The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 816: Gu Qing's heart-it's crossed, what can you do?

Chu Baiqing glanced at Gu Jue, a little helpless, "I thought you were gone, after a while you didn't come, just..."

Chu Boqing had become accustomed to Gu Jue's temper, but his attitude made Jiang Duo very embarrassed.

"Why don't you go to Class 3 to find me, did I say to let you wait for me."

Gu Jue interrupted Chu Baiqing directly, completely forgetting that this was a library, and the voice was a little loud.

Gu Jue has this temper. If he gets angry, he won't care about the environment, place or people.

"Gu Jue, how can you talk to Bai Qing like this?" Jiang Duo couldn't listen anymore, and Gu Jue's attitude towards Chu Baiqing made him very uncomfortable.

It feels like I'm losing my temper with my girlfriend.

"What's the matter with you?" Gu Jue squinted to look at Jiang Duo, his tone very gloomy.

Anyone who knows him knows that this is a precursor to him.

Jiang Duo stood up with a bad expression on his face. Before he could say anything, Chu Baiqing grabbed his arm.

"Senior, sorry, I'm leaving now, I'll call you later."

Chu Baiqing didn't care about packing her schoolbag, and walked directly to Gu Jue. Before he could shake his fist, he had to get rid of him.

He knew Gu Jue's temperament too well. If he started, he wouldn't give up unless Jiang Duo was put in the hospital.

"Let go!" Gu Jue watched Chu Baiqing want to pull herself away, and commanded in an unhappy tone that he was protecting Jiang Duo.

Chu Baiqing held Gu Jue's arm awkwardly, he just wanted to take him out of the library.

His attitude towards Jiang Duo just now made him very uncomfortable.

Jiang Duo is his friend, how could Gu Jue rush to him like this.

Many students are secretly looking here. Everyone knows Gu Jue's name and Jiang Duo is also a man of the campus. In such a scene, everyone is guessing what happened.

"If you are because I am not waiting for you, just send it to me if there is a fire!" Chu Baiqing lowered his voice and said to Gu Jue.

"Fart at you, I will find him today."

Gu Jue pushed him a bit with great strength, and Chu Baiqing staggered when he was pushed.

He almost fell, but Jiang Duo helped him a bit so that he wouldn't knock to the corner of the table.

"Is it okay?" Jiang Duo asked eagerly. The moment he shrugged it was likely to reach his arm.

"It's okay, thank you senior."

Chu Baiqing restrained his anger. It was not that he had no temper, but he just didn't want to lose his temper.

However, Gu Jue was a little too unreasonable to make trouble today.

Gu Jue saw that Chu Baiqing almost knocked, and there was tension in his eyes. After pushing him, he regretted it. When he wanted to reach out, he was already supported by Jiang Duo.

"Take your hand off!" Gu Jue stepped forward and said to Jiang Duo.

After listening to Gu Jue's words, Chu Baiqing realized that Jiang Duo was still holding his waist.

Jiang Duo also let go of his hand in embarrassment, and he didn't know why it was so embarrassing today.

"Gu Jue, even if you are the boss of the Ninth Middle School, you can't be so arrogant."

According to Jiang Duo, he is also a man in the school, and he is still Gao Gujue in the first grade.

After being offended so repeatedly, I couldn't hold back my anger.

"It's horizontal, what can you do?"

Gu Jue rushed over to Jiang Duo and hit him in the face with a punch, so fast that Chu Baiqing had no time to stop it.

Jiang Duo was knocked to the ground with a punch by Gu Jue, looking a little embarrassed, enough to see how hard Gu Jue's punch was.

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