The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1450: Sinking-touch you if you haven't touched it, maybe you will like it very much (4

Naren could see that Ji Chenzhou was in the car, dressed in a custom suit, showing a calm and charming look.

This man puts on a suit like a different person, no wonder men and women fall in love with him.

Hearing Ji Chenzhou's voice and what he said, there was a smile in his eyes.

Yes, Ji Chenzhou, that's it...

Don't let me be your weakness.

The tall and thin one glanced at Miss Pei San, and asked her meaning with his eyes.

Naren saw Miss Pei San's desperate look.

Miss Pei San gave a lanky look, and Naren's hair was picked up.

Let his face appear more clearly on the screen.

Even if she was angry, Naren could see that the look in Ji Chenzhou's eyes was greedy and admiration.

While this woman hated Ji Chenzhou, she also loved him, but this kind of love had been distorted.

Naren smiled with admiring eyes, but his mouth was sealed with tape, and others couldn't see his smile.

Naren looked at Ji Chenzhou's calm face, and remembered the little things he had with him in his mind.

Ji Chenzhou hurt him far more than sweetness, but his memories were full of sweetness.

It seems that every moment has formed a mark in my heart, so clear that I will not forget it.

"Ji Shao, we haven't touched a man yet, such a beautiful man, are you really willing to save him?"

The thin and tall man touched Naren's face with his hand, his tone still polite.

People can't help but wonder if this man was a gentleman who taught etiquette before he became a bodyguard.

Naren's heart tightened slightly. He was not afraid that these people would kill him, but he couldn't accept it. They humiliated themselves and were still in front of Ji Chenzhou.

Because Ji Shenzhou would be very painful...

"If you haven't touched it before, I might like it very much!"

Ji Chenzhou sneered, his tone of indifferent tone.

With such a tone, Naren felt particularly relieved after hearing it.

Ji Chenzhou, just like this, continue.

At this time, the screen shook, and Ji Chenzhou's face changed to that of Lu Xiaoyao...

"Ms. San Pei, you all said that your brain is not good. I think it is true. You want to prevent us from getting engaged. If you want to kidnap me, you should kidnap me. What are you doing when you kidnap an irrelevant person? They are all human beings and some are stupid."

Lu Xiaoyao has always spoken with a venomous tongue, and it was half a catty to Ji Chenzhou.

Miss San Pei...

Naren thought, Ji Chenzhou should have such a person by his side, able to accompany him all the way to brazen confrontation.

The people who clamored to hurt him made them afraid and angry.

Just as at this moment, Miss Pei San, who was completely angered, rushed to the screen and forgot to hide herself.

A few words from Lu Xiaoyao made her violent herself.

"Lu Xiaoyao, you are not a man or a woman, do you dare to scold me? I did such a shameless thing with my adoptive father. If I were you, I won't live anymore, bitch."

Miss Pei San pointed to Lu Xiaoyao on the screen and screamed, trembling with anger.

"Miss San Pei, you are not scolding me, you are insulting the president's daughter-in-law, you are so bold!"

The corners of Lu Xiaoyao's lips rose, revealing a wicked and enchanting smile, his tone was soft and gentle, but he was extra weighty.

Miss Pei San has always been held up by others, so she has never been so angry.

"What kind of thing are you? Why are you a **** from such a background to marry Ji Chenzhou, and why..."

The president personally promised her that she would definitely let her marry Ji Chenzhou, but now she has become a joke among all celebrities.

She used to be so proud and vowed to everyone that she would marry Ji Chenzhou and be the president's daughter-in-law.

"Just because I am smarter than you!"

Lu Xiaoyao blinked and smiled enchantingly at the screen.

His eyes were provocative and arrogant, but they were so enthusiastic.

Naren was attracted by such eyes, and he thought of when Xiao Yao Lu came to him that day.

She said, "Naren, my little demon Lu owes you all my life, Ji Chenzhou married me to protect me and Huo Zhongrao..."

At that time, Naren knew about Lu Xiaoyao and Huo Zhongrao.

He was shocked, because they were so much different in age, how could they come together?

Brother Huo is such a stereotyped and silent person, and the little demon is so enchanting and enthusiastic, how can we be together?

It was also on that day that Naren knew why Ji Chenzhou did this.

