The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1396: Sinking——Don’t even want to leave me when he dies (2,000 words)

Chu Baiqing bite particularly hard after playing with two words.

Naren didn't want to hear any answer from Ji Chenzhou's mouth.

Because he knew very well that Ji Chenzhou was just playing with him.

He said that he wants him to play enough and get tired of it...

"Young Master Chu, I will go to the kitchen to help Sir Alex..." Naren stood up and swallowed the sugar in his mouth.

But before he finished speaking, Chu Baiqing and Ji Chenzhou interrupted at the same time.

"Naren, no need." Chu Baiqing pulled Naren and told him to sit down, and Gu Jue could handle the kitchen affairs by himself, without help.

Besides, Ji Chenzhou should go to work.

"Sit down!" Ji Chenzhou's tone was still very blunt, after all, he was still angry.

Besides, he regards Naren as him, and he always cares about the people around him the most, and he doesn't care the most when he speaks and does things.

Sometimes what he said was very hurtful, and he didn't even know it.

One more thing, Ji Chenzhou didn't want Naren to be with his father.

Naren liked his things, he always minded.

Naren was dragged by Chu Baiqing and sat down again.

"Seriously or just for fun?"

Chu Baiqing refused to give up and said again.

Ji Chenzhou was silent, his enchanting and handsome face flushed slightly, he didn't want to answer this question.

Because he wanted to play before, but now, he doesn't want to let go, and he doesn't understand what he wants to do now.

What he is doing now is based on his own instinctive reaction.

Serious? He thought that he would no longer be true, because all his seriousness was given to Chu Baiqing.

For more than two years, he had been digging his heart out to him, and probably no longer had that serious heart.

Ji Chenzhou's silence made Chu Baiqing frown.

He knows Ji Chenzhou. If he doesn't want to say it, he won't say...

Naren felt a little unable to sit still, and that feeling was very uncomfortable, as if he could not breathe for a moment.

"I'll go to... the bathroom, Young Master Chu..."

Naren stood up directly this time, nodded at Chu Baiqing, and walked quickly towards the bathroom.

Chu Baiqing looked at Naren's back, feeling distressed.

"Naren is so innocent and can't hide his emotions, why are you willing to hurt him?"

Chu Baiqing also didn't understand that Ji Shenzhou did not do this to herself.

He always thought that Ji Chenzhou did not love himself, but a kind of recognition, as if he could call him Xiaoma so smoothly now.

A large part of the reason is that his smile is very similar to Ji Chenzhou's mother who died.

Ji Chenzhou grew up by the stars holding the moon, and his personality is sometimes paranoid, so once it is something he believes, it is difficult to change.

For example, he thinks that the person he loves is Chu Baiqing. In fact, he doesn't know if it is love or not.

"Mother, where is he innocent? Where is he so innocent? He acted in front of me, listening to me everything, sticking to me and pestering me, just to make me tired of him, and then don't want him..."

"As long as he has such a mind, do you still say that he is innocent? Today, he clearly knew that the soup was hot, and he still drank...maybe it was acting. He deliberately let my dad see him. How innocent is he..."

"I bullied him and hurt him? If he doesn't want to leave me, will I treat him like this? It was he himself who did the wrong thing first so that I would treat him like this. You and my father know that I am wronged. Yeah!"

Ji Chenzhou sat up, holding Xiao Qi on one leg and Xiao Jiu on the other.

Can't let the two of them jump anymore, the knife edge on his body should be open again.

He deliberately changed dark clothes before getting out of the car, and also wore a waterproof vest. Mo Chen trained him from time to time. He had all the necessary clothes to change and wash.

He just didn't want his father and mother to see that he was injured.

When his father went to the hospital, he didn't know where he knew that Naren had a fever, so he obviously didn't go to see him.

I don't know who is his son...

"Are you wronged? Ji Chenzhou, if you don't persecute Naren, he will want to run away from you? I don't believe that you treat him well, he will want to leave?"

"Shen Zhou, if you treat Naren this way, you will only drive him away."

Chu Baiqing knows deeply what it's like to be persecuted and how painful it is to live.

"I won't let him leave me, don't even want to leave me when he dies!"

Ji Chenzhou got up irritably and threw Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu into the guardrail.

He got up and left. The pain caused him to sweat on his forehead. If he didn't go, he had to fall down.

Moreover, the words his little mother said made him feel like a numb heart, which made his internal organs uncomfortable.

He was thinking that the knife was completely opened, could his heart, liver, spleen and lung all escape?

Ji Chenzhou left, and when Naren came out, he didn't see him.

Therefore, he knew Ji Chenzhou's answer, just like he thought in his heart, just playing.

"Naren, go to the guest room to lie down for a meeting, I just called your third sister-in-law, and she and third brother came over for dinner tonight."

Chu Baiqing touched Naren's forehead. It was a little hot, but it shouldn't be too high, so she took a rest, after eating, he took some medicine.

Chu Baiqing thought that Sansao might make Naren feel better.

"Young Master Chu, you can't tell my sister about this!"

Naren panicked, so many people knew, he couldn't make them forget.

However, he didn't want his sister to know, he didn't want to.

"Go to bed at ease, just say you have a fever, rest in our house."

Chu Baiqing comforted Naren, he naturally wouldn't say.

Naren was indeed uncomfortable, and he believed that Young Master Chu would not let his sister know.

He went to the guest room to sleep, obviously very tired and tired, and not feeling well.

But, just can't sleep, Ji Chenzhou just left...

When Naren was in the bathroom, he thought that Ji Chenzhou had injuries on his body, and Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu was still jumping on him like that, and the knife edge must have said that he was about to split again.

Why does he not cherish himself so much, knowing that he is injured...

Realizing that he was so worried about Ji Chenzhou, Naren panicked again...

For dinner, Gu Jue cooked many dishes, most of which Chu Baiqing was willing to eat.

"Not inviting us to dinner, you made this dish, none of which I would like to eat!"

Li Beichen looked at the dishes on the table and said with a smile.

"You have something to eat. Third brother, do you still choose? I'm going to eat at your house. Are you making something that Sansao is willing to eat."

Gu Jue wasn't happy anymore. Everyone was half-hearted. Who said that.

I gave Chu Baiqing a piece of ribs and put it on the plate.

Li Beichen stopped talking, because that was the fact.

"Naren, Master Xiu, called me yesterday and asked me to find a girlfriend for you. I think you are not young anymore. This girl is from the Conservatory of Music. Will you meet me tomorrow?"

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