The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 1063: why

..Urban Junior Doctor

Seeing Luo Ziling looking at her in surprise, Lin Lan's pretty face became even more red.

"What to look at, look at and dig out your eyeballs." Lin Lan threatened viciously, and raised her fist.

"I finally feel that you are a woman," Luo Ziling smiled happily.

"I was originally a woman."

"You didn't think of yourself as a woman before!"

Lin Lan didn't say anything, but looked at Luo Ziling bitterly.

Luo Ziling was a little horrified by Lin Lan. Fortunately, the waiter knocked on the door and asked them what to order.

Lin Lan also held back the strange look, did not ask Luo Ziling's idea, and ordered a few dishes on her own terms.

Luo Ziling also had no objection, Ren Linlan played a petty temper.

Among so many women I know, Luo Ziling always feels very special to Lin Lan.

Mainly, there are too many first times between the two.

Apart from Ouyang Feifei, Lin Lan is the girl that Luo Ziling had the most contact with before leaving the small mountain village and had the longest time with each other. Although Ouyang Feifei stayed with him longer, it was when she was a child, and her feelings and memories were much worse.

Even if there is no awkward contact between him and Lin Lan, he must have a special feeling for her.

Not to mention, there are still many unclear feelings between the two.

He likes Lin Lan, which Luo Ziling does not deny, but this like is not exactly the same as that of Yang Qingyin.

Apart from the attraction between men and women with Lin Lan, there is also the feeling of true friends.

He believes in Lin Lan, and he thinks that Lin Lan also believes in him, the kind of relationship that can take care of each other.

He felt that even if he married another woman in the future, he could still maintain this relationship with Lin Lan.

But it is certainly impossible to maintain this relationship with Yang Qingyin --- if he marries another woman.

He believes that Lin Lan likes him too. He has never denied this. He felt this way when the two met again.

Lin Lan's personality is different from Yang Qingyin, Ouyang Feifei, Chen Xiaoyi and other women, and it can be said to be different from most women. But Luo Ziling doesn't hate her character.

In general, his perception of Lin Lan is different from that of most people, and this is also an important reason why he travels all the way to see Lin Lan.

Lin Lan has undergone such changes now, he thinks this woman is even more lovely.

When Luo Ziling came to see her, Lin Lan was of course very happy, a feeling of happiness.

Therefore, after she saw Luo Ziling, she was also willing to hug him in public, as well as verbal intimacy.

In the process of driving away with Luo Ziling and eating in a small restaurant, she was rarely silent, and she had been communicating with Luo Ziling almost all the time. This was completely unimaginable in the past.

Because of his career, Lin Lan hates to communicate with people and talks to people, always being brief and terrifying.

Now, when she interacts with other people, it is still like this, but when she is alone with Luo Ziling, she becomes talkative and even petty. In front of other people, she didn't think she was a woman, but in front of Luo Ziling, she wanted to make herself a woman.

Lin Lan didn't think much about what this change meant, or she didn't want to think too much.

There are some things that you can't have openly, just taste the taste secretly---this is Lin Lan's mind.

After lunch, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Lan asked Luo Ziling if he wanted to find a place to live or go to the nursing home where they lived first.

"Let's help you first, and Senior Li Haiyang to check your physical condition." Luo Ziling thought for a while and said, "If I come to Shanya, I don't want to visit your chief first.

Lin Lan did not object, and drove Luo Ziling to their nursing home.

This is a sanatorium located near the seaside military port. The environment is very beautiful and the location is also very good. It can be said that none of the hotels in Shanya Beach can compare with the sanatorium in terms of location and environment.

"I saw the sea for the first time," Luo Ziling opened the window of the car while Lin Lan was driving along the seaside boulevard and looked outside, "It seems to be different from what I had imagined. It doesn't seem to smell so good. ."

"Today, the waves are relatively big and the sea is slightly muddy. If the wind is not strong, the sea is clear, the sea will be more beautiful," said Lin Lan, turning his head to look at Luo Ziling, "Do you want me to teach you swimming?"

"You promised me!"

"Aren't you afraid of me making fun of you?"

"You are a good person, you won't tease me!"

"..." Lin Lan rolled her eyes.

The car was stopped at the entrance of the nursing home. The guards checked Lin Lan's ID and then looked at Luo Ziling's ID card before letting go.

"I'm used to it," Luo Ziling said with a smile when he took back his ID card: "Every time you go in and out of this kind of place with you, you will be subject to strict checks."

"Get used to it!"

"I am also a little used to your changes." Luo Ziling said meaningfully, "I hope you still have changes."

"What do you want me to become?"

"It's becoming more and more feminine!"

Lin Lan looked at Luo Ziling disdainfully, "I won't become what you think, and I won't become like that."

"Why not try?"

"Unless I really retire!"

"It's okay to retire. You can never stay in Longteng for a lifetime." Luo Ziling looked at Luo Ziling strangely, "You must leave."

Lin Lan stopped the car and looked at Luo Ziling seriously: "What if I die?"

"I will cry!"

Lin Lan looked at Luo Ziling deeply, without saying anything.

When Lin Lan came to the small courtyard where Li Haiyang lived, Luo Ziling saw Li Haiyang walking slowly alone, with two trembling little nurses standing beside him. They were afraid that Li Haiyang would fall, but they didn't dare to help, so they could only stand aside.

Seeing Luo Ziling coming over, Li Haiyang laughed loudly: "Ziling, look at me, you can already walk."

Luo Ziling hurried over, stretched out his hand to support Li Haiyang, and said with a smile: "Senior, I am walking well. I practice a little more every day and my ability to walk alone will definitely get better and better."

When the two special nurses wanted to help Li Haiyang, Li Haiyang threw their hands away and severely reprimanded them, but when Luo Ziling went to help Li Haiyang, Li Haiyang was not angry. While supporting Li Haiyang, Luo Ziling corrected his walking posture.

After walking a few Li Haiyang stopped and asked Luo Ziling and Lin Lan to help him back to the house. He wanted to talk to Luo Ziling first.

Luo Ziling also promised Li Haiyang to check his body and do some treatment for him.

After the treatment is over, try walking again to see if the situation is better.

Li Haiyang did not object either.

After returning to the room and sitting down, Li Haiyang pulled Lin Lan out, and he wanted to speak to Luo Ziling alone.

"I heard that your father is going to be transferred to Sichuan?" After Lin Lan left, Li Haiyang directly asked Luo Ziling about the matter.

"I heard my grandfather talk about it." Luo Ziling did not deny it.

"Try not to let him go to Sichuan," Li Haiyang said solemnly: "If your father goes to Sichuan and takes a job in the western Z district, maybe the way back to Yanjing will be cut off."

"Why?" Luo Ziling was very surprised.


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