It was also on that day that he learned that the road he was walking was no longer the road of his own person, but the road of many people who followed him and believed in him, and everyone was walking together.

Ji Chenzhou cannot abandon these people...

He also knew what kind of pressure Ji Chenzhou was under that day.

He separated from himself to protect himself.

They are all separated, and Miss Pei San still kidnapped herself. If they are still together, one can imagine what kind of existence she will become, which will completely restrain Ji Chenzhou.

And what he can do is not to make his heart more tired and painful, he will wait for him silently behind his back...

"Lu Xiaoyao, you bitch!"

Miss Pei San was completely crazy, and the glass she brought over hit the screen.

"There are many people who scold me for being mean. The man behind you also scolded me for being mean. But, what happened, Ji Chenzhou no longer remembered who he was. In other words, you two are really connected by the same fate. You should be sympathetic to each other. Hurting him will only make me happier!"

Lu Xiaoyao pointed her finger at Naren who was standing there, smiling arrogantly.

However, Naren knew that she was protecting herself from being hurt by Miss Pei San.

Evergreen’s former enemies are friends...

Sure enough, Miss Pei San smiled and winked at her hands, and they immediately let go of Naren.

"I won't make you happy! I'll take him to your engagement banquet in a while, so that everyone knows that Ji Chenzhou likes men, and I want to make you Lu Xiaoyao ashamed to want to die!"

After Miss Pei San said, Naren laughed, and Ji Chenzhou always said he was stupid.

After seeing Miss Pei San, Naren suddenly felt that he was very smart.

"Then bring it! By the way, bring all the men and women who are like you, who love Ji Chenzhou's life and death, and I, Xiaoyao Lu, will let you know what is inferior to shame!"

Lu Xiaoyao clapped her hands playfully, her cunning and enchanting look really dazzling.

Ji Chenzhou said before that his poisonous tongue is no better than Lu Xiaoyao. Today, Na Ren has seen what it means to be powerful.

Miss Pei San was really mad by Little Demon Lu, and she stomped her feet there, wishing to pull Little Demon Lu out of the screen, and she was alive...

"Remember to dress up and come again, but don't lose the face of your Pei family."

Lu Xiaoyao waved goodbye to Miss Pei San after he finished speaking. When Yu Guang looked at Naren, his eyes were smiling.

This smile looked in Naren's eyes, as if it was given to him by Ji Chenzhou.

Lu Xiaoyao's enchanting face disappeared on the screen, and the room was quiet.

"Bitch, bitch, bitch, I won't let you be so arrogant, Lu Xiaoyao, I will make you regret provoking me..."

Miss Pei San was completely irritated, she went around in circles, biting her finger all the time.

Naren knew that she must be thinking about how to destroy Ji Chenzhou.

No, now I should say, how she wanted to ruin Lu Xiaoyao, a woman's jealousy was really strong, and then, Miss Pei San's goal would become Lu Xiaoyao.

The result is the same, but Ji Chenzhou is affected.

Naren was waiting for Miss Pei San to mess around before making the wrong decision.

Naren looked at Miss Pei San and took out her mobile phone to make a call.

After a while, the phone was connected, "Ji Jiu, listen to me, I want Ji Chenzhou and Lu Xiaoyao to die, and die today. The plan mentioned earlier must be carried out in advance!"

Miss Pei San’s tone was anxious and annoying, and she didn’t know what was said over there. Naren only heard it, and Miss Pei San shouted, “Of course it’s my father’s intention. , Why so much nonsense."

Naren was thinking in his mind what kind of plan would be to kill Ji Chenzhou...

Plan ahead, that means they have already arranged...

The little demon's words worked, and Miss Pei San didn't even embarrass Naren.

Except for those two slaps, Naren is intact.

Sitting on the sofa, Naren was thinking, Ji Chenzhou, you have to be careful...

When the tall and thin guy came in, Naren didn't look up at him.

When two peeled eggs appeared in front of him, Naren looked up at him.

"Please use!" The voice was still so polite.

Naren only saw this thin and tall man clearly at this time, and he looked very gentle...

How could such a person follow Miss Pei San?

"Thank you!" Naren took the egg, just about to deliver it to his mouth.

He was really hungry, but he was stopped by the tall and thin man who knew.

"This is for your face, to reduce swelling!"

