The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 109: You deserve our admiration

When Luo Ziling asked this suddenly, Lin Lan, who was standing on the side preparing to wait, was startled, and quickly glared, but Luo Ziling ignored him. He wanted to make things clear about the past, so after seeing the old man treated him kindly, he couldn't help but ask curiously.

Now that he asked, he really expected the old man to answer. How could he be frightened by Lin Lan's stare?

The old man also froze for a moment, but he did not expect Luo Ziling to ask this question.

"I don't know either." Finally, the old man shook his head after hesitating slightly, "Actually, my grandfather and I have only seen each other a few times, but we hit it off. Later, I couldn't find him."

In fact, the old man knew the details and was one of the experiencers of the matter, but he would definitely not tell Luo Ziling the matter at this time. This kind of thing is not something he can tell, nor is it something Luo Ziling can know now, he can only deal with it vaguely.

Luo Ziling did not see anything unusual in the old man's expression, and finally believed the old man's words just now. He couldn't help being a little discouraged and sighed secretly.

The old man also knew that he was a bit uncomfortable talking about Luo Liansheng these days, and immediately changed the subject: "I slept well last night, I have never slept so securely in these years."

"Senior, you look much better than yesterday. I think if you continue to treat, the result may be better than we expected!"

"I hope you can surprise me," the old man laughed loudly. After a while, he stopped for an instant. "If you can cure my illness, I will have a good reward."

After a pause, the old man said again: "You saved Lin Lan's life and healed my injury. No matter who in Long Tengzhong will be grateful to you."

"Senior, I don't know what kind of organization Longteng is." Luo Ziling smiled a little embarrassedly, and glanced at Lin Lan. After seeing that she had no special reaction, he continued: "Actually, I don't I know what her identity is. When I rescued her, I looked at the national flag pattern on her clothes and guessed that she was a soldier, otherwise she might not dare to save her."

"Without you, she would be dead; without your excellent medical skills, even if she could recover a life, she wouldn't be able to recover to the way she is now," the old man looked at Lin Lan with a twisted face, and then looked at Luo Ziling said with a smile: "However, we can't tell you some things, involving military secrets, so I hope you can understand."

"Well, I won't ask," Luo Ziling had to suppress the curiosity in his heart and prepare to start today's treatment.

After starting the treatment, Luo Ziling completely entered the role of a doctor without any distraction.

Especially when it comes to needles, there is no carelessness.

Luo Ziling also felt a little change in the old man's body during the needle sticking, that is, when the needle was stuck into the acupuncture point, the old man's muscle reaction was a little stronger.

The change in the reaction is almost invisible to the naked eye, but can only be felt through physical contact.

Although this may be a physical stress response, Luo Ziling still believes that this is a manifestation of the effect.

After the acupuncture treatment, Luo Ziling gave the old man another pinch.

During the pressing, he further kneaded the body's internal strength, so that the effect of the pressing is better, but the physical strength is more consumed. At the end of the squeeze for the old man, Luo Ziling had already consumed most of his physical strength, and his sweat was almost soaking his clothes.

At the end of the treatment and standing up, Luo Ziling's legs softened and he almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Lin Lan had quick eyes and quick hands, reaching out and grabbing him.

"Thank you," Luo Ziling firmly grasped Lin Lan's arm, and sincerely thanked him.

But while thanking him, when Lin Lan's face twitched, Luo Ziling quickly put it in his hand.

He knew that Lin Lan must have been involved in the wound, otherwise there would be no such reaction.

Stopped Lin Lan's help at the moment, let her stand aside and stop helping to pack things.

Luo Ziling commanded the two escorts, and after packing up with him, put his own things into the bag, then greeted Lin Lan and went out together.

"Did you get a wound just now?" Luo Ziling asked Lin Lan in a low voice after walking out of the small building where the old man lived.

Lin Lan glanced at him, and finally nodded.

Luo Ziling hesitated, and finally said softly: "I'll take a look for you later."

Lin Lan didn't respond, just stepped to lead the way.

When he left the building, Luo Ziling saw the black and white guys who stopped him yesterday.

Seeing these two guys who had fought wildly with him, Luo Ziling's relaxed body immediately tightened again, and his steps stopped.

If they still want to do it today, he can only give in, because he was already physically exhausted just now.

However, the two guys didn't rush to do anything. They just nodded slightly to him, and then stepped forward and asked Lin Lan, "How?"

"It's okay!" Lin Lan shook her head, then whispered: "The treatment is quite effective."

Seeing them shook their heads and nodded, Luo Ziling couldn't figure out what was going on.

"You deserve our respect," the black Falcon stretched out his hand to Luo Ziling, "We admire you."

Luo Ziling looked at each other warily, but in the end he stretched out his hand and slapped Falcon will I ask you again?" Shanying smiled slightly at Luo Ziling. Without saying anything, he turned around and left.

When these two powerful guys left, Luo Ziling breathed a sigh of relief, and his tight body also relaxed.

Lin Lan looked back at Luo Ziling, her eyes were a little weird, but she didn't speak.

The two walked to the room where Lin Lan was staying in silence. After taking off their shoes, Luo Ziling followed Lin Lan into the bedroom.

"Or, let me see the recovery of your wound first!" After entering the room, Luo Ziling offered to offer: "I think it's better to wait a few days for treatment for the other scars. Otherwise, it will treat you. The body is hurt because you won’t take care of it. If you are injured, you must take care of it to recover as soon as possible. If you don’t take care of it, there will be sequelae, you know?"

These words made Lin Lan stunned for a while, and immediately felt a little moved, and finally nodded, indicating that he accepted Luo Ziling's suggestion.

Without saying much, she turned her back and began to untie her leather jacket.

Luo Ziling did not stare at Lin Lan's back, but took the opportunity to put down the bag on his shoulder, and when Lin Lan unwrapped the bra, he took some equipment and medicine necessary for treatment from the bag.

Lin Lan took off her clothes and unbuttoned her bra. When she held her chest with her hands, Luo Ziling was still holding things with her head down.

"The wound has healed much better than I thought. It was just a pain that I felt just now because of the hard work," Lin Lan said, releasing her palm from her chest.

Of course, there is also a bright red scar, which makes people feel shocking.

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