The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 832: Gu Qingxin——You two can't get tired of being together every day

Because of the severe pain, I had to get another painkiller.

The doctor gave Chu Baiqing another nutrient solution, and he fell asleep again.

Huo Zhongrao asked Gu Jue to go to bed, but he refused, and just sat there looking at Chu Baiqing.

Everyone knew about Gu Jue's stubbornness, so he followed him.

Chu Baiqing's injuries were not serious, they were all bruises. After a week of raising her, she didn't feel that pain anymore.

However, because the body is unwilling to fade away the scars, it looks quite serious.

Gu Jue has stayed here to take care of him these days.

Even Chu's father and Chu's mother looked distressed, because Gu Jue was so thin that he let him go home, but he refused.

Gu Jue's words have also become particularly rare, and the whole person is very dull.

Sometimes looking at the wounds on Chu Baiqing's face, her eyes stayed for a long time, and sometimes they became dull.

These days, it was Gu Jue rubbing Chu Baiqing's body. At first, Chu Baiqing was not used to it and was very awkward.

However, looking at Gu Jue doing these things like a okay person, he has nothing to be hypocritical.

But when Gu Jue wiped him down, he would still blush.

As soon as Gu Jue put on the underwear for Chu Baiqing, the door of the ward was opened.

Mother Chu walked in and saw Gu Jue lifting Chu Baiqing's pants.

Frozen there, then with a panic on his face, he walked in anxiously.

Looking at Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing, they opened their mouths and hesitated to say something.

Chu Baiqing looked at her mother, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

He knew his mother best. This expression made it clear that he had something to say, but he didn't know how to say it.

This is not right...

"Well, Gu Jue, you are so handsome, are there many girls chasing you, do you have a girlfriend?"

Mother Chu hesitated and asked again and again, her expression a little nervous.

"Ah... No, I don't like those girls, it's annoying!"

Gu Jue was asked for a moment, how could he remember to ask this question.

He is still in school! Besides, he is really annoying to those girls. There are a lot of chasing after him. He doesn't have any one of them. It bothers them to look at them.

It's better to see them as pleasing to Chu Baiqing.

"That...Is there no girlfriend in our family, Baiqing?"

Mother Chu's face was very bad, but she still asked with a smile, but the smile was very stiff.

"He certainly didn't. Apart from studying, he was with me all day!"

Gu Jue felt that today's Mother Chu was a bit strange, and the words she asked were inexplicable.

Chu Baiqing couldn't help but clenched his hand under the quilt. His mother would ask these words, which was obviously abnormal.

He started to sweat on his forehead, something must have happened, or he wouldn't be like this.

"Mom, why do you ask these things? What's wrong? We can't fall in love even when we go to school. If we want to talk, we have to go to college."

Chu Baiqing asked tentatively, feeling inexplicably uneasy.

"Yes, yes, if you want to talk, you can talk about a girlfriend when you go to college. You two can't get tired of being together every day, like Tan Song and Shen Congwen can be ruined."

Mother Chu let out a sigh of relief when she heard what Chu Baiqing said, and then she talked about Tan Song and Shen Congwen...

Chu Baiqing's brain exploded.

The matter of Tan Song and Shen Congwen has been discovered, has been discovered...

This fact makes Chu Baiqing unable to accept it, and being discovered means that what they have to endure is the spitting star that drowns people...

"What's the matter with them?" Gu Jue heard it inexplicably. Aren't Tan Song and Shen Congwen good buddies.

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