Naren looked at the egg awkwardly, he didn't know that the egg still had this effect.


Naren holds eggs in his hands, one in each hand, and sticks them to his face.

"Knead!" The thin tall man sighed slightly, as if he could not do anything about such a cute Naren.

"Oh..." Naren blushed, he really didn't know how to make this egg.

"Can you return my pen to me?" Naren felt that the person in front of him should not be bad. If he can give himself a swollen egg, he is not a bad person.

"Sorry, no, that thing is too dangerous!"

Still such a polite voice, and said sorry...

That pen was given to Naren by Master Xiu, and it was the first time that Naren used it today.

"I will give such a dangerous thing to Ji Shao, let him decide whether to return it to you!"

Just when Naren felt it was a pity for this pen, the thin and tall man opened his mouth again.

This time, Naren stopped rubbing the eggs.

"you are……"

Naren didn't say everything, is this person from Ji Chenzhou?

"I'm sorry that you got slapped twice, I will plead guilty to Ji Shao afterwards, and I will not hurt you again in the next time!"

The thin and tall man was outspoken and showed off directly, and Naren was stunned.

This person is really Ji Chenzhou...

With his people here, Ji Chenzhou shouldn't worry too much about him.

"It's relatively sudden and it's not convenient for me to contact Ji Shao, so he didn't know in advance that you were going to be kidnapped, but there should be someone around you protecting you!"

The tall and thin man explained that he is a clever man's subordinate, and he must do smart things to relieve his master's worries.

It turned out that someone was protecting him all the time, Ji Chenzhou...

"Yeah! San Pei...No, what is Miss Pei San and Ji Jiu's plan?"

Although Naren knew that Ji Chenzhou must now and already knew that they would move ahead of time, he didn't know the content of their plan.

The conversation between Naren and Miss Pei San just now was transmitted to Ji Chenzhou's mobile phone through the button on his body.

Naren said before that he would no longer be a hacker, but in the end he still used his old profession.

He thought these conversations would be useful to Ji Shenzhou...

"There will be a body bomb at the engagement banquet, and it will be reported afterwards that it is Ji Shao's admirer because he can't stand his engagement."

When Naren heard this, he couldn't help his face pale, human bombs, how could they be so cruel.

There must be a lot of people at the engagement banquet. This will cause a lot of casualties. It is simply inhuman and desolate...

"Does Ji Chenzhou know about this?"

Naren stood up anxiously. Although Ji Chenzhou faced all dangers with his face, when would such days end?

"Relax, I have told Ji Shao about the plan in advance!"

The thin and tall one glanced at his watch, and suddenly said anxiously, "I'm in a little hurry, let me leave."

Naren watched the thin and tall man walk out eagerly, his nerves immediately tense.

Is there something he forgot, only then did he remember whether Ji Chenzhou would be in danger?

Just when Naren was fidgeting, the tall and thin came back.

"Is there any danger..." Naren didn't finish his words before he saw the tall and thin man walk in with a plate.

"I forgot to get you food, sorry!"

Naren breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that he didn't eat anything for him. This person...

"Thank you..." Naren took the plate, he was indeed hungry.

"I will just eat, you are safer here than going out!"

The tall and thin man took Naren a bottle of water, put it on the table, and opened it for him.

"I want to ask, is this engagement banquet very dangerous?"

Naren always feels uneasy in his heart, worrying that something will happen to Ji Chenzhou.

"A strong alliance will always make people jealous, and naturally someone will stop it, but, Shao Ji, never do things that are uncertain!"

When talking about Ji Chenzhou, the tall and thin man has worship in his eyes.

"..." Naren didn't speak any more, it was still dangerous...

Just when Naren was almost finished eating, the tall and thin man suddenly became alert.

Naren also sensitively heard the gunfire.

The thin and tall man took out Naren's ratio from his pocket and handed it to his hand "The bodyguards here didn't grab it..."

The people here did not snatch, but the **** was fighting. That is to say, at this time, two groups of people came here, and they started fighting...

In the situation where the friend or the enemy is unclear, the thin and tall person gave the penknife to that person just to take precautions.

"What other forces want Ji Chenzhou's life? Or say they want to threaten Ji Chenzhou?" Naren asked the thin and tall man calmly.

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