The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1445: Sinking——Don’t do this, please... (3,000 words)

Qin Nan has lived for more than 20 years, and he has never been so afraid.

Naren is the person he cares most about, and when he sees that they may be separated from yin and yang, he feels that his heart is about to jump out.

Qin Nan is a track and field athlete, so he rushed up in a few steps, grabbing back the lost soul...

A large truck whizzed past him, and if Qin Nan was one step later, Naren would definitely be knocked into flight.

Such a speed will undoubtedly die...

"What do you think?" Qin Nan was frightened and anxious, and his panic eyes were red. After shouting at Naren, he cried...

"The sun... is too dazzling... Qin Nan... why doesn't it rain yet..."

Qin Nan hugged Naren tightly in his arms, "What kind of rain is going on, Naren, give me a good one, don't be like this, don't be like this, please..."

Qin Nan's heart was still beating wildly. If he was a second late, now he was holding a cold corpse in his arms.

Love is so special that it can hurt people.

Naren is so good, why should he meet Ji Chenzhou, the bastard, why did he get him? I still cherish him...

How can you bear to treat him like this...

Say that you broke up and you broke up, and you can get married so quickly.

How could there be someone so cruel of him.

Qin Nan brought Naren home, but Naren kept running high fever, so he took him to the hospital again by taxi.

Naren was confused and told Qin Nan to turn off the phone...

Qin Nan knew that he was worried that his sister would call him, and he couldn't answer it like this.

Qin Nan didn't know that Ji Chenzhou was the son of the president before. Such a tough background is something ordinary people like him would not dare to imagine...

Had it not been for Ji Chenzhou had never looked for Naren, he had acquiesced in breaking up.

Qin Nan wanted to seek justice for Ji Chenzhou and Naren, who had no choice but to tell Ji Shenzhou’s identity and tell him not to provoke him. Qin Nan knew that Ji Shenzhou was actually the president’s son...

It's really incredible, but what about the president's son?

Can you bully people like this?

And that little demon Lu, knowing that Naren and Ji Chenzhou are a couple, she wants to marry Ji Chenzhou, which is really hateful.

When Naren woke up, he was infusion, he looked at the ceiling, he thought he was not weak.

However, since getting to know Ji Chenzhou, he has been hospitalized one after another.

Naren, you can fight for your anger. This is the last time you are hospitalized because of him. He can not care about you or your feelings and go to marry others.

Why should you make yourself so embarrassed...

"Would you like to drink water?" Qin Nan, who was lying on the side of the bed, felt Naren move, and woke up immediately and asked in a dumb voice.

"Well, thirsty..."

Naren's voice was also dumb and dry.

After drinking a glass of water, Naren looked at the haggard Qin Nan, full of guilt.

"Naren, my grandma is celebrating her birthday in two days. I want to go home and have a look. Can you go back with me? My house is the most beautiful at this time. The autumn leaves on the mountain are very beautiful and suitable for taking pictures...

Qin Nan held Naren's hand tightly. His grandmother didn't have her birthday at all. He just wanted to take Naren out for a walk and leave the place where Ji Chenzhou is located. Perhaps his mood would be better.

He was afraid that Naren would go crazy if he didn't die...

"If it's not beautiful, I won't forgive you!"

A tear fell from the corner of Naren's eyes. He was very fortunate that Qin Nan was by his side at this time.

Even if he is abandoned by Ji Chenzhou, he is not alone, he still has the best buddies...

"I promise to be beautiful, I'm afraid that I will pull you back when the time comes, and you won't come back. I will buy the ticket now. Let's leave tomorrow and go back soon..."

Qin Nan immediately booked the ticket with his mobile phone, as if he was afraid that Naren would go back.

As soon as Naren turned on, Huo Qingge's call came in.

Naren cleared his throat and answered the phone, "Sister, you just called when I turned on..."

Naren spoke with a low laugh.

"Where are you?" Huo Qingge's voice was anxious.

She actually saw the news today before she knew that Ji Chenzhou and Xiao Yao were getting married.

And when she called his brother, he actually knew...

Obviously this thing was done by Little Demon and Ji Shenzhou, and it was not until today that everyone knew about it and caught everyone off guard.

"I was buying tickets with Qin Nan. The autumn scenery in their hometown is very beautiful now. I want to take pictures. It happened that his grandma also had her birthday. In the past two years, she hadn't eaten the beef sauce made by his grandma, so I went to celebrate her birthday. "

Naren winked at Qin Nan.

Qin Nan immediately understood, "Just buy it at 12:30, I will go to my parents to buy something for my parents tomorrow morning, don't you want to buy film..."

Qin Nan deliberately spoke very lightly.

"Alright." Naren looked at Qin Nan gratefully, and then talked to Huo Qingge on the phone, "Sister, do you also know that Ji Chenzhou is getting married..."

