The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1429: Sinking——He never regarded Naren as a woman (2,000 words)

Naren's tears flowed down his cheeks, so silent.

At this moment, Naren's heart is one step closer to Ji Chenzhou. At this moment, Naren secretly swears in his heart that he will be good to Ji Chenzhou and that he will stay with Ji Chenzhou forever.

Many years later, when Naren met Ji Chenzhou again, Ji Chenzhou pinched his neck and forced him to ask him, "Why leave me, why lie to me?" When Naren tasted the pain of betraying his oath.

However, at this moment, no one would have expected that day.

When Ji Chenzhou fell to the ground, the wine glass was not steady, and half of the red wine was spilled on him.

Ji Chenzhou exhaled. He knew that he had lost his temper, in front of so many people, but he never cared about it.

What's more, the people here are the people who care about benevolence, and in the future, they will also be the people he cares about, so there is nothing to be ashamed of.

He thought that Lord Ren Xiu and they both wanted to know what attitude he had towards Chu Baiqing now.

"I told Naren that no one can replace your place in my heart, no one...just like no one can replace my mother's place in my heart..."

"That kind of love is family affection, not love. I have told you this before, but I have never said it to Naren..."

Ji Chenzhou had a chance to talk to Naren, but he never said it.

For him, he prefers to watch Naren jealous, no matter who is jealous, he likes it.

He likes the blushing, angry and annoyed look the most.

Naren listened to what Ji Chenzhou said, her tongue a little bit straight.

Ji Chenzhou did not tell him these things, although he was drunk, but this time, Naren believed in him, a letter he had never had before.

"Mother, don't always think about teaching Naren to be smart, don't be like that... I just like his stupid simplicity, his shyness and his stubbornness..."

"I like everything about him, so I can't change everything..."

Ji Chenzhou was already drunk and couldn't open his eyes. He squinted, looked at Naren who was standing there, and smiled at him.

What I thought in my mind is that if Naren wears the big red phoenix crown and haw, it must be beautiful.

When Ji Chenzhou woke up, it was already noon the next day.

When I opened my eyes, I had a headache, like being beaten by someone, empty inside but pain outside.

Take a look at the bedroom...

He actually returned to the villa opposite his father's house.

When Naren was not in the room, Ji Chenzhou got out of bed suddenly, and there was no Naren in the bathroom of the bedroom.

Couldn't it be taken away by Master Xiu?

This is extremely possible, and Master Xiu did not make a final statement yesterday, agreeing to Naren marrying him.

Ji Chenzhou went downstairs wearing pajamas, loose, as if he would fall at any time.

Ji Chenzhou heard a sound in the kitchen, walked over, and saw Naren cooking there.

I don't know what I'm doing, I'm a little messy.

There are very few things Naren knows how to do, just a few fixed ones, and they are all the original ecological practices on the island.

He can't make it without the ingredients on the island.

So when it comes to cooking, Naren is a noob.

In fact, Naren didn't do anything complicated, he just wanted to make porridge.

Think of putting some seafood and some seasonal vegetables, so that the nutrition is balanced and delicious.

Naren is wearing Ji Chenzhou's compassionate shirt. Because he has lost a lot of weight in the past few days, he appears to be more compassionate on him.

Naren was still wearing his own pants, a small piece was still stepped under his feet, and no slippers were worn.

Probably because the porridge was a little thick, Naren poured some boiled water into it.

Ji Chenzhou leaned on the door frame, watching Naren take this for a while and let it go for a while.

The corners of his mouth rose involuntarily, revealing a faint arc of happiness and contentment. He never regarded Naren as a woman.

Even if he always teased him and called him his wife, he never treated him as a woman.

However, at this moment, he saw the appearance of "wife" in Naren.

Not a wife, but a wife, this feeling makes the heart hot, and the eyes are reddish.

It seems that just by looking at it, you can see him and Naren's life.

Naren must be cooking porridge for himself because he had a drink last night, virtuous.

When Mingxiu walked in, he saw Ji Chenzhou's rippling face.

"It's so slow to cook a porridge!" Master Xiu opened the refrigerator to get water.

Ji Chenzhou didn't notice anyone walking behind him.

When he saw Mingxiu walking past him, he was really surprised.

He did not expect that Mingxiu would be in their home.

"It's ready soon, Master Xiu, I don't think it is done well, you will just eat it!"

Naren didn't look back, he was still busy there, and he didn't know that Ji Chenzhou was there.

When Ji Chenzhou heard Naren's words, he immediately lost his face. It turns out that this porridge was not cooked for him, but for Master Xiu...

Mingxiu closed the refrigerator door and glanced at Ji Chenzhou, whose face was obviously sinking, and ignored him.

"If you don't do well, don't do it afterwards. If you know how to do it, you will do it, and you will suffer!

Mingxiu naturally didn't want Naren to be with Ji Chenzhou in the future, and he still had to do housework.

Like Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing together, all housework is done by Gu Jue.

He doesn't even need a nanny, he does everything himself.

The two people have a very good relationship, Mingxiu thought, and they couldn't stop them from being together.

He had to make his life happier, so Ji Chenzhou had to do the most basic thing about cooking.

"Ji Chenzhou will do it, better than me!"

When Naren said this, the corners of his lips were upturned, and the feeling of happiness came from the inside out.

Naren is a person who is easily satisfied, as long as a little bit of things will make him forget all the hurt.

Now he feels very happy. He is with Ji Chenzhou, and everyone he cares about agrees. This feeling is like a dream, so unreal.

"It's just a little better. I heard that his father's cooking skills are very good, so he has to be better than his old man."

Mingxiu looked at that stupid appearance, feeling uncomfortable.

Naren doesn't need him to worry about what he does as a hacker, but he is worried about other aspects.

Just say that the pants he is wearing now have such a small section under his feet. If he is in a hurry, he may fall.

"He made very delicious, I want to learn cooking, I will make it in the future!"

When Naren pleased Ji Chenzhou and made him annoy him, he also learned to cook. Although he couldn't do it, he still found it interesting.

After hearing Naren's words, Ji Chenzhou's expression eased. He also felt that between the two of them, Naren should cook. He likes to eat what he makes.

"What do you do, don't do anything in the future, let him do it, you are on the island, I am reluctant to let you do things, why follow him, and serve him!"

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