The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 1246: 1 great joy in life

When Luo Ziling and Ouyang Feifei were strolling in the yard, Ouyang Huihui also came back.

Seeing Luo Ziling and Ouyang Feifei strolling in the yard, Ouyang Huihui ran over immediately.

"Sister, Ziling, you are here early," Ouyang Huihui greeted politely, and then joked, "It's such a cold day, you don't stay in the house, and you still play romance outside the house, don't be afraid of the cold what?"

"It's not cold," Luo Ziling replied coldly.

"Of course you don't feel cold," Ouyang Huihui was very dissatisfied with Luo Ziling's attitude towards her, and immediately informed her sister of what had happened in the morning.

"I walked around Weiming Lake with the beautiful woman in the morning, and walked in the garden with my sister in the afternoon. It's not superficial to have someone gorgeous." After telling the story, Ouyang Huihui looked at Luo Ziling sarcastically, "I have passed by among the flowers, and there are no leaves. Touching!"

"Yes, do you have any opinions?" Luo Ziling was still irritated, "If you have any opinions, then go around!"

"You..." Ouyang Huihui couldn't think that Luo Ziling would say this to her in front of Ouyang Feifei, and she was suddenly speechless.

"Go in and meet Grandpa Luo and Aunt Ling," Ouyang Feifei said, "Go back to the house and change clothes. I will have dinner later."

"Okay!" When Ouyang Feifei faced each other coldly, Ouyang Huihui was still a little trembling.

The main reason is that Ouyang Feifei has completely overwhelmed her in terms of aura over the past few years. When facing Ouyang Feifei, Ouyang Huihui could hardly produce a sense of resistance. Especially after the last incident, Ouyang Huihui's self-confidence in front of Ouyang Feifei almost dropped to a freezing point.

If Ouyang Feifei blamed her severely, she might be rebellious, but Ouyang Feifei said nothing, which made Ouyang Huihui feel uneasy. Precisely because of her anxiety, Ouyang Huihui was weaker in front of Ouyang Feifei. Ouyang Feifei said more seriously, she was very nervous.

Seeing Ouyang Huihui walk away griefly, Ouyang Feifei looked at Luo Ziling with a weird look.

"Why, jealous?" Luo Ziling looked at Ouyang Feifei with a joking expression.

Ouyang Feifei ignored her and walked forward slowly.

"Unless you ask me, otherwise I won't say," Luo Ziling felt that molesting Ouyang Feifei has become a great joy in life.

Ouyang Feifei glanced at Luo Ziling a little angrily, and continued to move forward without asking.

Luo Ziling didn't go anymore. He ran a few steps and walked to a pavilion by the pool. No matter the chair was cold, he sat down directly, picked up a small rock and threw the koi swimming inside.

Seeing that Luo Ziling didn't go with her, Ouyang Feifei was taken aback for a moment, and finally returned and walked to Luo Ziling and stood there.

"How to arrange winter vacation?" Ouyang Feifei changed the subject.

She really wanted to know who Luo Ziling accompanies this morning to visit Weiming Lake.

Listening to Ouyang Huihui's tone, it was definitely not Yang Qingyin, but another beautiful woman.

In the past, Ouyang Feifei couldn't think of gossip about this kind of thing at all, but now, her mentality is completely different.

Seeing Luo Ziling being intimate with other women, even if seeing Ouyang Huihui like this, she felt uncomfortable.

But she didn't ask wisely, especially after Luo Ziling teased her a few words, she didn't even ask.

If you want to know who Luo Ziling will visit Weiming Lake with, Ouyang Huihui will definitely tell.

"My grandfather will go to Jiangnan in two days. I may also go and come back for the New Year." After answering Ouyang Feifei's question, Luo Ziling asked, "Do you have any arrangements?"

"During the New Year, I want to go outside for a holiday," Ouyang Feifei said after her plan, then asked Luo Ziling, "Are you interested in going?"

"You invited me?"

Ouyang Feifei nodded.

"Just the two of us?" Luo Ziling was a little surprised.

"If you want to take other people, it doesn't matter!" When answering this, Ouyang Feifei had the urge to kick Luo Ziling into the pool.

Is there such an annoying person?

"Aren't you afraid that I would strip you alive?" Luo Ziling said, his eyes fell on Ouyang Feifei's tall chest again.

Ouyang Feifei immediately turned sideways, her pretty face flushed, and she cursed bitterly, "Rogue!"

"Where are you going for vacation?"

"Maldives, Bali, or Australia, South America!"

"The lives of local tyrants are different," Luo Ziling looked envied, "the world's tourist destinations can be chosen at will."

As a result, Ouyang Feifei's eyes were rolled again.

"Let’s talk at that time, I don’t know if my mother has made arrangements." Luo Ziling shook his head and replied embarrassingly: "Perhaps, my mother also wants to take me on vacation. Or, just ask later. If she has this plan, then I will accompany her. Or, go together?"

Hearing Luo Ziling's suggestion, Ouyang Feifei's eyes lit up, but in the end he just nodded gently.

Luo Ziling just smiled and didn't say much.

At this time, Ouyang Feifei shuddered, and subconsciously reached out and hugged herself in front of her.

When he went out, Luo Ziling wore very warm clothes and put on the down jacket, but Ouyang Feifei was still just a professional suit for the office. Very thin, she can't stand the cold.

Upon seeing this, Luo Ziling immediately took off his down jacket and put it on Ouyang Feifei.

Ouyang Feifei did not refuse, Ren Luo Ziling put on her, feeling a little warm.

I was thinking of thanking him, but Luo Ziling didn't expect Luo Ziling to say a joke: "Don't get sick, or I will do more."

After Ouyang Feifei heard it, she had the urge to kick Luo Ziling down the pool again.

Unexpectedly, Luo Ziling said something more exaggerated: "Isn't it because you are wearing so thin on purpose?"

Seeing the playful look on Luo Ziling's face, Ouyang Feifei was really angry, and immediately took off the clothes Luo Ziling put on her, "Get it back!"

"Oh, the air is so small that you can't hold your face with a few jokes?" Luo Ziling put on Ouyang Feifei again, and stretched out a hand to squeeze her face, "In fact, I like to see you look angry, like a poker face. Much more vivid."

Ouyang Feifei raised her to kick Luo Ziling.

Luo Ziling avoided swiftly, and deliberately pinched Ouyang Feifei's waist.

Ouyang Feifei couldn't help but screamed, her body suddenly softened.

Luo Ziling stretched out his hand to hold it, and then said playfully, "Why, I just want to sit on the ground and play tricks? I used to be like this back then, but it's still the same when I grow up?"

With Luo Ziling's arms around her waist, still in the courtyard where many people can see, Ouyang Feifei blushed again and quickly struggled out.

However, Luo Ziling's jokes reminded her of the past.

When she was a child, during the months she spent with Luo Ziling, she did have a similar shame, and it was Luo Ziling who coaxed her to make her happy.

However, now this guy is unwilling to coax her.



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