The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 1022: Descendants of Taiyi God Needle

Ouyang Feifei did not answer, but said meaningfully: "He has just entered office, and it is impossible to participate in official activities immediately. Also, even if officials attend the annual meeting of Chinese medicine, it is only a deputy in charge of science, education, culture and health. Normally, the principal position is not. Will appear."

"Okay," Luo Ziling didn't ask much.

"Today I attended the annual meeting with you, and did not disclose my identity, so you treat me as your companion."

"What kind of companion?" Luo Ziling squinted at Ouyang Feifei, "When you signed up for me, what was my unit?"

"Descendants of a family of Chinese medicine."

"Oh?!" Luo Ziling was a little surprised, and asked again: "Then you are attending the meeting today, are you my senior sister or junior sister?"

"It's up to you," Ouyang Feifei replied faintly, without saying much.

After breakfast, Luo Ziling and Ouyang Feifei went to the venue of the Annual Meeting of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Three women, Li Jing, Wang Qing and Luo Yuqing, participated in the audit as representatives of relevant pharmaceutical companies.

They are sitting in another direction, with many corporate representatives who come to join the fun in the pharmaceutical industry.

When medical-related annual meetings are underway, a large number of medical representatives will come to join in the fun. This is already a thing of habit.

Although Luo Ziling and Ouyang Feifei are just their usual dresses, their faces are too long and they have good temperaments, so they were noticed by everyone as soon as they entered the stadium.

Except for the older people who just looked at them and then turned their eyes away, others glanced over from time to time.

Some people are still whispering about, wondering who this handsome man and beautiful woman are.

Most people attending the annual meeting of Chinese medicine are older men and women, but this does not hinder their gossip heart.

Luo Ziling and Ouyang Feifei should be the youngest members to participate in the annual meeting apart from those medical representatives. This is why they have attracted much attention.

This annual meeting of Chinese medicine is sponsored by the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and organized by the Guangdong Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission.

The annual meeting of Chinese medicine is held once a year, and the venue is rotated across the country. Those who are eligible to participate in the annual meeting are leaders in traditional medicine.

Therefore, when young people like Luo Ziling and Ouyang Feifei can attend the annual meeting, they are not medical representatives at first sight, and everyone is surprised.

Luo Ziling and Ouyang Feifei didn't pay attention to the strange gazes of other participants. They sat quietly and looked through the materials that were distributed.

But Luo Ziling watched it for a while, but didn't want to read it because the annual meeting information was too boring.

Many of them use the contents of "Huangdi Neijing" and "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" in large sections, and there is even a member's work discussing "Tangtou Gejue". In Luo Ziling's eyes, these contents are not new and can not be interesting at all. Look.

Ouyang Feifei naturally didn't have the interest to look at these things. Seeing that Luo Ziling was not very interested, she moved her head close and talked to him.

"After a while, the host will introduce you and ask you to speak up. You have to prepare."

"Why didn't you tell me yesterday that today's meeting is about to start, so you told me?" Luo Ziling frowned and asked Ouyang Feifei, "Are you trying to make me fool?"

"This is what Wang Qing told me just now," Ouyang Feifei pushed her mobile phone in front of Luo Ziling, "They also made a temporary decision."

Luo Ziling glanced at the information in Ouyang Feifei's phone, and said nothing.

At nine o'clock, the annual meeting officially began.

On the stage sat a bunch of leaders attending the meeting, including a deputy director of the Chinese Medicine Administration, a deputy director of the Health and Family Planning Commission, senior officials in charge of science, education, culture, and health in Guangdong Province, the Health Family Planning Commission, and the management department of traditional Chinese medicine. He is a deputy mayor of Yangcheng, and a number of officials in the health accounting system.

The quality of this annual meeting of Chinese medicine is still quite high, so many senior officials can actually be invited to the meeting. There are several deputy ministerial-level officials. It is not that these people are very powerful. Their ability to participate in the meeting shows that the annual meeting is of high grade and very important. This surprised Luo Ziling a bit.

Luo Ziling had no interest in understanding these officials, and Ouyang Feifei also listened indifferently.

Just like the last meeting, today Ouyang Feifei came to the meeting to accompany Luo Ziling, otherwise she was not interested in coming here to waste time.

After introducing the leaders, I started to introduce some heavyweight guests.

The chair of today's meeting is the director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Guangdong Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, an old woman in her 50s.

This woman is still quite scholarly, and it is said that her research on Chinese medicine is also good.

Finally, Luo Ziling heard a few familiar names.

There are famous Chinese pharmacy expert Guo Chuncheng, famous integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine therapy Wu Sanming, Dong Changqing, the heir of Dong's acupuncture method, Wang Xuyun, the heir of Guimen 13 needles, Cheng Bushi, the heir of Sancai acupuncture, and He Yan, the heir of fire needles. Luo Liansheng has said that the master of Chinese medicine.

These people are all older, and the youngest one should be in their 50s.

When the host stood up to pay his respects after the introduction, Luo Ziling had been paying attention to them because these people were the people he wanted to make friends with.

To his surprise, Gu Jian'an, who had competed with him on acupuncture last time, did not show up, and his grandson Gu Changwei did not attend the meeting.

"Luo Ziling, the descendant of Taiyi Shenzhen, the grandson of teacher Luo Liansheng, a master of traditional medicine." Suddenly, Luo Ziling heard the host say his name.

After a daze, he didn't react at all, so he didn't get up to pay his respects.

"Who is Teacher Luo Zi Lingluo?" Seeing that no one stood up, the host immediately read his name again at UU reading

The audience was silent, and many people scanned the hall, wanting to see what kind of character Luo Ziling, known as the inheritor of traditional medicine, was.

Ouyang Feifei quickly pushed Luo Ziling, and Luo Ziling reacted. Shi Shiran stood up and greeted the audience.

It doesn't matter if Luo Ziling doesn't stand up, the whole audience is in an uproar when he stands up.

The medical masters or descendants introduced by the host just now are all very old people. No one would have thought that the descendant of the Taiyi Divine Needle mentioned by the host was such a young person.

Taiyi Shenzhen was first recorded in "Supplements to Materia Medica" by Sun Simiao in the Tang Dynasty. Han Yifeng in the Qing Dynasty wrote a monograph. Famous medical experts Fan Yuchuan and Zhou Yuhe compiled the book "Taiyi Shenzhen". Taiyi Shen acupuncture method is widely used, but with the loss of the original work, its elite acupuncture method is not known. Many acupuncture methods, including fire method, Guimen 13 needles, and Sancai needle methods, are created based on the Taiyi Shen Needle, but no one dares to say that they are descendants of the Taiyi Shen Needle. As a result, the host introduced Luo Ziling in this way, and Luo Ziling was a very young teenager, which naturally made many people stunned.


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