The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1376: Depravity——The heart is hot, and the whole body is hot (2,000 words)

Ji Chenzhou stopped abruptly, he turned around in shock and looked at Naren.

Fan Bin's words echoed in his ears, this kind of clingy, don't be dead or alive, you will be in trouble.

Naren actually threatened him with death?

Not even a woman...

"Naren, don't let me see you in the future. It really makes me sick. You want to die and be born into a woman in your next life! You are really not suitable for being a man."

Ji Chenzhou has always spoken with a vicious tongue, and he couldn't say anything good in his mouth.

Ji Chenzhou left without looking back, as if staying in this room for an extra minute would be a torment.

When the door was closed, Naren collapsed on the bed, it was over...

It's finally over, Ji Chenzhou hates him, tired, tired...

Ji Chenzhou said that if he gets tired, it won't take a year.

Naren, you finally made him tired and annoyed, so good.

Naren, you did it, you did it, you are finally free...

Naren stumbled out of bed, vomiting dimly in the bathroom.

There was actually nothing in his stomach, but he was still retching...

Finally freed, Ji Chenzhou...

Naren sat on the ground, leaning against the cold tile.

Looking up at the ceiling, the cold white lamp stung his eyes...

Why is it liberated, my heart is still uncomfortable, even more than before.

"But I it..."

Naren told himself over and over again that this sentence was false, and what he said was false.

Just as the words he said on the phone to Ji Chenzhou were fake, and the words he said by pulling his arm just now were also fake...

The fake is fake...

Naren was discharged after three days in the hospital...

He went straight back to the rental house, packed his belongings, and returned the house.

He moved directly back to his apartment and then went to school.

I don't know if Ji Chenzhou had said hello before, his attendance was full, and the instructor did not say anything else.

When he came out of the administration building, Qin Nan was waiting there.

When he saw Naren, his eyes were red...

A few steps walked over and hugged Naren, without saying anything, just hugged so tightly.

Naren could feel that Qin Nan was thinner. These days, Qin Nan sent him a lot of messages, but he didn't reply.

"I want to eat sliced ​​noodles from the cafeteria..."

The sliced ​​noodles in their school cafeteria is what Qin Nan likes most. Naren doesn't like it very much. But seeing Qin Nan lose weight, Naren wants him to get fat back.

"Go, eat!"

Qin Nan hugged Naren's shoulders, just like before, not awkward.

Not far away, Lu Xiaoyao had a lollipop in his mouth, and looked at Naren who had suddenly appeared at the school.

He was very curious about how Ji Chenzhou would be willing to put people back.

Naren's life was restored again, and Ji Chenzhou did not appear in the state before.

It's been a week, and Ji Chenzhou hasn't appeared again.

Naren also blacklisted Ji Shenzhou's mobile phone number.

Life on campus is busy and fulfilling. Of course, we must ignore those strange visions and whispers.

Everyone was guessing what happened between Naren and Ji Chenzhou, and everyone said that Naren was dumped.

People like Ji Chenzhou are ambiguous even with the school grass, so how can they only fall in love with Naren and throw them away after playing enough.

There are also men who have begun to pursue Naren, and now there are many of the same sex, so this kind of thing is very common in universities.

Naren refused politely, and some people entangled him tightly. Qin Nan put his arms around Naren's neck, "I am his boyfriend, please stop entanglement, it's no show."

"I just sent them away, unless you nod one day, I am your official boyfriend."

When Naren came back this time, Qin Nan never said that he wanted to be with him again.

However, it was better for Naren than before and took care of him more carefully.

Yesterday I went to Naren’s house to brush his shoes...

Naren didn't speak, and looked down at the camera in his hand.

He knew that he would never accept anyone in the future, and he had shadows and obstacles in his heart, as if he was sick.

"I'll take a few pictures of you."

Naren came out of school and was about to walk to the subway station and go home.

Never imagined that he ran into Ji Jiu at the school gate. He slammed the horn to let him get in the car.

Now that I don’t have to act, it’s still embarrassing to see Ji Jiu Naren.

But thinking that he still owed him a meal, he got into his car.

Naren meant to ask Ji Jiu to eat in Xiaojiangnan.

He has been at school since he came to Yuncheng, and he doesn't really know what is delicious here.

I only know that Xiao Jiangnan is the best, and he usually eats at his sister’s house or Jue’s house.

However, Ji Jiu took him to a private restaurant, the decoration here is very unique.

Naren also found a problem. Those who come here to eat are all lovers, and they are all men and men...

What Naren doesn't even know is that the boss here is Ji Chenzhou.

Sitting in the box, there are a lot of cushions on the tatami. It looks very comfortable. It is really suitable for couples to have a meal. It is enough to do other things by the way.

Naren was a little embarrassed, "Let's eat somewhere else!"

He and Ji Jiu are not lovers, and it is inappropriate to eat here.

Also, Naren felt that he was a little slow to react. Does Ji Jiu also like men?

"The food here is delicious and quiet. You don't have to worry about the others."

Ji Jiu took off his suit and threw it aside, loosened his tie, and leaned on the mat.

Naren thinks it's just a meal, and where you eat it is the same.

The dishes are all at Ji Jiu, and Naren is not a talkative person, so Ji Jiu is talking most of the time.

Ji Jiu poured Naren a glass of wine and motioned for him to drink.

Naren just took a small sip, the taste is not strong, even some fruit tastes, it tastes good, and then took a big sip.

Ji Jiu squinted and watched Naren drank the glass of wine, then smiled and poured him another glass.

"I knew that Shen Zhou had played enough and would be separated from you. At the beginning, I advised you, but you still didn't listen, but fortunately, I think you are in good condition and have not been affected.

Naren's action of drinking for a while, then resumed as before, continued to drink, it was really delicious.

"You also know that his identity is too sensitive, so he can only play, and will not give true feelings."

Ji Jiu poured another glass for Naren and watched him take it in one breath, tapping rhythmically with his hands on the table. There was no one he could not get.

"What's his identity?" Naren never asked Ji Chenzhou what he did, but he was curious when he heard the word sensitive.

"Don't you know? His father, my eldest brother, but the president of our country!"

Ji Jiu really didn't expect that Naren would not know the identity of Ji Chenzhou.

Naren's hand holding the cup is a little unstable, his heart is hot, and the whole body is hot, what? The president's son?

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