The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1526: I will live up to you for the rest of my life——Bo Qing, can I do that lightly? (Six m

"Um,...Master, I'm leaving first, I wish you and Grandma a happy new home!"

Jiang Yu knew that his young master would have this expression. When he first came, he thought it was too small.

"Fuck..." Feng Xi shouted impatiently.

"Be quiet, this house is not soundproof!" Yu Sheng covered Feng Xi's mouth and smiled.

In fact, Yu Sheng wanted to come back and tell Grandma Li that she would not come back to live in the near future, so she was relieved.

He didn't know why he had the idea of ​​making fun of Feng Xi.

Let him experience what the life of ordinary people is like.

Let him know this is her life...

Feng Xi looked around. Actually, there was nothing good about it. It was just a cabinet, and the small bedroom couldn't hold other things.

That small single bed is enough for Yu Sheng to sleep alone, so where does he live?

Does his wife make it clear to let him sleep on the floor?

No wonder she would take him home so actively.

Feng Xi sat on the bed angrily, then stood up immediately, the bed was too hard.

"I lived here before I bought a house. This is the best house I have ever rented."

When I first graduated and worked, I used to share the rent with others, or the bunk beds.

Later, when her income stabilized, she came out to rent a house by herself.

She has always wanted a home of her own. Although it is rented, it also gives her a sense of belonging in this unaccompanied place.

She thought of this again when she sold the house a few days ago.

So, I rented it again.

When she rented this house for the first time, her income was limited, and she felt that the rent was expensive.

Now when she rents again, she feels that the rent is really cheap now.

People really have different moods at different times.

After hearing Yu Sheng's words, Feng Xi hugged her in distress. This is the best house I have ever rented. What would the bad house look like...

Feng Xi couldn't even imagine how hard his life was in the past.

"You have so many beautiful houses now. You can live in whichever you want... Sorry, I didn't fall in love with you earlier..."

Feng Xi kissed Yu Sheng's forehead, and when he said these last words, his voice was choked.

He wanted to spend more than a year with Yu Sheng in the company, why didn't he fall in love with this woman earlier.

Let her suffer so much.

Yu Sheng closed his eyes, his heartbeat accelerated again, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

When Feng Xi talked about love, he was always so affectionate and serious, and his usual lazy and casual temperament was completely different.

That kind of apologetic voice and the distressed eyes made Yu Sheng sink...

"It's not too late, Mr. Feng is saying you love me?"

Yu Sheng bit his lower lip lightly, shy in the bright and clean.

"Have I ever told you that I love you?" Feng Xi, who has always been the only one, had a trace of embarrassment on that handsome face.

"It should have been said, maybe I forgot."

Yu Sheng smiled, and his white fingers stroked Feng Xi's eyebrows.

"You woman, I said such an important thing, you don't even remember, saying, how should I punish you?"

Feng Xi couldn't help but laugh. He hadn't said it clearly. Like it was said, but he hadn't said love to this woman.

From like to love, it turned out to be such a clear process, so clear.

"Then you say it again, punish me for a lifetime, OK?"

Yu Sheng's temperament is really difficult to act like a baby, but only when the loved one feels the kind of care and love that is put in his heart, will he naturally show the shyness of the little woman.

If you don’t need to learn love words, you will come out coquettishly.

Feng Xi felt thirsty in an instant, his apple slipped unconsciously, is this woman seduce him.

And is this a promise for a lifetime?

"Then you... I remember these things... If you don't remember, I will punish you severely."

Feng Xi actually stuttered a little nervously, this was never the case.

Yu Sheng smiled and nodded, then waited for Feng Xi to say that with a shy look.

Feng Xi, who has always been thick-skinned, was shy when she saw him...

"You blushed..." Feng Xi actually blushed when Yu Sheng discovered something very interesting.

This was the first time she saw him blush.

"Be serious, this is business!"

Feng Xi nodded on Yu Sheng's nose and said angrily.

In fact, he was bluffing to hide his blushing and shyness.

"Say!" Yu Sheng rubbed his nose.

"Why is it so important? You messed up the atmosphere..."

Feng Xi now faced Yu Sheng's smiling face, he couldn't say "I love you" anymore.

"Then I'll be more serious." Yu Sheng smiled and looked at Feng Xi seriously.

However, the faintly floating jaw proved that she was still holding back a smile.

"Stop talking, sleep!"

Feng Xi squeezed Yu Sheng's face fiercely, then turned and lay on the bed.

This bed is small and hard, how do you sleep?

Are he and Yu Sheng going to sleep together?

Yu Sheng knew that Feng Xi was embarrassed, and she didn't embarrass him. If this is the case, she can say it anytime in the future.

Yu Sheng went to wash up, and the phone on her bed rang.

