Ji Chenzhou's, which is one size larger than the clothes he usually wears, and he wears loose.

Naren used to stay at the beach before, so he didn't like to wear slippers, he liked to walk barefoot.

Ji Chenzhou watched Naren come out of the bathroom barefoot and was about to go out.

It was as if the student who made the mistake was finally caught.

"I didn't tell you to wear slippers, so why don't you have a long memory."

Ji Chenzhou's tone is very bad, obviously finding fault.

Naren looked at his bare feet, "I wear them now!"

Before yesterday, Naren would definitely not take care of Ji Chenzhou, just don't wear it.

However, Naren now walked to the bed and put on slippers, and then walked out of the room.

Ji Chenzhou picked up a pillow and smashed it at Naren's back, but finally hit the closed door.

Naren took care of Xiaoqi Xiaojiu to get up very carefully, and ran away rice noodles for them.

Xiao Jiu seemed to miss his father and daddy, and was a little bit upset. He kept nestling in Naren's arms, feeling low.

Xiaoqi is heartless, he should eat, play, and don't want to be at ease.

These are two sons. If they were two daughters, Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing would definitely not be willing to put them at home like this.

Will definitely guard every step of the way.

Boys don't need to be raised so carefully, this is Gu Jue's theory.

Naren was very tired and exhausted, but with Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu, he was relaxed.

It seemed that Xiao Jiu missed them, and Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing were back.

Ji Chenzhou hurriedly sent Xiaoqi and Xiaojiu over to let Naren cook at home.

Naren can only cook simple things. To be honest, he is unwilling to cook for Ji Chenzhou.

However, he still looked at the recipe and made it, and he thought it could be made.

Ji Chenzhou sent Xiao Qi and Xiao Jiu over and wanted to go home, but was stopped by Chu Baiqing.

"You come here and I have something to tell you."

Chu Baiqing's gentle face was tired, but her tone was cold.

Before Ji Chenzhou, he stayed at home and didn't want to leave.

This time it was good. The children took him to his house, and they had to leave.

Chu Baiqing guessed that Naren was in their house. He thought that if Ji Chenzhou was allowed to take care of the children, he would not look for Naren.

However, he ignored it. He couldn't find Naren, but he could force Naren to come...

Chu Baiqing would want to be like Gu Jue, kicking Ji Shenzhou a few feet.

I really get angry when I see him, why do I like to bully Naren so much...

"I said mom, if you ask me to whisper, my father's old vinegar is about to do it again!"

Ji Chenzhou didn't eat in the morning, so he thought about what Naren would eat.

If he doesn’t make it or doesn’t taste good, he still has reason to continue to get angry...

"If you don't want your father to kick you to death, just follow along!"

Whenever Gu Jue was mentioned, Chu Baiqing's eyes were angry.

I don't know if he eats rice or bullwhip and donkey whip all day, why he is so energetic.

In the past few days, he was not afraid to die, he kept doing it again and again.

As if he had been hungry for hundreds of years, Chu Baiqing's waist had always been sore, because there was no rest at all.

Ji Chenzhou is a person who knows Chu Baiqing. Judging from his posture and tone, there is obviously something wrong.

Chu Baiqing took Ji Shenzhou to the study, and Gu Jue was busy kissing his sons, without noticing that his wife and third son were gone.

In the study

"What are you doing in a hurry to go home?" Chu Baiqing was sitting on the sofa, the kind of morbid laziness that made people fascinated.

"Mom, Xiao Qi and Xiao Jiu are so tiring! I have to go back and have a good sleep, physically and mentally exhausted!"

How could Ji Chenzhou tell Chu Baiqing that he was anxious to go home because he had Naren at home.

In fact, Naren didn't want everyone to know, so he didn't want to.

He doesn't care about others, but his father and little mother can't.

His father knew that he was protecting Naren, if he knew he was bullying him, he would definitely use force.

As for his little mother, that can't even let him know.

The same as a small recipient, his youngest mother will definitely sympathize with Naren deeply, and will help Naren when the time comes.

