The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1500: Sinking—"You have it again? Eat such a sour apple?"

Qin Nan had regained consciousness and moved his legs in the quilt. He wanted to push Master Xiu away and ran out of bed. He couldn't face such Master Xiu...

However, once he moved, he would know that his legs had shown signs of improvement.

Ji Chenzhou agreed to his request, he was leaving, and everything was over.

Qin Nan is about to end...

"Are you going to sleep with me? Sleep with me, crippled?" Qin Nan beat her on the leg a few times.

He knew that Master Xiu would not do something like that to him, he would have done it a long time ago, not for so many years, just holding him to sleep.

Gu Qian is very subtle, and Qin Nan can feel it.

Master Xiu looked at Qin Nan fiercely with a pair of eyes, and then sat down on the bed.

"Do you want to leave here and leave me that way?" The chest of Master Xiu's pajamas was wide open, revealing his strong chest muscles with large and small scars.

When Master Xiu gets angry, the scar on the corner of his mouth will faintly float.

Ji Chenzhou came to him today and told him that he would take Qin Nan to live with them, or Naren would have to run on both sides.

He also wants to take good care of Qin Nan, which is what he should do.

Master Xiu knew about Ji Chenzhou, and he wanted to repay his favor, but he was not a person without measures.

Qin Nan can get the best care of him, and he has been taking care of Qin Nan over the years.

Ji Chenzhou will not make such a request unless it is...

Unless Qin Nan asked him to do this, Ji Chenzhou couldn't refuse, so he spoke to him.

"I always wanted to leave, but you didn't let me go..."

Qin Nan closed his pajamas, which was already torn, so Qin Nan didn't want to get it.

"I always wanted to leave..." Master Xiu repeated Qin Nan's words.

Then stood up indifferently, "Then leave! Never come back again..."

Qin Nan looked at Master Xiu's lonely back, and his heart suddenly hurt as if he had been pricked by a needle.

He instinctively opened his mouth and wanted to stop Master Xiu, but he bit his lip abruptly.

The moment the door closed, Qin Nan's mouth was full of sweet blood.

Qin Nan, isn't this the result you want...

This is not the result you have been asking for, he finally let you go, and never come back.

Don't come back, you will never see him...

The heart seemed to stop for a few seconds, and die for a few seconds...

Wrapped in a quilt, Qin Nan felt very cold.

For more than five years, there has been such a warm and hot chest behind him, and he can hear a strong heartbeat when he closes his eyes.

But now it's only cold...

Next day

When Ji Chenzhou and Naren arrived, Qin Nan was already waiting for them in the living room.

Standing on either side of the wheelchair were the baby and the rider.

Next to the wheelchair is a small handbag.

Qin Nan didn't take away anything used here, and none of them belonged to him.

When receiving the call from Master Xiu, Naren still didn't believe it was true. Master Xiu said that he would let him come and take Qin Nan away.

He thought he had heard it wrong...

Qin Nan smiled at Naren, did not say anything, and turned to look at Ji Chenzhou.

Ji Chenzhou's face was not very good, because he felt that he had done something wrong.

When he came to see Master Xiu yesterday, he hesitated several times before speaking.

He said this to Master Xiu, "Master Xiu...I want to take Brother Nan back to us to take care of..."

Ji Chenzhou didn't know that he would stammer when he spoke.

He is also good at lying, and it is not a lie, but I don’t know what’s wrong, I just don’t like it.

Ji Chenzhou clearly saw Master Xiu's smoking action, then looked at him, "What did you say?"

He obviously heard it, but it was giving him a chance to take back what he said.

"I mean I want to take Brother Nan to our house... live!" Ji Chenzhou laughed with him, this matter really made him very embarrassed.

"You don't know, he is my person now!"

Master Xiu wiped out the smoke, picked up the lighter, and threw it on the table.

"Naren always misses Brother Nan, and it's not easy to run both ways. I also want to take care of him. This is what I should do."

Ji Chenzhou did not expect that Master Xiu would directly tell him that Qin Nan is his...

This indirect recognition of his relationship with Qin Nan surprised him.

"My people use you to take care of? It's not clear who you should take care of?"

Master Xiu's tone was very irritable.

Ji Chenzhou felt that he could hardly carry it anymore. After all, this was not demolishing houses, but demolishing people.

"Take care of all, take care of all..."

It was really embarrassing for Ji Chenzhou to think of how he was a little bit embarrassed at the time.