Now everyone in Yuncheng knew, how could his sister not know.

It's better for him than she asked.

"What the **** is going on with you two?" His tone was full of worry.

"I broke up with him, sister, we can't reach a consensus on some things. It's better to separate, so as not to fight all day long..."

"I felt relieved after separation. Being with him was very tired..."

Naren wants to say that his sister is talented, so don't worry about him so much!

"You said that you were the one who was going to die and live together at that time. Now that you are separated, you will separate. Feelings are hurting. Come back and see you..."

"Sister, I'm not a child anymore. I definitely feel uncomfortable. I need to get used to it. After all, I have been together for a while, and it may be a little uncomfortable to be apart, but I'm fine, so I thought about going out with Qin Nan... …"

"So, sister, don't worry about me, I'm really fine, wait until I come back to see you, okay?"

Naren and Huo Qingge talked a lot, and they promised to take care of themselves before ending the call.

As soon as Naren hung up the phone, Qin Nan said, "I have already bought the ticket, and you have refunded the fever. Let's leave tomorrow!"

Naren is a heart disease and cannot be cured even when lying in the ward.

Ji Chenzhou knew from Chu Baiqing that Naren had left Yuncheng...

Chu Baiqing was worried about Naren and called him. She wanted to call him home. Who knew he was already on the train to Qin Nan's hometown.

Naren told him to hang out with his friends so that he would not worry, and did not mention Ji Shenzhou in a word.

"I feel that Naren is unfamiliar to me..." This is Chu Baiqing's feeling. He is a very delicate person. From Naren's tone, he can feel the alienation of Naren.

He can also understand why Naren behaves like this, this is human nature.

In his heart, but subconsciously, he would think that Chu Baiqing and Gu Jue and Ji Chenzhou are closer.

They have broken up now, it seems that their relationship has naturally become divided.

Maybe this kind of birth is not just with him Chu Baiqing, or Gu Jue, I'm afraid everyone is in the range of Naren's birth.

This is the most instinctive self-protection of people...

This is a sense of self.

Gu Jue looked at Ji Chenzhou, who had been smoking but not talking. His third son used to say that he was very poor with him.

However, now, I didn't say a word.

"Father, let's have a drink!" Ji Chenzhou's voice was dull, he felt that he was not a man.

He wanted to slap himself a few times. He was disgusted when he saw his face when he looked in the mirror.

He is a bastard...

Gu Jue glanced at their Chu Baiqing, and only got up to get the wine after getting permission.

Chu Baiqing's family is very strict with him, and smoking and drinking are permitted.

The drink was out of control, and Ji Chenzhou drank Gu Jue.

He was still very awake. After Chu Baiqing coaxed Xiao Qi Xiaojiu to sleep, when he went downstairs, Gu Jue was already on the sofa.

Ji Chenzhou looked at the phone screen, eyes scarlet with water vapor.

Chu Baiqing didn't say anything, but helped Gu Jue go upstairs.

Gu Jue still mumbled, "What son..."

The screen of Ji Chenzhou's mobile phone went black, and he clicked on it again. The screen was an undialed call.

The name above is "Baby"

That's Naren's number...

Ji Chenzhou drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and then pressed his finger tremblingly.

The phone dialed out...

He waited until he hung up automatically, and there was no answer.

People are like this, you tell yourself in your heart, if you don't pick it up, I will hang up.

However, until it hung up automatically, I was still reluctant to hang up.

Then tell yourself that I will fight one more, if he doesn't pick me up, I won't fight again.

However, if you hit it over and over again without picking it up, it becomes obsession.

I want to call until the other party answers.

Ji Chenzhou had already drunk too much, so he repeated the call over and over again.

Somewhere in a small mountain town in the northeast, Qin Nan was lying on the bed, watching Naren stare at his mobile phone. He counted. This was the 31st call from Ji Chenzhou.

Naren neither answered nor turned off...

"Why don't I pick it up..." Qin Nan wanted to grab the phone and turn it off.

It has been two days since Naren and him returned home, and they are in good condition.

He didn't want Ji Chenzhou to bother Naren again, he hoped that Ji Chenzhou could let him go.

He also hopes that Naren can let go of himself...

Stop entangled...

Naren shook his head, his white fingers flicked lightly on the screen, and the phone was connected.

Both sides of the phone were silent, and only each other's breathing could be heard.

The two people who were once so close are now relatively silent on the phone.

Qin Nan watched Naren slowly closing his eyes, his body was shaking, even if Ji Chenzhou didn't say anything, just hearing his breathing, Naren felt that the defense he had built up had collapsed.

Then there was a voice shouting from the bottom of my heart, "Naren, sober."

Then when Naren opened his eyes again, he opened his mouth dumbly.

"Ji Chenzhou, congratulations!"

In a word, it was full of soreness, and it hurts Naren’s heart.

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