The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 967: A Gu Qingxin——Gu Jue, enough, stop making trouble (three shifts)

Since when he started, he himself can't remember.

Perhaps it was that when he was nine years old, he pushed Chu Baiqing into the swimming pool, and he didn't know that Chu Baiqing could not swim.

When Chu Baiqing sank to the bottom in a few ordinary strokes, Gu Xiaobawang, fearless and fearless, panicked for the first time.

Puffed and jumped into the swimming pool, pulling Chu Baiqing up.

Looking at his pale face, Gu Jue shed tears in front of Chu Baiqing for the first time, and said to him, "I'm sorry..."

Perhaps from that time, there was an accident in Gu Jue's life, a person whom he valued very much, so he paid attention to his heart for more than 20 years...

Chu Baiqing couldn't push Gu Jue away at all. He could taste the **** taste in his mouth, and couldn't tell whether it was his own or Gu Jue's...

When Gu Jue bit him, Chu Baiqing also bit back unceremoniously.

With such a fierce coming and going, blood flowed down the corners of their mouths in an instant.

Gu Jue is the kind of person who gets more excited and more fierce. If Chu Baiqing follows him, he will feel sorry for him.

Even when he was angry and irritated, he still had the remaining sanity, and he couldn't hurt Chu Baiqing, because he would feel distressed.

However, the more Chu Baiqing resisted him so fiercely, the more excited he wanted to conquer Chu Baiqing.

Completely let him limp in his arms...

Thinking of this, Gu Jue became a little excited and out of control, his thoughts were even so excited that he wanted to completely occupy Chu Baiqing...

Complete possession, no longer stop all actions just because he says it hurts and feels distressed...

I would rather burn myself to death, burst myself, than hurt him...

Gu Jue pulled Chu Baiqing by the collar and threw him onto the bed.

Chu Baiqing only ate a little for breakfast, but didn't eat lunch or dinner. When Gu Jue was thrown onto the bed with such a force, he felt that his eyes were lost.

The whole person was dizzy, trying to lift his knees to push Gu Jue down on him, but he was completely imprisoned and unable to move.

Chu Baiqing was wearing a shirt, and Gu Jue ripped it open fiercely. With great force, the buttons broke apart and hit the floor with a slight noise.

Gu Jue’s lips followed Chu Baiqing’s neck all the way down, chewing and biting...

Teeth left scarlet marks on Chu Baiqing's delicate and white skin.

Because Chu Baiqing's skin is very fair and sensitive.

Sometimes after sleeping in a position for a long time, obvious red marks will appear on the pressed skin, and they will not fade for a long time.

What's more, it's such a bite like this...

Chu Baiqing grabbed Gu Jue's hair, with the same strength, "Su Qingran is my girlfriend, and her affairs are related to me!"

"Gu Jue, that's enough, stop making trouble!" Chu Baiqing's voice was weak and soft, because almost all the sensitive spots on her body were ignited by Gu Jue...

The pain from the scalp made Gu Jue suddenly raised his head, his mouth was bitten by Chu Baiqing, and the blood was on his lips...

At this time, Gu Jue looked abnormally wild and enchanting. He licked the corner of his lips, "Where is enough? Just the beginning."

Chu Baiqing is not much better. Unlike Gu Jue, his lower lip is torn tightly, but his upper lip is also torn.

He has white skin, which will be accompanied by redness, which makes his morbid beauty even more prominent.

An evil smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. The smile was coquettish and wicked, "Girlfriend? Go to your girlfriend."

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