The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1416: Sinking-just listen to your husband and me, you know?

Ji Chenzhou didn't drink much today, but he said these things in his heart...

Because he felt that there was a lack of communication between him and Naren, Naren did not want to say, nor did he want to say...

In many cases, it is so stalemate, making things worse and worse.

As his little mother said, Naren thought that the problem would not be as deep and thorough as he thought.

Therefore, some things must be explained to him so as not to think about them.

Naren didn't have any strength at all, and the whole person was leaning against Ji Chenzhou's arms.

This is the first time Ji Chenzhou has said so much to him, and said their relationship so clearly...

He said that he didn't have him in his heart. It was so wronged. How could he be without him? He was full of them.

"There is you here, it's all can't wrong me!"

Naren took Ji Chenzhou's hand and placed it on his own heart, allowing him to feel his heartbeat as well as the hot love here.

Naren's voice was aggrieved, and with his reddish eyes, it was like a beloved deer.

Ji Chenzhou gently kissed Naren's face, "Then stay with me, don't care about so much, trust me, I won't hurt you, nor the people around you!"

Ji Chenzhou's heart was instantly filled, because Naren said, "Here is you, all you..."

These words make people feel more emotional than I love you...

"But, Ji Jiu...say my sister..."

Naren said that he would not hurt the people around him, but his sister, Master Xiu, and Huo Commander were all because of him...

Before he finished speaking, Naren realized that he had shaken Ji Jiu out.

Sure enough, Ji Chenzhou's face became quite ugly.

Naren couldn't get out, so it must be Ji Jiu who came here. It seems that his opponents are too trusting, and he will be such a person who eats inside and out.

"Naren, Ji Jiu and me, who do you think is a good person?"

He was annoyed at the attitude of Renxin Jijiu who didn't believe him, but he still endured not getting angry at him.

Why not, because Naren is pure, if Ji Jiu wants to lie to him, it is not a lie to him.

It seems that Ji Jiu told Naren when he was going to get married on a blind date.

"..." Naren didn't speak, asking anyone this question, the answer would not be that Ji Chenzhou is a good person.

"Heh... I'm your husband, but you don't trust me. Is this why you have me in your heart?"

"Naren, last time you ate and drank with Ji Jiu, he drugged your wine. What he wants to do, don’t I need to tell me? How enthusiastic you responded to me that day, you know best if I don’t Take you away, you've been eaten and wiped off by him. You think Ji Jiu is a good person like this?"

Ji Chenzhou sneered at the corner of his mouth, he wanted to let Ji Jiu know what it was to shoot himself in the foot.

He wanted to destroy the relationship between himself and Naren, playing this kind of trick.

He let him know what regret is...

Naren looked at Ji Chenzhou in astonishment. He remembered what happened that day. He only felt that he was hot, but he didn't know that he was drugged.

Why did Ji Jiu treat him this way?

"As long as he grabs everything from me, do you remember that Miss Pei San? My father always wanted me to marry their Pei family. Ji Jiu also knew the strength of the Pei family, so he had given Miss Pei San a long time ago. Asleep, do you think Ji Jiu like this is a good person?"

Naren was really shocked by these words, he didn't expect Ji Jiu to be such a person.

"Okay now, let's talk about him, besides saying that I am going to get married on a blind date, how did he tell you about your sister in order to create a conflict between us."

Ji Chenzhou was very satisfied to see the shocked look on Naren's face.

"He said that my sister has been in the hospital for a long time... and Master Xiu is trapped in Yuncheng, and Commander Huo will also be taken away from power..."

Naren truthfully told Ji Chenzhou what Ji Jiu said to him.

"Your sister was hospitalized because your brother-in-law was very fierce and made your sister pregnant again, but your sister didn't know that she took a lot of medicine when she caught a cold during pregnancy, so they can't ask for this child."

His sister is pregnant again? This... is too careless...

It turned out to be pregnant...

"Master Xiu's not leaving is related to Commander Huo. Commander Huo was caught by someone because of the woman problem. Now those who are jealous of his position want to take the opportunity to defeat him, so Master Xiu stayed and helped him..."

"And among those who want to overthrow Commander Huo is Ji Jiu."

"Do you still think Ji Jiu is a good person? He knows everything, but he deliberately cuts it out and tells you that his purpose is to make us misunderstand us, because he knows that I care about you. , If you distract me and make me feel bad, he can easily break me and replace me..."

Naren suddenly felt cold on his back, he was almost used by Ji Jiu...

"I don't know his purpose is this, I... you know my brain is not good."

Naren looked at Ji Chenzhou very sorry. It turned out that Ji Jiu wanted to use him to attack Ji Chenzhou, and he almost became an accomplice.

"The brain is not good, the easiest way is not to listen to others, just listen to your husband and me, you know?"

Ji Chenzhou knocked on Naren's head.

He now feels that he has to thank Ji Jiu for what he said here.

How else could Naren take the initiative to compromise with him, just to leave here, and how could he say that he was married and not married, so aggrieved and uncomfortable, so that he would not feel distressed, how could he say these things to him? .

Naren blushed because Ji Chenzhou was talking about her husband...

"Don't talk about your husband..." Naren's voice was so small that it was almost inaudible.

However, Ji Chenzhou could hear clearly.

"I am willing to bet and give up, if I lose, I will definitely bark, absolutely not shameless!"

Holding Naren's blushing handsome face, Ji Chenzhou wanted him again.

"You know can't say it, Ji Chenzhou."

In just such a few minutes of dialogue, everything has changed. The person has compromised from the previous despair to the current expectations.

He only now understands that sentence, one person can really influence another person's emotions, joy or sadness.

"If you don't scream, why don't you know if you can't scream, come and let me listen!"

Ji Chenzhou coaxed Naren. He wanted to hear him call his husband. The shy and nervous voice was his favorite.

"Sleeping, so tired..." Naren turned over to lie down with a blushing face, but Ji Chenzhou was confined by Ji Chenzhou and couldn't move.

"Don't be foolish, you screamed, there is a surprise for you!"

Ji Chenzhou bit Naren's ear and said with a smile.

"I don't want any surprises, I... don't call!"

That benevolent temperament, if you don't call him husband under persecution, he will definitely not be able to call it.

"Don't you want this surprise?" Ji Chenzhou whispered in Naren's ear.

When Naren heard this, an expression of unbelief appeared in his eyes immediately, with amazement.

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