The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1407: Sinking-don't you feel bad for me like this? Ok? (Three thousand words)

This is the advantage of being close, you say me, I can kill you right away.

Ji Chenzhou was really frightened by his father, and he fell back on the sofa.

I really regretted that I shouldn't tell his father the password, because he just came in.

Naren was also shocked, he never thought that Sir Alex Ferguson would be so fast.

It didn’t take two or three minutes to hang up, right?

"Obviously, did you make the soup? You can take care of my little mother. You can be there everywhere! Come on, you can tell me this again in front of me."

What kind of temper is Gu Jue, he was so kind to make soup for him, he actually dared to say that to him.

Naren looked at Gu Jue aggressively and ran to the sofa.

He had seen Lord Ferguson kick a person, so he was sternly!

Ji Chenzhou is injured...

Naren hurried to Ji Chenzhou and ran over, blocking him before Sir Alex Ferguson.

The guarding posture not only stunned Sir Alex, but also made Ji Chenzhou not expect it.

"Lord Sir, don't hit him... he has injuries, if... he breaks, he has to toss me!"

This morning, I was annoyed by Naren's tossing about him, thinking that he would get better soon, or he would be crazy.

This kind of torture and the kind of torture he had to him in bed are two feelings.

One physical, one mental.

When Naren said the first half of the sentence, Ji Chenzhou's eyes were rarely moved, but when he heard what he said later, he immediately turned black again.

"Fuck, where did it hurt?"

Gu Jue put down the shovel for cooking, there was still oil on it, as you can imagine, he must have been cooking just now.

If Ji Chenzhou said he had injuries, he would not necessarily believe it.

However, what Naren said must not be false.

However, he didn't see that he seemed to be injured.

"Master Xiu asked someone to beat him. It has been two days, and I have sewn it three times..."

Naren lifted off Ji Chenzhou's compassionate shirt and showed Sir Alex Ferguson the bandage on him.

Sir Alex looked at him, side his waist, this posture was a knife, and the attack was ruthless.

He knew about Master Xiu's arrival two days ago, but he left in a hurry, turning out to be here on Ji Chenzhou.

"I think it's lighter!" Sir Ferguson said, but, after all, he is his third son, can he feel bad, although he is not a dear.

However, now they are all starting to give him money to marry a wife, just like his parents.

Thinking about how he treated Naren so much, if Master Xiu didn't kill him, it would be considered cheap for him.

Master Xiu's feelings for Naren are no different from his own children, after all, he grew up when he was eight years old.

The feelings of more than ten years are not something outsiders can give.

Naren put down Ji Chenzhou's compassion, and Naren felt quite uncomfortable about the knife.

Master Xiu and Brother Chang are all for his good, so they treat Ji Chenzhou like this.

However, he still hurt Master Xiu in the end, and he doesn't know how he is now.

"I'll take him back to see Master Xiu in a few days. If Master Xiu hasn't calmed down yet, I'll call him!"

Naren thought about this issue last night, Ji Chenzhou would not let go of him.

When he entered last night, he bit his ear and said to him, "Naren, don't want to leave me anymore, we will be together forever!"

Naren knew that Ji Chenzhou was not a love story when he was emotional, but that he really would not let him go.

For the rest of his life, he didn't know if it was possible.

He doesn't know if he made this decision, right...

Previously, the restrained emotion was not to admit oneself and had feelings for Ji Chenzhou.

However, when things have developed to this point, it is impossible for him to ignore this emotion.

Because Ji Chenzhou said that the person he loves is his benevolence, he said twice, it was very clear.

And this kind of clarity trapped him firmly.

This kind of trapping made him reluctant to look back.

This is not the same as being with him before recognizing fate.

I want to try the possibility of a lifetime with him, or even hope, to have a love like Sir Alex and Chu Shao.

Naren finally used the word hope between hope and extravagant hope.

He thought it was possible, if they were good...

However, the prerequisite for them to do well is that Master Xiu can recognize Ji Shenzhou.

For Naren, Master Xiu is the same existence as his father, so only if he agrees can he be with Ji Chenzhou steadily.

Listening to Naren's words, Ji Chenzhou's eyes were complicated, so he wanted to hit him?

He hasn't settled the account for these two knives, and his family's Naren is really naive.

He could hear that in Naren's words, he meant to take him back to see his parents, and that he had to get the parents' consent to be together.

That was his idea. Regardless of whether he agreed with Master Xiu, Naren wanted to be with him.

What he wants is Naren, not others, so they don't need anyone's consent.

But, obviously, the atmosphere between him and Naren is just right now, and he doesn't want to say anything that affects the atmosphere.

If Chu Baiqing had come today, he would definitely be able to see the thoughts in Ji Chenzhou's eyes.

However, it happened to be a very nervous Sir Alex.

