The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1420: Sinking--Ji Chenzhou, can you be more shameless? (Two thousand words)

With his benevolent cheeks bulging, why did he believe what Ji Chenzhou said...

He couldn't get his hand back, but fortunately, he gave up and let Ji Chenzhou bring him in with his head down.

You can't hide, obviously everyone is waiting for them.

I don't know how Ji Chenzhou told them.

This is already the case, and it is impossible to go.

He must settle this account with Ji Shenzhou when he goes back.

How would Naren know that there is something like this behind, and it is to surprise Naren.

In the huge living room, everyone around me came, naturally including his sister and Master Xiu...

Naren suddenly became nervous. He was upset before. When he really saw the two closest people there, Naren was at a loss.

Especially since his hand is still held by Ji Chenzhou, he is like a kid who has done something wrong, afraid of being told.

"Fuck, except for the few who haven't been weaned, you two are the youngest, so many people are waiting for you, so embarrassed?"

Gu Jue is the most impatient in this, and today it is for the two of them to get together.

They are good, not good to meet them at the door, but they are late in the end.

Naren's face was thin, and once again by Sir Alex Ferguson, his face could bleed.

But Naihe has a huge face next to him, "Isn't this a traffic jam!"

Ji Chenzhou talked about the traffic jam again. Feng Yan, who had just come out of the kitchen over there, sighed in his heart. He really had the courage to dare to be such a shameless lie.

The people here, I'm afraid that only Ji Chenzhou is the only one who can be said to have such an aura, without changing his face and heartbeat.

"Fuck, you have one more sentence..."

Gu Jue Teng jumped up from the sofa, he was already so angry, he even dared to mad at him like this.

On the road to Fengyan, there are so many cars who dare to come over, and there will be traffic jams.

"If you don't believe me, drive out and have a look, it's a block!" Ji Chenzhou took Naren who was embarrassed and ashamed, and sat down on the sofa.

Gu Jue was lifted angrily by his foot and wanted to kick over, but Chu Baiqing held him back, his eyes signaled that everyone was there.

Gu Jue naturally wanted to listen to their family's Baiqing's words. In fact, he was so deliberately angry to ease the atmosphere for his third son and Naren.

I just don't want them to be too embarrassed, especially Naren, who is so thin-skinned and so sensible. He will definitely be uncomfortable with such a scene.

Naren insisted on not moving, "You stand!"

In the current situation, how could the two of them sit there as if they were all right.

Even in normal times, they shouldn't sit there so casually, he wouldn't, he would feel restrained.

Li Beichen and Huo Qingge sat on one side, Ming Xiu sat in the single sofa seat, and Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing sat on the other side.

Naren and Ji Chenzhou are standing at the center, facing everyone...

Huo Qingge had a distressed look on his face since Naren came in.

No wonder she feels distressed, Naren has indeed lost a lot of weight during this period.

I was thin, but now it's even more distressing.

Everyone sees Ji Chenzhou's strength, and he doesn't hide it at all, just like his attitude towards everyone in the past month or so.

The tough and domineering will never give in, but he is extremely respectful.

On the other hand, Master Xiu kept a calm face, keeping his eyes on Naren's ear, where there was a delicate ear button...

When Naren saw his sister's red eyes, he cried directly, without the slightest brewing, he felt very sorry for his sister.

He is such a big person, and he wants his sister to worry about him. She lives in the courtyard and has to worry about him. That kind of heart is sore and uncomfortable.

Tears just fell like this, biting his lips slightly, not letting myself cry.

When Ji Chenzhou saw that Ren was like this, he didn't say anything. He wanted to order him to stop crying, but he knew it was useless. That would only make Naren cry more fiercely.

"Sister, I worry about you, I..." Na Ren Mingming has a lot to say, but he doesn't know where to start.

All the words are rushing out, but they are stuck in the throat again, and can't say a word.

He didn't know how to tell his sister, what happened to him in the past month.

He didn't know how Ji Chenzhou told everyone what he was doing this month.

Naren thought that Ji Chenzhou would not say that he was going to "suicide" and did not die, he was recovering from his injuries...

However, what shocked Naren was his sister's next words.

"Are the injuries healed?"

Huo Qingge couldn't help standing up anymore, rushing over to Naren, watching Naren cry, she also cried out.

Li Beichen shook his head helplessly, knowing it would be like this...

She kept on keeping her from crying, after all, she couldn't cry after just finishing her confinement.

However, this woman just doesn't obey, crying when she says she cries...

Na Ren went over to see Ji Chenzhou, how could he tell his sister, this lunatic?

Didn't this make her anxious and worry...

"It's okay, sister, it makes you worry... it's me!"

Naren has nothing to do. Fortunately, he handled it in time, and Ji Chenzhou took care of it carefully and recovered well.

"You said why you are so stupid, and your stubborn temperament hasn't changed at all. You said that if you have shortcomings, how can you make us live well."

Huo Qingge cried and shouted at Naren lowly, angrily and distressed.

"Not anymore, sister!" Naren hugged his sister and gently soothed.

He didn't know how Ji Chenzhou said it, whether he was telling the truth, or was making up his reasons, none of these Naren knew...

So apart from guilt and comfort, he dare not talk nonsense.

"If you want to be together, stay together. Don't do anything like this again in the future... Sister doesn't stop you anymore..."

Huo Qingge sighed slightly, she could hear the compromise in her tone.

Huo Qingge regretted that she shouldn't leave that day. If she didn't leave, it wouldn't happen.

"Sister..." The guilt in Ren's heart became even greater, he knew that his sister was compromising to him...

This compromise is...

Naren suddenly turned around to look at Ji Chenzhou, although his mind was not working well.

However, he could also think at this time that Ji Chenzhou must have misled his sister.

His sister thought he committed suicide because she did not agree with him and Ji Chenzhou. He couldn't accept it, so she committed suicide...

Ji Chenzhou definitely did something like this. When he did this, his sister must be very self-blaming after knowing that he was injured...

"Sister, I was injured by myself... can't think of it, it has nothing to do with you, not what you think..."

Naren said anxiously, crying more fiercely.

"Bei Chen, please comfort Qingge, you two come with me!"

Master Xiu, who had been silent, stood up and said calmly to Ji Chenzhou and Naren.

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