The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 806: You are good to me, and a good one will last a lifetime

"So you like it?" Li Beichen's dark eyes were a little heavy.

"Well, I said, it's also to execute your order." Huo Qingge replied with a stern smile.

Obviously jealous, but also generous so that they can hug her for the last time and say they like her.

This time she felt uncomfortable. Seeing him like this, she wanted to laugh.

"I'll hide you in the future, so as to save so many people from worrying about it, it's too tired."

What Li Beichen was telling was the truth, Huo Qingge was indeed too hiring, and he recruited everyone.

"Then should I hide you too, don't let those women worry about it, I can live a few more years."

Think about the previous one after another, that is everyone wants her life, it is not easy to live.

The two smiled at each other, and then there was silence.

Li Beichen gently kissed Huo Qingge's lips a few times, very lightly and softly, without going deep.

Sometimes kissing does not necessarily have to resist entanglement, soft touch can also produce a mental impact.

This reaction is subtle.

"I love you!" There was a slight trill in Li Beichen's hoarse voice.

Now I love you, it is a very ordinary sentence, but when you want to say it holy, you will find that it seems to be a gold medal.

In response to Li Beichen, Huo Qingge took the initiative to kiss deeply. She rarely took the initiative.

Because Li Beichen said that once she took the initiative, he would not be able to stand it, and his concentration would immediately break the power.

Scenes flashed through their minds, and from the first time they met, all the pictures jumped into each other's minds.

This is an imperfect wedding, but it is an unforgettable wedding, because it is the most authentic. Here are their relatives, their brothers, and their friends...

These people gather together, that is the person they love, the person they care about.

The wedding is a form, and the important thing is the people involved. Huo Qingge is very satisfied.

Xiao Qi fought with Xiao Pai, which seemed to ruin the wedding, but this was the normal state of life.

There are always some small accidents that catch us off guard, but these small accidents bring together an infinite beauty of life.

When everyone came back jokingly, the two of them also ended the question.

Surrounded by everyone, the two of them stood on the stage. Huo Qingge thought it was a bit funny, because the witness was actually Feng Yan.

It seems that he is really the master planner of this wedding.

Do you want to ask if you want it? Probably not, none of them play cards according to routine...

Feng Yan watched them clear their throats.

"Chen, we all want to know why you are so good to Qingge?"

Li Beichen looked at Huo Qingge, and his deep eyes were filled with endless tenderness.

"At the age of eighteen, in order to give birth to me, I gained 33 kilograms of weight and endured 27 hours of pain. Such a woman dare not be kind to her, nor can she be kind to her."

Li Beichen's words drew everyone's applause.

Huo Qingge smiled and looked at him. She just said these things casually, but didn't want him to remember so clearly.

Feng Yan looked at Huo Qingge again and asked what is good about Li Beichen.

Huo Qingge remembered that Li Beichen had also asked her this question last night. At that time, just after he had tossed her out, she said that she is good for the kidneys.

So facing the problem of Feng Yan, she also said directly, "The kidney is good."

As soon as her words came out, she was silent, and then all kinds of voices, she couldn't hear clearly.

I only know that I was kissed by Li Beichen again...

The continuation of love is not too much words or promises, but the fact that you are good to me, and a good is a lifetime.

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