The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1443: Sinking-Naren in his family is really disobedient and reluctant to be punished (3,000

This gave a lot of people a topic to create, and this matter pushed Huo Zhongrao to the cusp of the storm.

Huo Zhongrao squeezed the lighter in his hand, why didn't he know that the little demon loved him.

He also wanted to be with her desperately, but now when everyone accused him, how could he have feelings for a girl more than ten years younger than him.

And still his nominal adopted daughter...

He was wondering if he was too selfish.

"She is also stronger than you think!" When Ji Chenzhou got up, he glanced at Huo Zhongrao and said.

When Ji Chenzhou returned to Gu Jue's house, Gu Jue had just cooked dinner.

When I saw Ji Chenzhou, I didn't see it. The look in that posture was like seeing his son who was not angry and eye-catching.

Ji Chenzhou ignored him, changed his shoes, went to the bathroom to wash his hands, then turned to the restaurant, sat and ate.

Ji Chenzhou ate when he was sullen, and no one was on the table.

When Chu Baiqing came in, Ji Chenzhou had already eaten a bowl of rice, and instead of serving it, he took the bowl of rice next to him and ate it directly.

Put the empty bowl aside...

Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu is sleeping, so the restaurant is very quiet.

When Gu Jue came out carrying the soup, he saw Ji Chenzhou eating and eating there, and gobbled it up.

"Eat, eat, you have to die!" Gu Jue put the soup on the table with great movements.

Ji Chenzhou didn't raise his head and continued to eat.

A big mouthful of food, a big mouthful of rice, a bowl of rice in a few mouthfuls.

The bowl was put aside, got up, and took the bowl of rice opposite.

Angrily Gu Jue took the chopsticks and hit him on the head.

"You don't know how to serve your own food!"

Three bowls of rice for the three of them all entered Ji Chenzhou's stomach.

Gu Jue did not act lightly, but Ji Chenzhou did not respond and was still eating.

Chu Baiqing sat down and frowned slightly at Ji Chenzhou who was gobbled up.

Chu Baiqing knew Ji Chenzhou’s appetite was just one bowl of rice, and he has eaten three bowls of rice now...

When the last bite of the third bowl of rice was in his mouth, Ji Chenzhou raised his head and stretched out the bowl to look at Gu Jue who was annoyed, "Father, another bowl!"

"Are you looking for..." Gu Jue stopped abruptly before he finished scolding.

Looking at Ji Chenzhou's red eyes, the tightly bitten jaw, and the faint green veins floating on his forehead.

Gu Jue's heart trembled fiercely. What happened to his third son? He was holding back not crying...

Chu Baiqing was also shocked. Seeing Ji Chenzhou like this, he knew in his heart that it must have something to do with Naren...

It has been more than a week since the two people quarreled. He called Naren, and Naren said they broke up...

Let him not worry, he is fine now, wait a few days to come and see them.

Chu Baiqing could hear that Ren's state is not good, so how could he be good.

The road between the two of them is destined to be much more difficult than that of him and Gu Jue.

However, Chu Baiqing believed that they could overcome it because they both loved each other deeply.

"That...don't eat the rice, drink some soup!"

Gu Jue feels distressed for his third son. Although he always says about him, the distress is from the bottom of my heart.

Gu Jue served Ji Chenzhou a bowl of soup, blew it twice, and put it in front of him.

"Drink very slowly..." Ji Chenzhou took the bowl and drank, Gu Jue shouted to him angrily.

Three bowls of rice drink porridge like this again, the stomach is about to burst...

"Father, mom, I am empty here..."

Ji Chenzhou pointed his finger on the position of his heart, again and again...

It seemed as if it had been hollowed out, he was yelling Naren's name in his heart, and he could not get any response except for the echo...

Obviously it is empty, but it is full of Naren.

This contradictory feeling made his heart, liver, spleen and lung hurt, and it hurts to death...

He loves Naren, loves very much...

The love between men is not sweet, but intense.

The moments are fierce, so once they are about to burn out, they are all unacceptable...

Just like Ji Chenzhou at this time, no words can describe his pain.

He can't give up and he wants to walk, because now it's not just him alone, the people standing behind him are not one or two...

He is also well aware of Naren's stubbornness, and he will not back down on this matter.

"I want to tie Naren to my side..."

Ji Chenzhou muttered to himself, although this was for Chu Baiqing and Gu Jue.

But it was also for him. If he changed his job, he would definitely do it without hesitation or hesitation.

However, now he can only think, but dare not do it...

Yes, I dare not...

"If you do this, you and Naren will never be together again in this life, unless you tie him for a lifetime!"

