The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1413: Sinking——Shen Zhou, you have a big face, but you have a thin face (two thousand words

"Naren, it's better for you to die? Have you ever thought about how I feel? You always say that I am selfish. Are you not selfish?"

Ji Chenzhou squeezed Naren's chin with great strength, and the edges of his fingers were bluish white.

Naren's eyes are covered with water vapor, is he selfish?

"Only I am a devil, you will always be an angel!"

Ji Chenzhou shook Naren's jaw and left with anger.

Naren's body fell on the sofa because of Ji Chenzhou's throwing motion. He held the camera in his hand and cried silently.


Fan Bin looked at Ji Chenzhou drinking glass by glass, and sighed helplessly.

"Okay, don't drink it!"

Fan Bin went to grab Ji Shenzhou's wine glass, but he glared at him.

"The injury on your arm hasn't healed, so can't you not abuse yourself like this?"

The injuries on Ji Chenzhou's body are all left by Naren, this kind of love is too hurt.

"He told me that people in love must tolerate, trust, and understand each other..."

"Go to Teya's trust. If he really understands me, he will know that I won't touch anyone he cares about, and I won't hurt anyone..."

"He hurts himself for those people. Does he know how much I hurt, how much I hurt..."

Ji Chenzhou pointed to the location of his heart and poked hard because it really hurts.

"He cares about his elder sister in his heart, he repairs the master, has he ever cared about me?"

"Does he dare to say that his life is better than death, so I feel better?"

"In this world, Ji Chenzhou is a bad guy. All are good guys. Anyone can make him worry about his benevolence. It doesn't matter to me. In the face of my suicide, it is so cruel. He has thought about my feelings. ?"

"He thought he was dead, can I still live... I can't live anymore..."

Ji Chenzhou threw the wine glass in his hand directly, covering his face with his hands and leaning on the sofa.

Fan Bin looked at the broken wine glass on the floor. What Ji Chenzhou said just now shocked him.

He and Ji Shenzhou are young, and they have been in friendship for so many years, and they have the strongest buddy relationship. However, Ji Shenzhou has never spoken to him.

He is a person who keeps everything in his heart, and he doesn't even show too much emotion on his face.

However, today, he said so, Fan Bin saw fragility and collapse in Ji Chenzhou at this time.

In fact, he, like everyone else, always thought that Naren was the one being bullied.

Because of his shyness, his weak temperament, and his obedient and sensible, such a simple person will make people feel protective.

Because Ji Chenzhou is too strong, he does what he likes and sees it in the eyes of others, just ignore it and do whatever he wants.

It is because of this that everyone ignores his fragility.

Because the love is too deep, so, using the wrong method, it is not only Naren who suffers. The love of two people is deeply loved, so how can only one person be injured.

"With me, he concealed himself, he didn't want this to know, he didn't want to let that know, this one must be worried, the other one must be considered, it's really enough."

Ji Chenzhou directly picked up the bottle and poured it. He drank a lot of wine, but he was not drunk at all.

"Shen Zhou, your face is big, and Ren is thin-skinned. You always have to give him time to adapt. After all, many people can't accept your relationship. It's normal for Ren to have his concerns."

"Shen Zhou, not everyone has as much experience as you can do without scruples!"

Fan Bin patted Ji Chenzhou on the shoulder, with a bit of strength, he really hoped that Shenzhou would be well.

There will really be someone he loves and loves him, who will spend his life with him.

Because no one knows the pain in his heart.

A child who has never received any fatherly love, he lives in a depressive environment all day long.

Why does Ji Chenzhou like Chu Baiqing's smile so much? That's because it is similar to his mother's smile.

They are all so gentle, but what others don't know is that his mother's smile only stays in Ji Chenzhou's memory.

Later, after her mother fell ill, her spirit also became abnormal. A woman who could not be loved by her husband was the most pitiful and the most pathetic.

The gentle smile no longer appeared on her face, and later even her son was not treated.

Ji Chenzhou loves his mother very, very much. The suffering and pain are really great torture for a few-year-old child.

However, Ji Chenzhou survived, and he did not shed a single tear on the day he sent his mother away.

Because there are no more tears to shed, I cried dry.

Since then, Ji Chenzhou has hardly cried.

Just now, even though he covered his face, Fan Bin still saw the tears on his face.

Naren was not sleeping peacefully, her earlobe was a bit painful and numb...

He saw the letter engraved on the ear buckle, it was jcz, the name of Ji Chenzhou...

He wondered if the one on Ji Chenzhou's ear was nr, should it be?

Although I didn't see it, Naren felt that it should be, why should it be, because Ji Chenzhou said all his life...

When the door was opened, Naren turned on the bedside lamp and saw Ji Chenzhou staggering in.

At first glance, he knew that he was drinking too much.

Ji Chenzhou hit the sofa and fell to the ground. Naren grabbed the quilt and instinctively wanted to go down to help him, but he did not move.

Ji Chenzhou looked at Naren with drunken eyes, looked at him who was thin, sitting on the bed, biting his lip and looking at him.

Ji Chenzhou got up and walked towards him again.

They all fell down beside the bed, and he was about to hit Naren on the body.

Ji Chenzhou suddenly remembered that there was a wound on Naren's body.

He supported his body with his arms so as not to hit Naren.

Naren felt a strong alcohol, Ji Chenzhou had never drunk so much alcohol.

Ji Chenzhou watched Na Renbie go too far to avoid him, so he went to kiss him, the more he hid, the more random he kissed.

Ji Chenzhou's wine tastes too strong, Naren really doesn't know how much wine he drank...

He pushed Ji Chenzhou with his hand, but he held his hand. Ji Chenzhou grabbed Naren's hand and came to his heart.

"This is all you... all you... I love you, why don't you believe it..."

Naren's heart was stabbed fiercely because he heard the pain in Ji Chenzhou's tone.

Does he hurt too?

"Do you know who I am?" Naren tightened his hand to prevent Ji Chenzhou from hitting his heart again. He wanted to know if Ji Chenzhou was sober.

Will he treat himself as Young Master Chu again...

"You are Naren, you are my Naren, my Ji Chenzhou person, my wife..."

Ji Chenzhou laughed a little obsessively, these words came out of his mouth, he couldn't help but want to laugh, his benevolence, how good...

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