Feng Xi took it over and saw that it was a new phone. He only remembered at this time that Yu Sheng's phone was broken by him...

Feng Xi glanced at the message from Yu Ye.

When Feng Xi saw the name, he knew that it was Yu Sheng's cheap sister.

Clicking on the message and seeing the content inside, Feng Xi wanted to throw his phone again.

"Sister, don't be angry. You don't know my brother's temperament. I think he is embarrassing today, but anyway, we are all a family, and you can't leave us alone! If you let mom know this So sad, what she hopes most is that our family love each other, sister, don’t be angry, I will apologize for my brother, I will go to you Feng, I can kneel for him, as long as he doesn’t Be angry, let me do whatever you want, sister, don’t care about us, okay? And... Brother-in-law is very nice, don’t affect your relationship because of my brother, if he is unhappy, I will go to him Let’s talk about it, in short, sister, we are a family and we will always be."

Feng Xi looked at Yu Ye's message. If he hadn't seen her before noon, perhaps Feng Xi would still think that Yu Ye was a good and sensible sister.

However, now, he read this message with two meanings, one, Yu Sheng can't ignore them, and two, Yu Ye wants to hook him with Hanbing...

Feng Xi directly returned a message to Yu Ye, "I won't care about all of you, and I don't need you to care about my business!"

After the message was sent, Yu Ye called and Feng Xi turned off the phone directly.

He thought for a while, it was too cheap. The siblings sent another message to Jiang Yu.

Order him to do something, so that shameless person must be punished in a special way.

After staying here for one night, Feng Xi was going crazy, and he quit the house the next morning.

Yu Sheng didn't object either. Before leaving, he asked Feng Xi to bring her plates.

Feng Xi still thought that it would take some words to get Yu Sheng to go home with him. He didn't expect that he said to leave, and Yu Sheng obediently followed him.

The two went directly to the company, and as soon as Feng Xi entered the office, he began to take a shower and change clothes.

The bathroom in the house that Yu Sheng rented was simply too small for him to fit in.

As soon as Yu Sheng sat down, he saw Gu Shaoting coming over, followed by his secretary.

Yu Sheng got up to receive him, "Mr Gu, hello."

Feng Xi did not meet with Gu Shaoting in his schedule.

"Secretary Yu, is Mr. Feng here? I want to see him. I want to talk to him about cooperation."

Gu Shaoting smiled and said to Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng could see that Gu Shaoting's expression was a bit heavy, and the cooperation was not on the agenda after signing the contract.

"President Feng has stopped cooperating with the Gu family!" Gu Shaoting saw the doubt in Yu Sheng's eyes and smiled.

When Yu Sheng heard this, he understood in his heart that it should be after she and Gu Shaoting had a meal.

Because at dinner that night, Gu Shaoting also talked about the cooperation between the two companies.

This stopped cooperating, and it should be related to her dinner with Gu Shaoting that night.

Feng Xi's temperament, she also said that he didn't say anything about the birthday of him and Gu Shaoting after dinner. It turned out to be...

"President Gu, wait a minute, Mr. Feng is taking a break, I'll go in and report."

Yu Sheng smiled and nodded, then motioned to the secretariat staff to welcome Gu Shaoting.

Then she walked into Feng Xi's office.

Feng Xi had just changed his clothes and came out, fresh and handsome.

"Wife, come here and give a kiss!" When Feng Xi saw Yu Sheng coming in, he hooked his fingers at Yu Sheng humbly.

Yu Sheng looked at Feng Xi's smile, his temper was gone.

"President Feng, work hours, be serious!"

Yu Sheng has an official attitude.

"How serious I am. My clothes are neatly dressed and I haven't had any physical contact with you. What's not serious anymore."

Feng Xi sat on the edge of the desk, smiling at Yu Sheng.

Counting one, two and three in his heart, as expected, Yu Sheng blushed...

This is his woman, a shy woman.

"Mr Gu is here, saying that he wants to talk to you about the cessation of cooperation."

Yu Sheng didn't ask anything. As an employee, she had no position to question the decision of the boss.

"Oh, let him in!"

Feng Xi said dismissively.

This person Feng Xi is cynical when you look at him, but in fact everything has a spectrum in his mind.

"It was because you ate with him that I stopped, and I told you directly, lest you want to ask but don't ask, and then I will be sick again."

Feng Xi smiled when Yu Sheng turned around.

Yu Sheng looked back at him, not knowing whether to laugh or to be angry.

I couldn't get angry, and finally said nothing, turned around to leave.

"Come to dinner with me at noon, and I will ask Xiao Jiangnan to deliver food."

Feng Xi said again...

Yu Sheng still didn't speak, and opened the door and went out, but Feng Xi knew that she had responded.

