The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1404: Sinking-Naren said, "Ji Chenzhou, you can wash me an apple!" (2,000 words)

Na Ren is no matter how simple, I can hear it, what Chu Shao said was about him and Ji Chenzhou.

He looked at his right hand, being held by Chu Shao, goodbye his left hand, being held by Ji Chenzhou...

And he was caught between them. He was not short at first, but he felt that he was very small.

Ji Chenzhou smiled and looked at his little mother, at first there was a slight smile, then an uncontrollable laugh.

"Why I couldn't think so much before, I would like you, no, my little mother, why didn't I find out before, you are so venomous, so arduous."

Ji Chenzhou shook his head and said with a smile, the kind of relief that only he could experience.

He finally understood what Chu Baiqing had said to him a long time ago.

Chu Baiqing said, "My existence to you is a kind of sustenance, a kind of yearning, and a kind of comfort to your mother."

Before, he repeatedly denied that his love for Chu Baiqing was not because his smile was extremely similar, his mother's smile.

It's not different from the mother's smile in the memory.

Why would I listen to him so much? He would listen to what Chu Baiqing said.

Moreover, during the period when Chu Baiqing was ill, there was only one thing in his mind, to save him.

At that time, he was young and couldn't save his mother. The kind of deep powerlessness and despair he didn't want to experience again.

He can't lose his mother, and then lose Chu Baiqing...

It turned out that it was like what Chu Baiqing said, a kind of sustenance, a kind of longing, and a kind of comfort.

All emotions, all stubbornness were relieved.

It always feels like you are obsessed with solving a math problem, and you can’t solve it for a long time.

Finally, at a certain moment, you suddenly solved the feeling. Only those who have experienced this long problem-solving process can understand it.

"A simple-minded person like him will definitely live a long time. Besides, I'm tired after being tossed. We will live a good life in the future. So, Mom, your hopes and everyone's hopes will come true.

Naren raised his head to look at Ji Chenzhou, and said to him seriously and solemnly, "I'm not simple-minded... It's just not as complicated as yours."

Why do you care about the four words "simple mind" so much.

That's because Master Xiu always uses these words to talk to those who are impulsive.

"Simple mind, well developed limbs, stupid."

Therefore, this is not a good thing that has been entrenched in Naren's heart.

Naren is innocence, he doesn't like to give him a thorough analysis of a sentence, thinking so complicated.

Because he feels tired like that...

"The mind is not simple, you can't answer what I said in the car?"

Ji Chenzhou likes Naren's strength. He is obviously weak in front of him, but sometimes he is extra serious and persistent in certain things.

"That...that's different!" Naren thought of Ji Chenzhou and said, "I love you so much." "I said the person I love is you..."

As soon as he thought of this, he felt his throat tighten, and then his heart felt hot. The feeling of suffocation made his hands and feet cold.

This kind of extreme makes people's brains hard to turn, and it's not good at all.

Chu Baiqing looked at them with interest.

He could clearly feel them, something must have happened between the two.

Moreover, Ji Chenzhou looked at Naren's eyes, still so domineering, but there was more obvious doting.

No, to be more precise...

"Come on, Naren, tell me what you and Tan Meng said."

Chu Baiqing insisted on dragging Naren away. To be precise, he was dragging two people away.

Moreover, the following Ji Chenzhou still left with reluctance...

Chu Baiqing took Naren and sat next to him, "Your father is giving Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu a bath, you go and wash and play together."

Just when Ji Chenzhou was about to sit next to Naren, Chu Baiqing spoke.

Ji Chenzhou looked at his little mother, squinted, just about to speak, but Naren spoke before him.

"Go help me... wash an apple and eat it!"

After Naren said this, he was stunned, and then his face flushed suddenly.

Chu Shaoyi said that he wanted him to bathe Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu, and he thought that his wound could not stand the toss of Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu.

Besides, the wound can't touch water. It stands to reason that people like him must lie in the hospital, but they run around like a okay person.

Therefore, he followed the wash, and said to wash the apple, at least this is to wash by hand, and it will not touch the wound...

However, after speaking, Naren regretted it, how could he say such things to him.

In this case, it should be the relationship between Shao Chu and Sir Alex could say.

Chu Baiqing was stunned, because Naren had never bothered others, not to mention that he was giving orders to Ji Chenzhou.

Interesting, really interesting...

Ji Chenzhou was more calm, pinched Naren's dull face, "Wait."

Ji Chenzhou got up and went to the kitchen...

If you listen, you can still hear the whistle floating from his mouth, with joy.

Ji Chenzhou used to pinch Naren's face, but before, he would only feel pain.

This time, he felt the scorching heat, with the feeling of Su Ma.

Naren exhaled heavily, almost asphyxiated...

"Did you two go on a blind date separately, or did you two go on a blind date?"

Chu Baiqing was worried about Ji Chenzhou and Naren being together.

Naren's character is too weak, and Ji Chenzhou is too strong, and he will be bullied for taking the initiative.

However, now it seems that there is a feeling of one thing dropping one thing.

If that benevolent person develops a little more, maybe he can be completely in a dominant position.

"Young Master Chu, don't make fun of me..."

Naren was a little embarrassed by Chu Baiqing, he himself was dizzy now.

"Then no kidding, do you want to talk to me?"

Chu Baiqing could see that not only Ji Chenzhou had changed tonight, but also Naren.

"Well, that's... he said... Try to fall in love with me..."

Naren first picked something that was easier to say.

"Also, he said... he... he loves me..."

After Naren said this, his entire face was burning hot, and it looked like Chu Baiqing would want to pity him well.

Chu Baiqing raised his eyes and saw Ji Chenzhou approaching with an apple in his hand.

Ji Chenzhou said just now that asking Naren's question in the car should be related to love or not.

He knew that Ji Chenzhou loved Naren, the kind of true love.

It really surprised Chu Baiqing that Ji Chenzhou could say that he loved him with Naren.

"Then do you love him? Naren."

Chu Baiqing asked with a smile, and Yu Guang saw Ji Chenzhou stop.

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