The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 939: Yi Gu Qingxin-can't bear it, you help me! (Three shifts)

There is no need for Gu Jue to say, Chu Baiqing already felt it, but Gu Jue said to him clearly, and accompanied by actions, let him feel it.

There was clearly an awkward atmosphere between the two.

"Bai Qing, if there is anything waiting for the eldest brother and them to leave, let's talk about it again?"

When she was in the cloakroom, Chu Baiqing saw her desire in Gu Jue's eyes.

He knew that they must have a good talk.

"Can't wait, Bai Qing, uncomfortable!"

Gu Jue was lying on Chu Baiqing's neck and panting heavily. At this time, his body was already tight to a certain degree, and it would burst open at any time.

"Big brother, they are all downstairs, you can bear it..."

The same man, Chu Baiqing naturally knew this time, and really couldn't bear it.

"I can't bear it, you help me!"

Gu Jue grabbed Chu Baiqing's hand and said a little coquettishly.

Time passed by, ten minutes later...

In the cloakroom, Gu Jue stood at the cabinet with a refreshing look, and picked a shirt for Chu Baiqing.

"Wearing this one, it can be covered!" Gu Jue walked into the bathroom, looked at Chu Baiqing who had been washing her hands with her head down, smiled and waved her panting shirt.

Chu Baiqing looked up at herself in the mirror. The collars of his furnishing clothes were very wide. On the exposed skin, several red marks could be clearly seen...

"Go downstairs in a while, you don't want to be like just now, the third brother is a delicate person, he can see..."

Chu Baiqing took the shirt chosen by Gu Jue and wanted to change it in the bathroom.

But Gu Jue grabbed his arm and said, "If you think I won't make trouble for a while, I'll change here!"

The man who was released was comfortable both physically and mentally, and Chu Baiqing was...he...

Chu Baiqing didn't want to delay any more time. The two of them had been up for more than 20 minutes, and it was really impossible to keep going.

Chu Baiqing took off his clothes with his back to Gu Jue. Before putting on his shirt, he was hugged by Gu Jue from behind.

"Bo Qing, can we just keep going like this? Don't think about anything, that's it!"

Holding Chu Baiqing tightly, Gu Jue felt extremely secure.

He didn't want to use his brain to think about things that he didn't understand.

He felt that after this layer of window paper was punctured, his heart was no longer depressed.

He can do whatever he wants to Chu Baiqing... no more restraint.

Chu Baiqing's heart was stunned, and he knew that Gu Jue would not be willing to face this problem.

He who is so unwilling to use his brain, how could he think about such complicated issues.

"I want to wear clothes, it's cold!" The most important thing now is to go downstairs without any delay.

Gu Jue reluctantly let go of Chu Baiqing, he is not a person who ignores it.

As Tong Baiqing said, the third brother's delicate mind can easily discover something.

And their current situation is really not suitable for being discovered.

He seemed to be able to understand why Feng Xi was so afraid that his liking for men would be known to his eldest brother and third brother.

Because it will be troublesome...

"By the way, Feng Xi likes men and he is raising him at home now!"

I had never told Chu Baiqing about this before.

He didn't think there was much to say, but now, he wanted Chu Baiqing to know.

In fact, Gu Jue was quite contradictory. He felt that he was different from Feng Xi. Feng Xi liked men, and he liked being with Chu Baiqing.

Chu Baiqing paused with the buttoned hand. It turned out that Gu Jue also knew that Feng Xi liked men.

Then how much of him was doing this to himself because of Feng Xi's influence?

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