"Where is Master Xiu?" Naren crouched on the edge of Qin Nan's wheelchair, holding his hand and asked.

"I went out early in the morning, let's go!"

Qin Nan's tone is the same as usual, but when did Master Xiu leave.

Qin Nan didn't know. After he got up and went downstairs, Master Xiu was no longer there, and there was no bodyguard to follow him.

"Brother Nan, you and Master Xiu..." Naren sighed. He didn't want Brother Nan and Master Xiu like this.

He doesn't care what others think about Brother Nan and Master Xiu, and no matter what is worthy or not.

He just thinks they are very good together, Nan brother loves Master Xiu, Master Xiu loves Brother Nan.

That's enough...

If Brother Nan leaves Master Xiu, then he can expect that the final result of Master Xiu will only be an lonely old man for life, and no one will appear next to him.

"Don't you want me to go to your house?" Qin Nan asked pretending to be angry.

Interrupting Naren directly, he knew what he was going to say, but he didn't want to talk about this topic.

His departure is the best result.

"How come, don't you say that to Brother Nan..."

Naren was anxious, even if it was Brother Nan who was joking, he didn't want him to want to fight like this.

"Then let's go! I will live in the same room as before!"

Qin Nan thought of the days when the four of them lived together.

More than five years have passed...

"Well, the rooms of you and Mengmeng... have not changed."

When Naren talked about Mengmeng, his tone was sad.

Tan Meng's mother drove him into a car, but in the end she ran into Brother Nan like this.

"Okay..." Qin Nan smiled and agreed.

After returning home, Qin Nan said that he was tired, and then went back to the room.

After a while the knight sneaked in.

"I knew you wouldn't sleep..."

The knight looked at Qin Nan who was sitting there reading a book and said.

"I knew you would come, so I didn't sleep!"

Qin Nan patted the position beside him and motioned for the knight to come and sit down.

"Why don't people know that you can walk?"

This question, the Cavaliers have not yet received an answer.

"I will let your fourth dad know, but I have to wait a few days."

He still has some things unprepared, when he is about to leave from here, he will let Naren know.

"What you mean by this is, my three fathers know you will leave?"

The knight's mind was very keen, and he understood the meaning of Qin Nan's words.

"When you grow up, you can be a detective."

Qin Nan had to admire the knight's keenness.

"Master Xiu is at home. I got up early in the morning. He drank too much and fell to the ground. Uncle Chang helped him in."

The knight said such a word suddenly.

Master Xiu drank too much...

Qin Nan touched his head, "I'm going to sleep..."

Qin Nan suddenly felt a pain in his heart, the kind of pain that he couldn't breathe.

Lie down slowly, very flat and straight...

"Let me sleep with you! Fourth dad said you need someone to accompany you, my third dad said you need someone to adapt to..."

The knight also got into the bed and lay there just as well.

"Do you want to know what Master Xiu said when he drank too much?"

The knight looked at the ceiling, put his hands on him, his fingers flicking lightly.

"I don't want to..."

Qin Nan exhaled, his tone very weak.

"Oh..." The knight stopped talking, closing his eyes.

"Do you really want to know?" The knight couldn't help but said again.

"Well, I don't want to..." Qin Nan said.

After a while, "It's about you..." The knight still said the same tone.

"..." Qin Nan didn't speak any more this time, closed his eyes and breathed well.

"Master Xiu said..." As soon as the knight spoke, he was interrupted by Qin Nan.

"Knight, sleep!" Qin Nan didn't want to hear words that would make him uncomfortable or shaken.

"Oh..." The knight was sure this time, Qin Nan really didn't want to listen.

living room

Naren put down the phone, looking not very good.

"Brother Chang said, Master Xiu was still asleep, and he had been drinking last night, so he was so drunk..."

Naren took a pillow and hugged it in his arms, feeling uncomfortable.

"This is Brother Nan's choice. We shouldn't interfere. As for Master Xiu, I think he will be better when he wakes up."

To be honest, Ji Chenzhou is also very upset, he always feels that he has done a particularly bad thing.

He felt that Qin Nan would not feel good, or he would not say that he would sleep when he was sleepy.

"I think it's good for Master Xiu and Brother Nan to be together, why are so many people not optimistic about them!"

How did Master Xiu treat Qin Nan in the past few years?

