The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1384: Sinking——This slap is to tell you, don’t say anything you shouldn’t say in the future

Just like what Ji Chenzhou said, Naren was too harsh.

In fact, sometimes it's not 犟, but he is also principled.

It was like Ji Chenzhou insisted on forcing him to let his sister know this, which Naren could not accept.

To tell his sister, he himself would say that some things can force him, but some things cannot.

Huo Qingge's hands on her legs curled up, really together...

At this moment, she couldn't tell what she was feeling. She, being a sister, didn't look at him.

How could something like this happen...

Ji Chenzhou, why did you provoke Ji Chenzhou? Why did you stay with him?

Gu Jue sighed. It seems that these two people have made a lot of trouble this time, or that Ren would not say that they broke up.

Ji Chenzhou showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, not the kind of sneer he was used to, but such a faint smile, which can also be said to be very gentle.

Ji Chenzhou stood up slowly, took two steps forward, and stopped one step away from Naren.

"This is the position, right? The knives I have suffered here are in the position where you stand now."

Ji Chenzhou pointed to the position of his heart, as well as the position of his side waist, and his slender fingers pointed to the position of Naren.

Naren looked at Ji Chenzhou, he was innocent, but he heard the threats and warnings in Ji Shenzhou's words clearly.

"Lord, you send my sister back!"

Naren's body was shaking, he looked at Gu Jue's forehead, his eyes pleading.

"It's not all broke up, I don't think you have anything to say, Naren will go back with me! Gu Jue, you take your son back, I don't care what it used to be, now that you are separated, don't bother!

Huo Qingge heard from her brother that Ji Chenzhou has the right to mobilize the army, and her brother must listen to him.

Ji Chenzhou got this right when he was eighteen years old. As for how he got the right from the president, no one knows.

Following Li Beichen's side for the past two years, Huo Qingge understands very well that with a person like Ji Chenzhou, you can't break your face with him, otherwise he can do everything.

Just like what Chu Baiqing said at the beginning, Ji Chenzhou has no bottom line in what he does. You never know what he is planning behind his smile.

Therefore, Huo Qingge looked at Naren's lips, it must not have been knocked, it must have been bitten, even if he was very angry and annoyed, Huo Qingge paid attention to his words.

As for how Ji Chenzhou's stab wound came from, Huo Qingge thought that Master Xiu also knew.

That day, Master Xiu came and left, and she felt strange that she left without staying for two days.

Later, Master Xiu told her, let Naren find a girlfriend...

You also know Gu Jue's posture, so Chu Baiqing also knows...

She doesn't blame them for knowing and not telling her, she only blames herself for not discovering it early.

"Sister, you go back with Sir Alex, I have something to tell him, okay?"

That benevolence was full of guilt, because of Ji Chenzhou's status, he had to be cautious when he asked his sister to speak in front of him.

Just like Master Xiu that day, none of them had a temperament to bow their heads to others, but it was all because of him that they had to be scrupulous.

That Ren was very uncomfortable, he couldn't let this happen again.

Huo Qingge glanced at Ji Chenzhou, who was standing there with Leng Ao Kuangcheng.

"Go home tomorrow!" Huo Qingge only said such a sentence.

Naren is no longer a child, and she can't force him to do anything.

He still solves his own affairs.

"If you have something to say, Shen Zhou, I tell you, don't do it!"

Gu Jue naturally saw the injury on Ren's lip. Obviously it was a new injury. Although I don't know how it was caused, it must have been inseparable from Ji Chenzhou.

Ji Shenzhou ignored his father, but still stood there.

Mouguang never left Naren for a moment.

When there are only two people left in the living room, it makes people nervous quietly.

With a "pop", Ji Chenzhou slapped Naren in the face.

Ji Chenzhou's strength was so great that Naren was staggered by him and fell onto the sofa.

He had no idea that Ji Chenzhou would hit him, he just felt his head buzzing and his eyes were staring.

He instinctively clutched his beaten left face and tasted the smell of blood.

The cheek hurts fiercely, then it swells, then it's numb, it's wood...

Just like his heart, numb.

"This slap is to tell you, don't say anything you shouldn't say in the future!"

Ji Chenzhou's eyes only experienced a change in mood this time, it was cold anger.

He kept repeating what Naren said just now, "I and Ji Chenzhou were together before, but we broke up today and won't be together again!"

Won't be together again...

He dare to say that?

He didn't think there was any problem between them. When they weren't together before, he hurt him a little bit.

But, just being together for these two days, is he treating him badly?

Is he not enough to bear him?

How can I say that I broke up and won't be together again.

People! Sure enough, you can't get used to it, and you don't know how to score.

Naren pressed his cheek, hurt...

He slowly stood up, all his emotions mixed together, this was the second time Ji Chenzhou hit him in the face.

No one has ever beaten him...

But now he has been beaten repeatedly by people he likes, much ironic.

"Ji Chenzhou, if I know that I like someone, it will hurt so much, I will definitely not like it!"

Naren walked towards the kitchen step by step.

The body seemed to be loaded, and he walked heavy.

The voice was a little hollow and ethereal, Naren felt tired, very tired...

It was the breakup he said, and he said it hard, he had his benevolent principle.

However, what are these principles in Ji Chenzhou?

He said, "This is the position, right? The knives I have suffered here are in the position where you stand now."

With this sentence, he won, and Ji Shenzhou won...

Naren, because of you, the people you love and respect, must be inferior to Ji Chenzhou.

Because of you, their lives are threatened...

It's all because of you, because of you alone, so that everyone will suffer with you. If you are gone, would it be fine...

Ji Chenzhou watched Naren walk into the kitchen. He thought that Naren was going in and applying ice cubes to his face because he kept covering his face.

After that slap, Ji Chenzhou regretted it. When his temper came up, he couldn't control it.

Before, he could not calm down when facing Naren.

Especially after he said that he broke up and would not be together in the future, he became angry and panicked...

Naren belongs to him, he doesn't allow him to leave him, and he won't allow him for a lifetime.

"Ji Chenzhou..." Naren's voice came with weakness. When Ji Chenzhou looked up, his blood flowed back.

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