What Chu Baiqing said was quite certain. If Ji Chenzhou dared to do this now, even if the benevolent person was by his side, he would lose his heart.

Ji Chenzhou understands this point better than anyone else.

"I'm so embarrassed..."

Ji Chenzhou put down the bowl and held his face in both hands. He once said that he would protect Naren forever.

But I didn't want to but hurt him at this moment...

He had never thought that Naren would care so much about what he did.

He also knew that Naren was afraid that he would be in danger and that he would die...

However, he had to go down this road after he died.

"How many people want your life, have you ever thought that if Naren is with you, his life will also be the goal of others, he is your weakness, and if he dies, you will not survive."

Chu Baiqing was telling the truth, and he had to make it clear to Ji Chenzhou.

As for how he chooses, that's his own problem.

He will not say to him, give up your hatred, abandon those who follow you, and live with Naren!

If Ji Chenzhou did what he said, one day in the future, if Ji Chenzhou regretted not taking his father down, letting Ji Jiu take the place, and making him unhappy in his life, then no one would be able to pay for this responsibility.

In the current situation, no one knows what will happen in the future...

He can't say, just break up with Naren, this is the best for him.

This is forcibly breaking up two people who love each other, and he will not do it.

All decisions need to be made by Ji Chenzhou himself, and then accept and bear it.

However, no matter which decision is made, it is suffering for Ji Chenzhou...

Chu Baiqing also thought about it, he went to persuade Naren, stayed beside Ji Chenzhou with peace of mind, and accompanied him on this road.

However, there are two other results.

One is that Ji Chenzhou won, he did everything he wanted to do.

In the end he and Naren were happily together.

The other is that if Ji Chenzhou is dead, then Naren will not survive, even saying that all those who follow Ji Chenzhou will not survive...

This is not a small business war or a gang war. It is the president and the forces behind him that Ji Chenzhou wants to bring down.

There is one thing that no one knows, only he knows, why, Ji Chenzhou is so stubborn to take down his father.

Why is there such a deep hatred? This is one of the reasons why he cannot persuade Ji Chenzhou to give up.

"As long as I don't die, I will beg him on my knees, and I will beg him back!"

All Ji Shenzhou understands and understands...

Ji Chenzhou cried, and his body was shaking. To know how difficult it was for him to make this decision, it was really too difficult...

His Naren...

"Father watch him for you, and promise not to let him be nice to others..."

"Tomorrow I will take him home, and your little mother and I will always be with him, so as not to make him uncomfortable, take care of him, okay?"

Gu Jue's tone seemed to be coaxing the child, soft and gentle.

Gu Jue couldn't see his third son look like this, he was quite hungry when the meal was ready.

However, this will not be hungry at all, no appetite at all.

He had thought things very simple before, so he thought, when Naren calmed down, the two were reconciled.

Naren accompanied Ji Chenzhou to finish what he had to do.

However, after his family Chu Baiqing analyzed it for him, he knew that Naren was the most dangerous being with Ji Chenzhou, and he was Ji Chenzhou’s weakness. This matter, everyone who wanted to kill Ji Chenzhou knew...

People like them, no matter how powerful they are, they can't foresee everything.

What's more, now that the eldest brother bears the brunt, he is about to be emptied of power...

The third brother's business has also been affected, although these are not enough to shake their roots.

However, if this continues, who knows what else will happen.

"He lives with other men now..."

"Today I went out for a mountain tour with a woman..."

What Ji Chenzhou said was sour, and there were silent tears on his face.

Such Ji Chenzhou makes people feel distressed when looking at it, and a man who is so wicked and mad is now so pitiful and helpless.

"He is the best!"

Chu Baiqing spoke lightly, that Renneng is really the best...

Better than he thought...

Naren in his family is really disobedient and reluctant to be punished. He didn't have to be punished.

"Well, it's good, I think it's good too..."

"As long as I don't die, I must ask him back..."

"Definitely beg back..."

Ji Chenzhou muttered to himself there, crying and laughing, aching and aching...

It's like being drunk and unconscious.

So when he said, "I want to marry the little demon...", neither Chu Baiqing nor Gu Jue responded.

"I promised Naren that I would only marry him in this life. I told everyone that I would marry him. Although Master Xiu didn't promise him, he still acquiesced. I would marry him..."

"But, I am so... so so... not a man..."

Ji Chenzhou had already cried out this time, and all the choking voices were deep guilt for Naren.

That kind of guilt is like a vine, entwining his limbs, making him hurt...

"Who do you think you marry?" Gu Jue only reacted at this time. Ji Chenzhou just said he was going to marry the little demon.

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