And Nan Ge wanted to leave Master Xiu so persistently, because of his consideration, and didn't want to drag Master Xiu.

"Do you believe in fate? Those who should be together are destined to be together!"

Ji Chenzhou put Naren in his arms and comforted him.

On the one hand, he has to worry about Master Xiu, and on the other hand, he has to worry about Qin Nan.

Ji Chenzhou knew he felt uncomfortable.

"You go out, don't let Brother Huo wait for you, I'm fine."

Huo Zhongrao called just now and said that he would meet Ji Shenzhou.

Naren knew it must be related to Ji Chenzhou's father.

Ji Chenzhou has also kept on phone calls these days. After all, such turbulence has caught everyone off guard.

Ji Chenzhou's father also called him to see Ji Shenzhou, but Ji Shenzhou refused.

Naren knew that he was disappointed with his father in his heart, but he was also worried that no matter what his father did, he was also his father after all, and the blood and blood relationship was there.

Naren also knew that Ji Chenzhou was worried about him, afraid he would think too much.

"I'll be back when I'm done over there. If there is something urgent, I will find my father and mother."

Ji Chenzhou took a look at the time, and now driving past, the agreed time was just right.

"Don't worry, I'm not a kid..."

Naren was a little bit dumbfounded, now Ji Chenzhou is really no different to him than to the baby knight.

In other words, it means taking into account his feelings in everything. Such carefulness made Naren feel both uncomfortable and worried.

Yesterday, Shao Chu asked him what Ji Chenzhou is at home.

So attentive Chu Shao was also worried.

"In my heart, you are a child!" Ji Chenzhou kissed Naren's lips, and then kissed his forehead when he got up.

After Ji Chenzhou left, Naren lay on the sofa, really not in a good mood.


When Ji Chenzhou walked in, the little demon just came downstairs, just waking up, with long messy hair like straw, wearing cool pajamas with slings, and exhaled and said hello to Ji Chenzhou.

Ji Chenzhou sat directly on the sofa, "Where is your old man?"

Ji Chenzhou didn't want anyone to worry about his state.

The little demon obviously got up when he knew he was coming.

I called him several times in the past two days, and he said it was all right.

"You don't look good."

The little demon sat beside Ji Chenzhou and squeezed his face.

Ji Chenzhou's complexion is indeed not good. Even if his emotions can be controlled and concealed, he cannot control the reaction given by his body.

"You don't have to pretend to be with me, don't hold back anymore."

The little demon has known Ji Chenzhou for so many years, don't he still know him?

It seems to be the most arrogant, but it is the most concerned about a love word.

Now he is his lover on one side and his father on the other. What do you want him to do?

"Our family Naren has always pestered me these days, and he is about to squeeze it dry, so how can it be suffocated."

Ji Chenzhou picked up an apple and took a bite, very sour.

"You have it again? Eat such a sour apple?"

Ji Shenzhou smiled and changed the subject.

"Ji Chenzhou, are you still a buddy like this?" The little demon is on fire and hates Ji Chenzhou's strong support.

"Who are you buddies?" Huo Zhongrao walked in exhaustedly, and he was immediately annoyed when he saw his wife dressed so coolly.

"With him, is it a sister?"

The little demon spoke to Huo Zhongrao in a bad tone.

Because she disagrees with Huo Zhongrao being president, it is busy enough to be a commander in chief.

Now that I become president, doesn’t it mean that I don’t have time to spend time with her and her children.

Huo Zhongrao took off his military uniform, pulled the little demon by the arm, and pulled her up.

Then put it on her.

The army green uniform is lined with the little demon's white and tender skin. People can't help but think of the temptation of uniforms...

For Huo Zhongrao, who was barred from entering the bedroom for several days, this was undoubtedly annoying.

"Go back to the room and wait for me, I'll talk to him a few words."

Huo Zhongrao's voice was hoarse, as if he had been burned by red charcoal.

"Why don't I go back first and come back tomorrow, you guys go back to the room together?"

The same man naturally knew what happened to our commander Huo Da at this time.

The little demon now is no longer the little demon who was able to make troubles before, this will actually blush.

People say that married women are more and more open in that respect, but the little demon is getting thinner and thinner...

"No, I want to tell you about your father, and you... mother!"

Huo Zhongrao insisted on resisting Gu Qiannian, and said to Ji Shenzhou.

When Ji Chenzhou heard that there was still his mother, he couldn't help but have a bad feeling.

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