The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 1146: Goodbye Lin Lan

After the car stopped, Luo Xusheng got out of the car first, and Luo Ziling got out of the car behind him. Tasting book

After Yang Xiaodong got out of the car, he walked quickly to Luo Xusheng's side.

After the two sides saluted each other, Fenghuang extended his hand to Luo Xusheng: "Comrade Xue Leopard, welcome to Longteng!"

"It's nice to see you again." Luo Xusheng stretched out his hand, shook hands with Phoenix politely, and shook hands with Lin Lan and Falcon.

When shaking hands with Lin Lan, he deliberately took a few more glances, making Lin Lan a little embarrassed.

Luo Ziling couldn't think that his father's nickname was "Snow Leopard", and he couldn't help but feel happy.

These special soldiers like to use the names of wild beasts or other animals to name themselves.

Could it be that they also have animalism in their bones?

Yang Xiaodong also shook hands with Fenghuang, Lin Lan, and Falcon.

Luo Ziling avoided when they saluted each other.

He is not a real soldier now, he is just a non-staff member of Longteng, he has no military status and is not qualified to salute the military.

After they thought of saluting and shaking hands, they moved forward.

"He forced me to bring him to see your chief." Luo Ziling was afraid that Phoenix and Lin Lan would blame him, so he explained in front of everyone, and then asked: "Can I see your chief now?"

"Please," Fenghuang made a gesture. He put his two long legs in high-bang boots together, then turned left in a standard way and strode towards the small building where Li Haiyang lived. Lin Lan and Falcon Horse followed.

Luo Xusheng also followed. Yang Xiaodong didn't hide in the car like before, but followed Luo Xusheng in an upright manner.

Today, he is Luo Xusheng's follower, not Luo Ziling's follower. He has a different identity and a different aura.

Luo Ziling wanted to follow Lin Lan, but Lin Lan ignored him, followed Fenghuang and strode forward.

He is a little bit angry, but he also knows that Lin Lan's temperament is like this, it has always been like this.

What changed was his mind, nothing else changed. He originally thought that Lin Lan would express something special when he saw him.

When a group of six people walked near the small building where Li Haiyang lived, Phoenix slowed down and his pace was lighter. It was not sonorous at the beginning, as did Lin Lan and Falcon.

Only Luo Xusheng's footsteps are still as heavy as before, which makes people sound like a challenge.

After walking to the door of Li Haiyang's bedroom, Phoenix motioned to other people to wait outside, and she told them first.

Before anyone else responded, Phoenix reached out and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Li Haiyang's angry voice came from the room.

Phoenix pushed the door in, and closed it smoothly.

Soon, she walked out from inside and motioned for Luo Xusheng and Luo Ziling to enter.

Luo Xusheng nodded, and walked over with solid steps, Luo Ziling followed, and Phoenix followed.

After Luo Ziling walked in, he saw Li Haiyang leaning on the wall, where he was a toddler, and he didn't stop when he saw them coming in.

"Snow Leopard, sit down," Li Haiyang glanced at Luo Xusheng and greeted him briefly, and Ma said to Luo Ziling: "Ziling, look, am I making a lot of progress?"

"Senior, I've walked more steadily a few days ago," Luo Ziling walked over with a smile, and stood next to Li Haiyang, "After the weather turns warmer, it should recover faster."

"Let you auspicious words," Li Haiyang laughed again, and then said to Luo Xusheng mockingly: "Oh, the feeling of a tiger falling in the Pingyang, I wanted to compete with you and your father before, and now I can live like a normal person. It's all a luxury."

"The chief will be able to recover health," Luo Xusheng muttered, and then instructed Luo Ziling: "You must do your best to treat the chief, understand?"

Luo Ziling was a little unconvinced after hearing this.

It's like saying that he didn't try his best to treat Li Haiyang before.

But knowing that this was just Luo Xusheng's polite remark, in the end he didn't say anything, and nodded obediently.

"Your news is pretty good. I just returned to the base. You are here." Li Haiyang slowly walked back to his seat without asking Luo Ziling to help him. After spending at least two minutes walking back to his seat and sitting down, he stared at him. Turning to Luo Xusheng, "I know you will come to me."

"Thank you, the chief, for your care for Ziling during this time." Luo Xusheng sincerely thanked him.

"I should thank him, he gave me a second life," Li Haiyang smiled heartily, "Your son's medical skills must surpass you? I think, in many ways, your father is inferior to him. . This young man is outstanding."

"Thank you predecessor for the compliment!" Luo Ziling thanked him happily, but Luo Xusheng gave him a dissatisfied stare.

Luo Xusheng still spoke very politely self-effacing, and by the way he belittled Luo Ziling a few words: "My father loves him very much and he is not willing to scold him. He has been a bit wild in these years and often does some headaches. Fortunately, you care about him. His people help, otherwise I really don’t know what will happen."

"As far as I see, he was good when you were young, so you can do things simply." Facing the father and son, Li Haiyang prefers Luo Ziling, and he also appreciates Luo Ziling, so he did not spare his praise.

As a result, Luo Xusheng was no longer humble, and looked at Luo Ziling's eyes with more appreciation.

After chatting for a while, Li Haiyang asked Luo Ziling to talk to Fenghuang and Lin Lan. He first talked to Luo Xusheng.

"Then you guys talk first, I'll go out for a stroll, and then I will check for the seniors later to see how to treat them next." Luo Ziling said, making a salute to Li Haiyang and Luo Xusheng, and strode out of the room.

When I walked out of Li Haiyang's room, I saw that the Phoenix and the Falcon were gone. Lin Lan was the only one guarding the door.

This surprised Luo Ziling and couldn't help but look around, but still did not see the other two people.

"Where are they?" He couldn't help asking.

"I'm going to do something," Lin Lan replied a little bit irritably, and then ignored Luo Ziling.

"How is your body recovering?" Although it was a bit embarrassing to meet Lin Lan, seeing that several of the protagonists of colorful dreams belonged to Lin Lan during this period, Luo Ziling did not face each other coldly.

"It's okay!" Lin Lan glared at Luo Ziling, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, as if she was angry.

"Let's go, I'll check it for you," Lin Lan gave Luo Ziling the courage to go to your room with this little anger. "

"Don't go!" Lin Lan refused.

"Do you want to eavesdrop on what they are saying?" Luo Ziling walked to Lin Lan and looked at her with a smile but a smile. "It's a rare visit today. Let me see it for you. If you need treatment, I will bring you tools next time. Treatment. You are my patient and I am responsible for your health."

Lin Lan snorted, but finally did not refuse Luo Ziling's words, turned around and strode away.

After Lin Lan walked into her room, Luo Ziling's heartbeat accelerated a little.

He didn't know why, he felt that if he was alone with Lin Lan today, something special would definitely happen.

He actually felt a little expectant.


(End of this chapter) *bq5*


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