The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1393: Sinking——The little black, Sir Alex will find you a good man (2,000 words)

When the third spoon was not near his mouth, Naren's hand tightly pinched the quilt.

"It's not good?" Ji Chenzhou looked at that Renren did not open his mouth and waited on people with a spoon. He was not used to it yet, and he was very tired. "Or don't want me to feed you?"

Ji Chenzhou's voice was very low.

Naren opened his mouth and drank again. The spoon was not so hot anymore. After all, it had been cold in the spoon for a few seconds.

Ji Chenzhou's movements were very fast, and when Naren finished drinking, he took another spoonful.

Gu Jue tightened the lid of the heat preservation pot and turned his head, and saw that Ji Chenzhou was feeding the spoonful of soup directly into Naren's mouth.

"What are you going to scald him to death?" Sir Alex Ferguson was completely annoyed, and pushed Ji Chenzhou along with the bowl in his hand, almost to the ground.

After the soup came out, Ji Chenzhou immediately felt the back of his hand burnt.

It hurts so much when the back of my hand is burned, I can imagine, drink it from my mouth...

Because he used an insulated bowl, Ji Chenzhou did not feel the heat either.

The thought of Naren would rather be scalded than to say, if his father hadn't seen him, would he just drink the bowl of soup like this.

Burn yourself to death?

Ji Chenzhou caught fire all at once and threw the bowl to the ground, "Hot, don't you say anything, are you dumb or stupid? Or did you deliberately? Huh? Are you the best at acting?"

"It's like this, so it's like this, pitiful and innocent, do you want everyone to think that I'm bullying you and abusing you? Huh?"

Ji Chenzhou felt sorry for Naren and was angry that he abused himself so badly.

It was this kind of **** stubbornness that made him very irritable and looked like obedience, but this kind of **** obedience was actually a disguised resistance.

Ji Chenzhou has been blinded by the anger, he doesn't understand his heart at all.

He was just stubbornly unwilling to admit that certain things he was determined to have, these determinations have been broken, it was just that, it was just that he was still unwilling to admit...

So he will get angry and lose his temper...

"You really don't know that the soup is hot?" Gu Jue kicked Ji Chenzhou up his foot.

But Ji Chenzhou avoided him, "Father, don't care about our affairs, no one can care about it!"

Why is everyone accusing him, how he treats Naren, is his business.

Don't interfere with anyone, he won't listen to anyone, he can do whatever he wants.

"You are really capable, dare to speak to your father like this, I can't control it? I can't control you, can I?"

Gu Jue suffocated his breath, he hadn't kicked people for a long time, and even let Ji Chenzhou escape.

Ji Chenzhou did not speak, staring at Naren who was sitting on the bed with his head down.

It was like this, as if he was a little white rabbit, he was a big bad wolf, bullying him to death.

What Ji Chenzhou didn't say was that his father couldn't control him.

"Lord Sir, I'm fine...I don't feel hot..."

Naren looked at Gu Jue's annoyance, and there was another person who was irritated by Ji Chenzhou for him.

Naren really didn't want to see such a situation.

If Ji Chenzhou got angry, no one would take it seriously.

Master Xiu is such a powerful person, he is not the same, so he doesn't show affection, and he still does what he wants.

"I can't control you, can I? I can't control you..."

Gu Jue's gritted teeth was really annoying.

He took out his cell phone and made a call.

He wanted to fight Ji Shenzhou fiercely, but seeing that his dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, it was useless to beat him.

Looking at Naren's shameful and pale face, he didn't know what to do.

The phone was quickly connected, "You, you, you come here, I'm going to be **** off."

Gu Jue yelled at the phone.

"Aren't you? Father?" When Ji Chenzhou heard his father's tone, he knew that he was calling his little mother.

Naren also guessed that Sir Alex was calling Chu Shao...

"Well, it's in the hospital, huh? Oh, oh, I got it... Well, I got it."

I don't know what Chu Baiqing said over there, Gu Jue nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Finally, Gu Jue hung up the phone and glanced at Ji Chenzhou with a negative smile. The look in his eyes was that you were dead.

Turn around and walk to the bed, "Walk around, then Xiao Hei, go to my house, go to my house to raise him, he is too skinny, I will feed you fat!"

This is definitely not what Sir Alex Ferguson would say, it must have been told by Chu Baiqing on the phone just now.

Naren's face was red again, he was ashamed and embarrassed, and full of emotion.

Sometimes he regrets coming to Yuncheng. If he were on the island, he would not meet Ji Chenzhou, and he would not be treated like this.

However, sometimes, he is fortunate that he has come to Yuncheng, because he has so much happiness and touch.

Just like at this moment, he feels that his cold and numb heart has received a trace of warmth. It feels really good.

When Ji Chenzhou heard his father's words, he darkened his face, "Father, he is your daughter-in-law anyway, don't be silly, I will feed him fat, so you don't need to worry about it."

Naren's breathing becomes rapid, what is a daughter-in-law? He is a man, not a woman...

But, what can he say, to Ji Chenzhou, I am a man, a man...

is it? Not the one under his Ji Chenzhou, let him do whatever he wants...

Naren, you forgot again, this is your life.

"Fuck, the first day you knew that your father was not serious? Then Xiao Hei, Sir Alex would find you a good man!"

With a cold snorted, third son, seeing that I won't be able to treat you well this time, it's really getting worse and worse. How dare you say that I'm not serious?

Say I can bear it if I'm not serious, say I'm old? Looking for abuse.

Naren was forcibly taken away by Gu Jue.

To be exact, he was taken away by Sir Alex Ferguson...

Ji Chenzhou followed behind with a sullen face, at most he was verbally confronting his father.

However, he will not go head-to-head with his father. For example, he is very upset with his benevolence, but he can't grab it back.

He could only watch Naren helplessly, being carried by his father into the car.

When the car door closed, Ji Chenzhou saw Naren's blushing face.

Being hugged by someone you like, is it so happy?

Ji Chenzhou wanted to get in the car, but Gu Jue yelled at him.

"Don't go home in the future. I don't have your son. I dare to tell you how far and far you are, I, and don't pester our family again in the future. See you once and beat you once."

Gu Jue drove the car away with a kick of the accelerator, leaving Ji Shenzhou there for a while.

"That's really my Naren..." shouted to the rear lights of the car, but unfortunately no one could hear him.

Ji Chenzhou got into his car and chased after him. He didn't discourage his father, but he was afraid of his little mother...

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