The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 955: A Gu Qing's heart-bear the pain (one more)

Looking at his arm again, a neat circle of teeth marks has been bitten and the skin has been oozing slightly.

Looking at Chu Baiqing's red lips, Gu Jue narrowed his eyes and kissed him, but when he touched Chu Baiqing's lips, he suddenly thought of something.

"If you dare to bite me again, I will pull out your teeth!"

Seeing the blood bead oozing out of his arm, Gu Jue warned Chu Baiqing.

This biting problem has been there since childhood. He tickles him, and Chu Baiqing will bite him if he is anxious.

He looked weak, but his temper and **** teeth were the hard thing about him.

Chu Baiqing was pinched under her jaw, Gu Jue's strength was relatively strong, and Chu Baiqing was pinched.

He couldn't speak, but his eyes were telling Gu Jue that as long as he dared to kiss himself, he would definitely bite him.

To be honest, Gu Jue was not afraid of pain, but he didn't want to be bitten when he was enjoying it.

The feeling is like, you are going to laugh at anything special, and you are so close to the door, and then, you are cut off from your life, and the bone-eroding pleasure has faded, and you will feel pain. Attacked.

"You dare to bite me, I'm right on your neck, and there are marks on your face. I see how you go out to meet your girlfriend!"

Gu Jue likes to look at Chu Baiqing the most, the angry and helpless look.

Chu Baiqing has a thin face and cares about the eyes of others, so naturally he cannot allow such things to happen to him.

And he also believed that Gu Jue did it completely.

No longer staring at Chu Baiqing with big eyes, Gu Jue couldn't bear it anymore and severely suppressed Chu Baiqing's legs and kissed him on his lips.

It has been a long time since I kissed Chu Baiqing, so this long-lost kiss was eager and warm.

With the ferocity that swept everything, he drove straight in, vowing to disturb every inch of Chu Baiqing's mouth.

The rough palm eagerly passed through every inch of tightness, carrying a flame, burning all the way.

Chu Baiqing was forced to endure, repressed... resisted...

However, they all seemed useless, because his body gradually betrayed him under this fierce and fierce offensive.

The unfamiliar feeling hit, Chu Baiqing's remaining sane told him to stop Gu Jue...

When the leg was erected, Chu Baiqing felt a slight chill, with pain...

Then it was Gu Jue's impatience voice, "Relax..."

Chu Baiqing has never heard Gu Jue make such a voice, so tight, unbearable, and so excited...

Chu Baiqing lost her eyes, looking at Gu Jue's side face lying on him.

Full of wild sexiness, this is Gu Jue, the Sir Alex that everyone in Yuncheng fears...

Be fierce, leave no room...

When the pain deepened, Chu Baiqing gritted his teeth and opened his mouth, "It hurts, stop!"

Chu Baiqing knew that it was his fingers that hurt him, Gu Jue's...

The pain he had lost his strength, it was real pain, and besides the pain, it was an unbearable humiliation.


Gu Jue knew that Chu Baiqing was afraid of pain, and even a bit of pain would be multiplied ten times by him.

Chu Baiqing hurts, and Gu Jue is not much better. He feels like he was put in an iron bucket, then sealed, and thrown into the fire, so as not to explode...

"It hurts... I said it hurts..."

Chu Baiqing bit her lips fiercely, and when Gu Jue kissed him, he tasted blood.

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