The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1418: Sinking-the first

Ji Chenzhou grabbed Naren's hand and pulled him into his arms with strength.

"You want me to change my clothes, all right! You change me... and then we..."

Ji Chenzhou tilted his head slightly and said a word in Naren's ear.

The benevolent wanted to push Ji Chenzhou away, but he held him tighter.

"Ji Chenzhou, you can't be serious!" Naren was really mad at him, how could he think about this anytime and anywhere.

Naren remembered that Ji Jiu had said that Ji Chenzhou used to play crazy, and the people around him changed one after another.

He will not be the first and will not be the last...

This is how people are, even if they know what Ji Jiu said, it may be false, but Naren will care.

Caring about what the people around Ji Chenzhou were like before, did he often bully them like this.

Such verbal bullying and teasing, and is it in bed...

It's like bullying him, bullying other boys...

In the past, Naren had never thought about this issue, but now, this matter is like a thorn in his heart.

He knows that everyone has a past, but he just feels uncomfortable in his heart.

Is this the feeling that people who care about a person will have?

"Where is not serious? Long serious, serious clothes, everywhere is serious and can't be more serious!"

When Ji Chenzhou laughed, he was particularly evil, especially the kind of smile that was not a smile.

Naren looked at his smile and thought, a man like him and anyone who has been with him will fall in love with him, right?

He should fall in love. Although Ji Chenzhou has a bad temper, he always makes people unable to extricate themselves.

Isn't that it? How many people are in love with him now?

Are he still in touch with those companions he was with before?

Ji Chenzhou's needs are so great, will they also find them to solve...

They haven't been together this month, did Ji Chenzhou just ask them to solve it?

Before the two were together, Ji Chenzhou used it every day, not tired.

It seems impossible for him to endure for a month...

When the sound of closing the car door came, Naren realized that he had been distracted for so long.

I was thinking about who Ji Chenzhou slept with this month...

Sometimes things are just such a coincidence, what do you want?

Ji Chenzhou’s cell phone rang, and Naren looked at the car’s name as Lu Kai...

It's a man's name...

The phone kept ringing, and Ji Chenzhou didn't mean to answer it.

Naren looked at Ji Chenzhou's eyebrows furrowed, with an impatient look on his face.

According to Ji Chenzhou's temper, he would hang up if he didn't want to answer the phone, instead of letting it disturb him like this.

Ji Chenzhou didn't pick up here, and the fight over there was also persevering.

"Don't answer?" Naren could feel his tone, a little cold and a little sour.

Ji Chenzhou drove the car with one hand, and glanced at Naren slightly, his smile deepened.

"Well, if you don't pick up, he won't fight if he has enough!" Ji Chenzhou's tone was somewhat helpless.

As if intentionally, and as if he were treating this person named Lu Kai, he should have such a tone.

However, this kind of tone is heard in Naren's ears, it is pain, petting, and letting go...

Naren felt very congested in his heart, abnormally congested, he looked out the window of the car, his expression was a little annoyed, but he just held back and didn't send it out.

He can't ask Ji Chenzhou, who is this man named Lu Kai, why he calls you over and over again, what is your relationship?

But without asking, his heart was burning with uncomfortable feelings.

He is the person who is least willing to think about it, but, just for a while, he thought about several versions, about Ji Chenzhou and this man named Lu Kai.

He even wondered if Ji Chenzhou was sleeping with Lu Kai this month.

Then, he bullied him so fiercely and made him cry for mercy...

The more I think about this, the more ardent the fire of that kind heart will burn.

And the **** ringtones grew more and more endless.

"It's so noisy!" Naren turned his head and roared lowly at Ji Chenzhou, angry.

"Yin Ren, hang up his phone, he will be endless, he will not call when he is tired, a little clingy!"

Because of Naren's anger, Ji Chenzhou raised the corners of his mouth, as if he hadn't noticed that Naren was angry at him.

The fingers were tapping on the steering wheel happily and rhythmically.

A bit clingy...

Looking at Ji Chenzhou's expression, Naren just liked Lu Kai sticking to him.

"Ji Chenzhou, you must either answer the phone, hang up, or stop!"

Naren felt that his heart was scorched with anger, and when he looked at Ji Chenzhou's disapproval look, he felt very frustrated.

I especially want to get angry...

Shouting at Ji Chenzhou, all the anger in his heart was released.

Too bully, I said last night that I love him crazy enough to be with him.

This is the attitude today, treating a man who called him.

Does he really think that his benevolence is so easy to bully.

He should be bullied by Ji Chenzhou, anyway, it doesn't matter how he bullied or hurt him.

Afterwards, he will forgive him with a few words and some tricks.

"Angry? Jealous?" Ji Chenzhou drove with one hand, reaching out to hold Naren's hand with one hand.

Naren wouldn't let him touch, Ji Shenzhou smiled and hung up the phone...

"He is a boy who likes me..."

Ji Chenzhou was interrupted as soon as he was halfway through, and Lu Kai called again.

Naren heard clearly, Ji Chenzhou said it was a boy who liked him...

Boys are used, not men. Obviously, Lu Kai is younger than Ji Chenzhou.

People who like him, even if they know a man like Ji Chenzhou, there will definitely be many people who like him.

However, hearing from his mouth, he felt particularly uncomfortable, ironic...

"Since I like you, if you don't answer his phone, he is so sad. If you think it is not convenient for you to pick me up, I will get off!"

Naren usually blushes and stammers when talking to Ji Chenzhou.

However, when I was angry, my mouth slipped.

Lu Kai's phone was still ringing over there, and Ji Chenzhou liked Naren's jealous and angry look very much.

"I'm driving, you can pick it up for me!"

Whatever I said, I could hang up just now, but I won't be able to pick it up...

Naren felt that Ji Chenzhou was too bullying, so he swiped directly on the screen angrily.

Pick up...

As soon as the phone was connected, Lu Kai's voice came over there.

"Ji Shao, I was wrong. Don't ignore me, okay? I shouldn't lose my temper with you that night. It was because I didn't know how to make you upset. Ji Shao, I beg you, forgive me, OK? ?"

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