After a while, Gu Shaoting walked in.

"President Gu sit down!" Feng Xi smiled and got up and let Gu Shaoting sit down.

"Suddenly visit, I will disturb Mr. Feng." Gu Shaoting unbuttoned a suit and sat down with a smile.

Nor did he shake hands with Feng Xi, because he knew that Feng Xi didn't like to shake hands with others.

"I still wonder when you will come. You came earlier than I expected."

When Yu Sheng came in to deliver coffee, what Feng Xi said was what he heard.

After she put down the coffee, she left.

"Is it because of what we Gu did that made Mr. Feng dissatisfied?" Gu Shaoting is actually a smart man, and he can actually guess why Feng Xi terminated the cooperation.

"You make me unsatisfied."

Powerful people talk like this arbitrarily, and the lazy tone makes you fearful.

"What does Mr. Feng mean?" Gu Shaoting asked with a smile.

"I said Yu Sheng is my woman, and Mr. Gu seems to take her seriously!"

Feng Xi said this, squinting his eyes slightly, his eyes filled with danger.

"I think Mr. Feng may have misunderstood. I don't mean that to Secretary Yu. It's just a meal with friends."

Gu Shaoting's face was as usual. Gu's family is not as wealthy as Feng's. Even if the cooperation is terminated, it doesn't matter.

Gu's project has been prepared for a long time, and if Feng's funds are not in place, their losses will be great.

"I'm not happy even if I eat, let alone the birthday together, my woman is embarrassed to refuse others, but I have a stronger possession of Gu Qian, so, does Gu always understand what I mean?"

Feng Xi let out a breath. It was really uncomfortable to sleep on the floor last night.

"I understand, President Feng!"

Gu Shaoting smiled and nodded, once again deeply feeling what it feels like to have power and money over others.

"It's fine if you understand, and continue to cooperate clearly. If you don't understand, the project stops. Mr. Gu should also know that I have always been more headstrong."

In fact, Feng Xi barely said clearly, "I have money and I am headstrong."

"President Feng, in fact, I want to say that Secretary Yu is a well-measured woman, and Mr. Feng doesn't need to care about who had a meal with her."

Gu Shaoting knew that he shouldn't say this, but he still said it.

He thinks Yu Sheng...deserves better.

She and Feng Xi are not suitable.

"I care about whoever looks at her more, why can't I?" Feng Xi glanced at Gu Shaoting lazily, his tone becoming colder.

If it weren't for Gu Shaoting, he wouldn't cooperate with Gu directly, unlike those flattering people.

Gu Shaoting smiled and didn't speak any more, in front of this President Feng who was a few years younger than himself, he could not speak.

When Gu Shaoting came out, Yu Sheng gave him an apologetic smile.

"Secretary Yu doesn't have to apologize, Mr. Feng is just making a joke."

Gu Shaoting smiled, this joke is not funny at all.

Gu's lost a lot in these few days.

"President Gu is kind, and hope that the cooperation between Gu and Feng can proceed happily."

Needless to ask, Yu Sheng also knew that Feng Xi was going to warn Gu Shaoting, and then he would resume cooperation.

For this, Yu Sheng was helpless, Feng Xi's possession was too strong.

"If we have the opportunity, we will have dinner together again. It is a pleasure to chat with you."

Gu Shaoting didn't seem to take Feng Xi's warning to heart, and still extended an invitation to Yu Sheng.

"If there is a chance," Yu Sheng still said politely.

At lunch, Yu Sheng waited for his colleagues to leave before entering.

Feng Xi sat on the sofa with an unhappy expression and looked at her.

"All I said, let you eat first." Yu Sheng went into the restroom and washed his hands.

"Could it be that we will get married in the future and sneak in like this?" Feng Xi asked dissatisfiedly as he watched Yu Sheng open the food boxes one by one.

"What is sneaking? It's low-key. You can't be envied or hated."

Looking at Feng Xi's angry look, Yu Sheng felt cute with bulging cheeks.

Like a gopher...

"Isn't this sneaky?" Feng Xi had no patience for waiting here for more than 20 minutes.

"If I'm married, you are a little white face, and we try and cheat like this, that would be sneaky."

Yu Sheng looked at the box of vegetables on the table. It was a waste of only two of them to eat.

"Who is Xiao Bailian? Who are you married to?"

Feng Xi's anger was upset, and he spoke very aggressively.

"Do you want to eat?" Yu Sheng knew that he was going to be okay, so he handed him his chopsticks and asked.

Feng Xi took it reluctantly, how dare he say not to eat.

I was depressed and aggrieved, but I didn't dare to attack.

If he had been so depressed and angry before the change, he would have already lifted the dishes on this table.