It was because of what Naren said today and the thoughts in Ji Chenzhou's heart that caused a series of questions afterwards, which no one expected.

"Don't you feel bad when they hit me?" Ji Chenzhou asked with a smile while hugging Naren's waist.

"I accompany you to be beaten together, you were so to Master Xiu last time, always make him feel better, or I won't be with you!"

Thinking of the things Ji Shenzhou did to Master Xiu at the airport that day, as well as Master Xiu's forbearance, Naren felt that he shouldn't be so heartless to talk about so-called love with Ji Shenzhou.

As for why it is so-called love, it is just a statement he gave to them.

The smile at the corner of Ji Chenzhou's mouth gradually solidified. He can hit Naren with his hands, but if others dare to move him, try?

What do you mean "Or I won't be with you!"

How could he be so naive, how could he think that he still has the right to choose not to be with him?

He finally sorted out his feelings, knew who he really loved, who he cared about, and how could he allow him to leave him again.

"I can't hit you even if I fight, fool!"

At that time, the person who was really beaten is still unknown.

"Okay, don't get too tired of it, that... Naren walk around, I will teach you to cook the soup, and quickly teach you to finish it. I have to cook when I go home. Fuck, every day, I'm exhausted !"

Gu Jue also felt sorry for his third son. He was injured, so he naturally had to make up for it.

People have to ask Naren to make soup for him, maybe he will grow up immediately after drinking.

Said that he may not be able to return to the age of 18...

"Oh..." Naren hurriedly pushed away Ji Chenzhou, blushing and followed Sir Alex to the kitchen.

Ji Chenzhou looked at Naren's back with a smile in his eyes.

He wanted Naren's heart to see him alone, and only care about him.

As for the others, the more he cares, the more he wants to uproot them.

Under the guidance of Sir Alex Ferguson, Naren's keel soup is pretty good.

"Here you are, it won't be hot if it's cold!" Naren filled Ji Chenzhou with a bowl of soup and sent it to him.

In fact, that's what Naren said, his brain still doesn't mean anything.

Ji Chenzhou looked at the soup bowl in front of him, and remembered that he was in the hospital that day, feeding Naren with soup.

It was a little uncomfortable for the back of his hand to be burned, let alone his mouth.

Taking a look at Naren who was quietly drinking soup, Ji Chenzhou reached out and touched his head.

Naren looked up at him with a blank face, such an expression always made Ji Chenzhou itch.

I wanted to pretend to let Naren feed him, but worried that Naren would remember about the soup fed by the hospital that day, and eventually he picked up the spoon and drank it.

To be honest, the taste is average, but because the people who make it are different, although the taste is not good, Ji Chenzhou finds it very delicious.

Ji Chenzhou drank three bowls of soup, Naren drank a bowl, and felt that Sir Alex Ferguson's soup was not strong and fragrant that day in the hospital.

Ji Chenzhou watched Naren clean up the bowl, thinking in his heart, how wonderful this wife is.

Just when he thought how good his wife was, his cell phone rang.

Naren just glanced instinctively, the name on it was "Miss Pei San"

Naren remembered that this was the name of the woman who had a blind date with Ji Chenzhou yesterday.

He thought that Ji Chenzhou would hang up the phone, who knew he would connect the phone in front of him.

He turned and walked towards the kitchen with the bowl.

The action of holding the bowl is a bit like grabbing...

Looking at Naren's obviously jealous expression, Ji Chenzhou couldn't help but smiled.

"What's wrong with Miss Pei San?" Ji Chenzhou took the phone and walked to the living room, regardless of whether he had just eaten, he lay directly on the sofa, lazily, like a full-fed lion.

Naren should have washed the dishes, but he couldn't help but walked to the corner of the corridor.

Listening to Ji Shenzhou calling.

He didn't like his behavior very much, and felt very naive and stupid.

However, sometimes doing something is completely beyond your control.

When I realized what I was doing, I felt quite annoyed, but I still couldn't move my footsteps, and I kept listening.

"There are so many people who want to sleep in my bed. It depends on whether I am in that mood!"

Looking at the slippers exposed in the corner of the corridor, Ji Chenzhou couldn't help but smile deeper.

When Naren heard Ji Chenzhou's words, his face flushed with anger.

It's a coincidence that at this moment, Naren's cell phone also rang, and it was a strange number.

In the past, he couldn't answer unfamiliar numbers, and they were usually sales calls.

However, this time he picked it up. If it's a female salesman, he can also chat for a while, isn't it just chat...

But when the phone was connected, it was Tan Meng who called.

With the phone in his hand, Naren walked out from the corner and listened to Tan Meng.

"I'm sorry, then where are you, I'll find you."

Naren didn't see Ji Chenzhou calling there, walking upstairs and changing clothes while talking.

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