In the end, he was alone and helpless, neither his father nor his mother could offend either.

"Ji Chenzhou, talk to me well, don't think I know nothing!"

Chu Baiqing's tone of anger caused Ji Chenzhou to stand up straight.

He squinted at Chu Baiqing and looked at his gentle face with anger.

He knew his little mother knew...

It wouldn't be Naren looking for him, Naren wouldn't do that, nor dare to do that.

"When did you know..."

Then his careful little mother could only see it.

"What do I know?" Chu Baiqing's eyes were cold, and he rarely showed such a look.

"Mother, we have something to talk, so boring! I'm not my father, I like to guess with you!"

Ji Chenzhou's heart became irritable again, the last thing he wanted was to let Chu Baiqing know his relationship with Naren.

As for why, he couldn't figure it out.

"Then you have the power to bully Naren!" Chu Baiqing picked up a leather pillow and smashed it at Ji Chenzhou.

Worthy of being a family, Gu Jue loves to hit people with pillows, and so does Ji Chenzhou. Now even the gentlest Chu Baiqing is starting to throw pillows.

"What do you love me, how do you call bullying?"

Ji Chenzhou believes that two people are happy at the same time, and neither of them suffers.

"Ji Chenzhou, are you a man, dare not to admit it, dare you to say that it was not you who persecuted Naren!"

Chu Baiqing spoke with another pillow and threw it over.

If Sir Alex is here, he must be prevented.

How could he let his wife throw it with great effort, he would definitely do it for him.

"He told you?"

Ji Chenzhou's face sank, it seemed that he had overestimated Naren's self-esteem.

Could it be that he couldn't help it anymore and asked his little mother for help?

"Do you think Naren would be the kind of temper that tells others about this humiliating thing?"

Chu Baiqing remembered what she had said to Ji Chenzhou and what Gu Jue had done to her.

At that time, Ji Chenzhou also said that even a man would not hurt the people under him in this way.

So what is he doing now?

"Every time you feel comfortable, you don't care about his life or death. Do you know how high his fever is?"

When Chu Baiqing talked about this, he was angry, and he felt distressed when he thought of Naren's pitiful, helpless and stubborn appearance.

How could such a good child be treated like this.

"I... what does his fever have to do with me..."

Naren himself is in poor health and loves to have a fever. What does it have to do with whether he is comfortable or uncomfortable?

"You don't know if you don't take good measures to do that, if you don't clean it up, will you have a fever?"

Chu Baiqing would not have thought that one day she would discuss this issue with Ji Shenzhou.

He really didn't know the blank expression on Ji Chenzhou's face.

It's no wonder that Naren has a fever, because of this.

"I'll clean him up next time..." Ji Chenzhou bent down and picked up the pillow on the ground, his tone dull.

"Don't you know how to wear things?" Chu Baiqing rubbed his head. He shouldn't have said that Naren agreed with this matter. You should do it again and don't force him.

However, from the moment Ji Chenzhou went home in a hurry, Chu Baiqing knew that Ji Chenzhou cared about Naren.

He will definitely get what he wants, even if what he says is useless, he will still do it in his own way.

"Well, I see, I'll go home first, he cooks at home!"

Ji Chenzhou had never been there before, and he had been so low in front of Chu Baiqing.

He remembered that time because Chu Baiqing had a relapse and Naren was having a fever, so he left. At that time, what was Naren's mood?

At this time, Ji Chenzhou felt a little numbness and slight pain in his heart, and there was a little bit of self-blame.

Why do you feel this way?

After Ji Chenzhou came out of the study, he hurriedly walked out, even his father called him, he didn't stop.

"Are you not going to eat?" Gu Jue thought that he could cook some noodles casually for a while.

"Fuck, it's you..." What responded to Sir Alex was the back of Ji Chenzhou's rapid pace.

Ji Chenzhou saw a car parked in front of his villa...

Seeing that car, Ji Chenzhou had scarlet eyes.

He suddenly opened the door and strode in, with a fierce anger.

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