"I want to work. I like work. I don't want everyone to flatter me after knowing my relationship with you. When my ancestors make confessions, I don't want those hypocritical flatteries."

When Yu Sheng was just Feng Xi's secretary, she had never done anything to please Feng Xi.

However, other people were different, and wanted to please Feng Xi. She was used to this and felt really tired.

"When the child is born, I will take care of the child at home, and you will take care of the company. Then everyone will know it."

Feng Xi didn't talk about it, he really wanted to let Yu Sheng take charge of the company.

It's not how capable his wife is or how much money he can make.

But he knows that Yu Sheng likes to work, and her self-confidence and hard-to-learn knowledge can't just let her be a housewife at home because she married him and gave birth to a child.

Feng Xi will respect her preferences and allow her to live according to her own ideas.

He will give her the best platform, only hope she can be happy.

He didn't want to work at all. It happened to be with his children at home. The two parents always had to sacrifice some for one person.

The company of the children is indispensable.

"Are you serious?" Yu Sheng looked at Feng Xi. This was the third time he had said this.

"Of course, don't you want to? Don't you want to live according to your own ideas?" Feng Xi asked with a smile.

Yu Sheng bit her lip, she thought, although she wants a man to rely on, when she is fragile, give her a hug and say "Don't be afraid, I'm here"

However, she also hopes that she can live according to her own ideas and do what she likes to do.

She likes the workplace, she really likes...

Therefore, when Feng Xi told her to live according to her own ideas, Yu Sheng's tears flowed out without warning.

This man can not only give her a home, give her shoulders to rely on, but also give her the autonomy that other men cannot give her.

That is to let her live the life she wants.

Feng Xi came to take care of the children, and she continued to work. It seemed that no man could do this.

If it weren't for deep love, I wouldn't do it...

"Why are you crying well..." When Feng Xi saw Yu Sheng crying, he immediately sat over and hugged her in his arms.

Did he say something he shouldn't say?

"Feng Xi, let me say first... I first say... I love you..."

Yu Sheng didn't know if he was too nervous, and he choked with what he said.

A little bit of tears, Yu Sheng suddenly realized that she loved Feng Xi, not because he was kind to her, she said love, not...

But she can see his goodness because she has love in her heart.

If you don’t have love, you can’t feel...

"Don't cry, straighten your tongue and say it well, what did you just say?"

Feng Xi held Yu Sheng's face and asked nervously.

He actually heard it, but, just not sure, Yu Sheng would tell him first, she loves him...

"I said I love you, Feng Xi, I love you, I am neither impulsive nor moved... I am really moved by you. I can't tell you that feeling. I think it's love, it's love..."

Yu Sheng has never been so flustered, as if trying to prove something, it was so cute.

"I know, I know, I know... You love me, you love me, you love me..."

Feng Xi was talking like a repeater. It was an expression of overjoy. At this time, he could feel the love that Yu Sheng had for him.

"Well, I love you..." Yu Sheng nodded seriously, she really loves, really loves.

"Yu Sheng, I love you!" Feng Xi sealed Yu Sheng's lips after saying this.

The delicate lips became more and more red under his domineering kiss. Yu Sheng embraced Feng Xi's neck and kissed back actively.

Feng Xi's hand followed Yu Sheng's shirt and touched it in.

Yu Sheng would be drunk when he was kissed, so he could take care of this, and let Feng Xi set fire to her.

Both of them fell on the sofa, breathing confused.

"Can it be lighter?" Feng Xi couldn't help it, biting Yu Sheng's ear and asked.

"The doctor said no..." Yu Sheng replied with a blushing face.

She already felt the heat of Feng Xi, the hardness and heat were amazing, and she was also confused.

The first three months would definitely not work, but I also knew that Feng Xi was so uncomfortable.

"I'm really uncomfortable..." Feng Xi gave Yu Sheng's ear a slight bit.

The words spoken had a strong nasal sound and a **** taste.

"Endure, who made you dishonest!" Yu Sheng pushed him and didn't know what was going on. Feng Xi said it was uncomfortable, but she would feel uncomfortable, and it was...empty.

The feeling of wanting to be filled is never before.

"I'm not honest yet, the clothes are all good, or else just call and ask."

Feng Xi was serious, and now he was looking for a mobile phone, calling someone to ask.

Can you do it lightly...

Yu Sheng grabbed his hand, "Who do you ask about this, stop making trouble, bear with it." Yu Sheng really convinced Feng Xi's shameless temper.

Who knew that the door of the office was opened at this time and Gu Jue walked in. Feng Xi saw him, stretched his neck and looked back, and he saw Chu Baiqing.

When Yu Sheng saw someone coming in, he pushed Feng Xi, but when he opened his mouth, Yu Sheng wanted to die, "Bo Qing, the first three months, can I do that lightly?"

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